Theses of reports of Republican scientifically-practical conference
"Culture philosophy in the beginning of the third millenium"
On December, 14th, 2001 - Cheboksary, Pedagogical University of I.J.Jakovleva
Information streams: culture and civilisation.
If to consider the biosphere including and a human society, as information system, regardless to the nature of the information carrier it is possible to allocate two basic types of the information circulating in it: individually (biologically) significant and collectively (socially) the significant. Both types of the information participate in the information streams circulating in those or other information subsystems: to cellular formations, cages, organisms, kinds, bio-geotsenozah, public groups, a society as a whole.
The first type of the information defines a physical survival of a subsystem in concrete concerning stable conditions and situations. It is the necessary, practical part of "knowledge" used in direct ability to live and showing degree of fitness of system by environment surrounding it. The second type - defines probability of a survival of the same subsystem in other "essentially possible" and "impossible" situations. It is the superfluous, theoretical part of "knowledge" allowing to system essentially it is better to be guided in a situation of quickly varying world. Some distinctions and relations between these types of knowledge and their carriers can be defined simply enough: - Practical knowledge is compact, concrete and effective (a real situation always one); they are mastered easily by information system of averages and even low intellectual possibilities; these carriers "are unified enough"; - Theoretical knowledge is bulky, indistinct and inexact (possible situations usually set, they seldom manage to be checked up in practice); requirements to intellectual qualities of the information systems capable effectively to operate by theoretical knowledge and methods of their application, essentially above; carriers of this knowledge, "are individual" and "are not interchangeable", often do not understand each other (especially carriers of practical knowledge do not understand them); - Practical knowledge of one subsystems can be (and-or becomes) theoretical knowledge of other subsystems. In biosphere where the volume of possible theoretical "knowledge" is small enough, the special problem with their "getting" and transfer is not present. It is a lot of carriers of this of both types of the information, a great bulk of carriers - �fