

Death - the second basic date in human life; the birth and death define borders of existence of the person in time, behind their limits the person the person is not. The person comes from a life, bearing its relay race and leaves in a non-existence, withdraws a life, addressing in ashes; in this sense the death qualitatively differs from the first date - births (?).

The birth live a being (person) confirms, that till now it was possible to life to get out of all scrapes, and not to make fatal errors, leaving does not guarantee it remaining anything and does not allow to consider made in a life correct.

Degeneration - deterioration from generation to generation of adaptive properties of biological systems.

The declaration - the statement. As any statement is self-sufficient and self-settling. As a rule, declarations grow out of the compromise, that practically unequivocally defines their poor quality.

The declaration of human rights - (the General declaration of human rights, from December, 10th of the 1948g/United Nations) is a typical example of "custom-made article" and even demagogy, but against general oppression dominating in the World and lie is looked progressively enough and, possibly, some positive role has played; at the same time is the typical pseudo-correct decision occupying an ecological niche; we will try to understand, for example, its first article.

Article 1. All people are born free and equal in the advantage and the rights. They are allocated by reason and conscience and should arrive in the relation each other in the spirit of a brotherhood.

In the first offer the term is free is not defined. What is is free? It is impossible to be free in general (the spirit which freely rushed not clearly over what in general was free), it is possible to be free from something: from oppression, from money, from duties, from the rights, etc. People are born not free, but naked. They are born dependent on parents, illnesses, hunger, a society and practically helpless. Also it is the truth corresponding to a real state of affairs.

Further the term advantage is not defined, supposes any (plural) interpretation, but is emotionally advantageous that speaks about great, pure qualities. The concept advantage associates with the block "self-respect" which is inherent in the person as to the self-conscious subject, at the same time the self-respect grows out of action of culture, education and the concrete moment of action. Conditions of its realisation are so difficult what to bring it in the standard document it is represented suspicious. The real fact is that the person is born on a planet the Earth and can apply for the public (political) rights equal with others (but cleanliness and these rights is for the present very doubtful, that we can track on an example of the given declaration). Its internal and own qualities are not equal to qualities of other people and at everyone are individual and unique. It is possible, the truth to try to understand a phrase so, that supposedly means the identical valid relation to the person of each person from the party.... Not clearly that. We will assume, that from the state and the people as it is told in a declaration preamble, but respectfulness of the relation means and demands presence of will and qualities of two parties, but not one... Reasonings can be continued.

Here we see a typical example of association in one offer of two mutually exclusive prophetic (the truth and lie - see lie structure); now questions for referenda, articles of constitutions and an other legal material are similarly formulated.

The second offer also contains uncertain terms - reason, conscience and should.

Conscience, in its completeness, is not given to the person from a birth and is a subject of education (way of life), is not excluded, that in the Western world and even in each country there is a understanding "that such conscience" and the mentality, allowing it to be shown, distinct from others; in this case its use in the international documents is problematic. If the concept conscience concerns only religion, that, considering, that the given positions are first article of the declaration, it is possible to ascertain its (declarations) exclusively narrow orientation and, generally, argumentativeness. Hitler, for example, could release the soldiers from a conscience chimera.

The term reason is not clear enough: if it to identify with intelligence of the person it is one conversation if only as an intelligence component a little other. The reason is concept relative, not the God given and immoral; as well as conscience, reason develops or degrades in the course of ability to live of the person. It is possible to assume, that in the given context under reason potential possibility of its carrier finally is meant "to understand and to acquire the basic human values", but to assume everything is possible.

The reality consists what not all people are capable to process adequately the information (i.e. are reasonable, possess only certain potential of reason), the part from them is in special hospitals, a part in the conclusion, the part works among people normal (the term "healthy" we will not apply, the capacity question is combined enough), and owing to limitation of vital scenarios works successfully enough and even as heads of various levels.

The statement is represented extremely unfounded and shows desire of developers of the declaration to give out wished for valid, especially, if to consider such passage as should.

If the person is born free as it is declared in the first offer of point one it to anybody, except the parents, should nothing, that in general corresponds to a real state of affairs and in this sense it is free from a society and is not free from parents.

If the person something someone, that, in general, corresponds to the validity it is not free. Therefore let's not say lies and we will speak the truth.

And the truth consists that the person is born not simply on a planet the Earth, and in this or that country with its customs, culture, history, right and state system system; the system which has arisen not on an empty place, in summary struggle of one people against others for a place under the sun that all history of mankind and especially disappeared people proves. And from a birth the person possesses not so much rights, how many duties before parents, relatives and a society which have not allowed to it to die/starve to death/, freeze from a cold, to die of an infection, to be eaten by the fellow tribesmen, killed from boredom etc., etc. And the truth consists that struggle forms for influence in the world all time vary that on a world scene appear and those or other forces influencing the present and the future of mankind and the separate people disappear, and that for a place under the sun it is necessary to be at war. It is necessary and will have. A question: "What only by (way)?".

At the same time the declaration of human rights for simple people (as well as religion) and, especially ruling elite, is tempting that gives an ideological substantiation any (cover) to traitors, to swindlers and people weak spirit under outwardly decent mask "struggle for human rights" to be enriched to (steal): warming myself thought of type "I have the right to live well (it is meant" better others ") according to the declaration of human rights". And if has stolen or has betrayed (and treachery is "the ideal goods") the good fellow - has on that right.

For the international organisations and special services the declaration of human rights is the excellent agent of influence and the cover, allowing to facilitate performance of the problems put before them.

Among other things "the Declaration of human rights" is dogma, that directly follows from a preamble:

Taking into consideration, that the recognition of the advantage inherent in all members of a human family, and equal and their inalienable laws is a basis of freedom, justice and a universal peace; and...

In this first paragraph of the declaration not proved statement as terms a basis, justice, freedom, inalienable laws are not defined is concluded.

The statement is doubtful enough, that these things are a basis something (except demagogy and other versions of lie).

Despite such emotional criticism, it is necessary to notice, that documents and pacts of type of the declaration of human rights are necessary, but it is necessary to aspire also to that they were also are truthful. Also it is necessary to understand also where begins and where the area of their application comes to an end.

Many useful things go "to harm".

Demagogy - a conscious deceit of the people; it is necessary to distinguish demagogy from nonsense of the speaking. At the same time one of widespread ways of demagogy - to release instead of itself fools.

The demagogy happens several grades: the demagogy of the criminals pursuing the mercenary aims, and demagogy of fighters for national happiness which instead of speaking to people the truth to explain and carry away behind itself, giving to those true knowledge, prefer to get off demagogical statements, believing, that "the people will not understand such difficult things" or "it is necessary to talk to the people in another way", than mislead finally and. The demagogy is dangerous that conducts to destruction of that society in which it is cultivated as does not lean against real things and loosens an information field. It is known, that on lie of real long-term relations to construct it is impossible (the truth, religion this thesis denies).

Demographic collapse - catastrophically fast extinction of the population. Usually that occurs on a planet now, define as "population explosion" as sharp growth of the population of a planet takes place, but, considering that fact, that at explosion after expansion of volume because of heating of gases at their cooling sharp compression or destruction of that blows up follows, will speak more correctly about a collapse - a condition menacing to a life, in this case for all or, at least, to the most part of the population of a planet.

Democracy - literally means "the people power", but as a matter of fact it is simple a word. Usually democracy oppose to totalitarianism as one of despotism forms that is represented rather doubtful as on other essence democracy and is one of forms of totalitarianism (despotism), and it is not necessary to oppose them: "From all most refined tools of despotism I can recommend meeting of national representatives where the majority is bribed and employed, and a little capable and resourceful people the courageous speeches create illusion at the people, that it is free" - priest Sindi Smith [6] has told in 1821. At the heart of Sindi Smith's this supervision that fact lays, that democracy and capitalism are concepts incompatible.

Any capitalist country by definition is capitalist, i.e. in such country the power belongs to capitalists and the capital, and also structures closely connected with them (the past difficult evolution up to prevailing action негуманоидных processes), but as not to the people. The truth sometimes, very seldom, but nevertheless say, that supposedly capitalists are too the people (people part). It is represented, that in this case it nevertheless not so as the similar approach allows to name any (!) mode democratic.

It is necessary to notice, that totalitarianism forms all time vary, and the essence remains:

- Both democracy, and totalitarianism, not that other, as ways of management in the big weights of people (as well as all other variants of management if it is a question of management);

- Both ways are realised by attraction to management of the people of small quantity of people (the ruling nomenclature), which impose the rests (people) and a society the vision of, how it is necessary to operate what to do about what to think, etc.: in totalitarian systems this small quantity is practically appointed the mighty of this world, in the democratic "gets out" from definitely (depending on a system and traditions) the allocated contingent of applicants;

- There is an opinion, that democracy - the most progressive principle of management; probably, that it and so, but the theory and the mechanism of its realisation (concrete structure of a democratic principle of management) by mankind as a whole now it is not developed yet though some substantive provisions like are clear and have been embodied already in a far antiquity; the truth, the people repeatedly refused them.

Considering that the management democratic principle, unlike totalitarian, is негуманоидным, that is it is realised not as a result of action of human reason and morals, but as a result of a casual parity of forces and concrete acts of separate people, institutes, special services, etc., it is necessary for democratic state to have specific institutes of the control over freely developing processes which can be defined as "system of counterbalances", "protection from негуманоидных processes", etc. It can be: the traditions, independent institute of examination of the projects, simplified cogitable to the "average" person the laws, special public structures (councils, the national control of type Lenin "Workers' and Peasants' inspection"), etc.

Any management is made in certain spatial and historical conditions and pursues some aim. There can not be a management in general - "managements for the sake of management". But then: "that such democracy?" The question is interesting also: whether "There are now countries with the democratic form of board?"

Democratic centralism - a principle of democratic centralism - the phenomenon possible only in rigid totalitarian systems:

- The minority submits to the majority; the given thesis conducts to that in party basic people are superseded by the people, capable to show party adherence to principles, that is such adherence to principles which fluctuates together with a party course; the party members, not capable to show party adherence to principles, are torn away, or destroyed (in the different countries differently);

- The minority submits to the majority in a society - democracy, but connected with violence, that is system totalitarian;

- The minority does not submit to the majority - absence of the power and management - anarchy (?);

- The majority submits to minority - a despotism, plutocracy, etc., but not democracy;

- The principle of democratic centralism (the minority submits to the majority) is a basis of any democracy and totalitarianism, but not liberalism.

The dialectics - literally- art to conduct conversation, to argue; wider maintenance - the theory and a method of knowledge of the validity, a science about most general laws of development of the nature, a society and thinking. Socrat and Platon considered dialectics as art of detection of true by collision of opposite opinions, dispute with itself, wide application of the analysis and synthesis. In the dialectic proof start with probable judgements and come to the probable conclusions. The true can be found out by means of dialectic conclusion only casually.

"In Marxist philosophy the term" the dialectics "is used in value of the theory and a method of knowledge of the phenomena of the validity by comprehension of self-movement of a subject on the basis of internal contradictions".

The basic concept of dialectics - development which is not simply movement, and an ascension from simple to difficult. Growing out of interaction of systems, development allocates from an interaction number more and more becoming complicated in time current.

Now the dialectics is exposed to attacks [7]: What it is possible to tell in its protection? An essence of Marxist dialectics are its three laws: the law of transition of quantitative changes in qualitative - (fixes the fact of presence of the world: spaces, time and a matter with their properties, that is that exist the World, its size and movement);

The unity and conflict of opposites law - (fixes one of the basic properties of the World - a continuity and property of limitation of resources of subsystems of the World);

The law of negation of negation - (fixes the fact of movement existing in space and time of things) a derivative result of action of two previous.

The basic feature of dialectics is that any of the above-stated laws is to derivatives of two others, that is laws only two.

Alternative ways are not contrasts. But in the world, strangely enough, there are still general laws some not less:

The law of existence of the third - interaction of two any things always (!) forms the third thing;

All flows, all changes (the law many is mentioned, but for some reason is not allocated as the law).

Value of these laws consists that they do not give possibility to be engaged in self-complacency, it is natural, if them to use, instead of simply to repeat dogmatically as a spell. At the same time it is quite possible to manage and without them - if to understand an essence of things.

Feature of dialectic thinking is dispute (dialogue) with itself, owing to that process of such dispute occurs in uniform intelligence and, that the most important thing, uniform consciousness, probability of application of dishonest methods of dispute or incorrect logic forms sharply falls, as the purpose of dialectic thinking is right answer search, instead of the victory in dispute though some thinkers (the word is applied without inverted commas for thinking process is really difficult) manage themselves "to fool".

Dogmatism - an interdiction of a reasoning for some themes. In philosophy and a science dogmatism - the way of thinking operating with invariable concepts, formulas without new data of practice and a science, concrete conditions of a place and time, i.e. an ignoring principle of concreteness of true. Dogmatism occurrence historically connect with development of religious representations, requirements of belief in religion doctrines (and, possibly, with absence of writing), confirmed as the indisputable truths which are not subject the critic and obligatory for all believers. Paradox of dogmatism is its limit and naturalness for human intelligence in general, as last is first of all memory (storehouse of knowledge, dogmas), and then reason.

The debt - can be: filial, parent, parental, civil, monetary - strange enough number. An element of violence over the person from an external world - the antagonist of freedom and human rights.

Deceit - use of natural properties of the person: beliefs (as integral quality of intelligence), honesty (as public property of the person), trustfulness (as character trait and result of life experience), nonsenses (as natural feature of thinking), a formation lack (as consequences of a public division of labour), etc. for achievement of own purposes.

Disposable systems - contrary to general error, except medical (syringes, droppers, condoms), to disposable systems any concerns natural information - a cage, the person, mankind, biosphere. Disposable systems, despite existence of the theory of reincarnation (resettlement of souls), have no second attempt and having descended, owing to own nonsense, fatal coincidence of circumstances, malicious intention, etc., are replaced or not replaced another.

We come from a life (100 %-s' proof of that to all chain of our ancestors has to some extent carried, they have overcome own nonsense and destiny intrigues, could remain, at least, till the moment of a birth of the descendant and, moreover, have provided to posterity tolerable conditions of existence), and we leave in death (the future of our descendants is not known and it is defined including by our nonsense or malicious intention).

Drunkenness - in the people say, that the drunkard is the person who first of all is spending on drink own conscience, and then reason; supervision over associates confirm told by the people.

Deadlock - an impassable way, road in anywhere, having for beginning movement quite comprehensible appearance on an initial site.

The doctrine - any theory in aggregate with practice of its application. To the theory in the doctrine the validity requirement is not shown, as a rule, enough presence of followers.

The doubting subject - unlike the person (subject) who is not doubting, knowing, is the person reflecting on a life, Installed, a society, interrelation of things, that is about all volume that name a word life. By the nature the person, as well as any other animal, is the materialist, speak: the vulgar materialist.

Not doubting subject interest (if it the believer he trusts) or do not interest (if it the non-believer they are not necessary to it) gods and the reasons do not interest at all: he knows "what knows", and uses it in the millenia, not thinking, "why it so?" And "what for it is necessary?", "in what it will result?", Etc. the Basic condition of not doubting subject is "I, I know, that it so!", "I, know as it is necessary to do!" Or, as a last resort, that in itself is already big progress, type meditations "as it to make is easier and faster?". Questions: whether "It is necessary to do it in general?", "What will be consequences?" Is already destiny of the doubting subject.

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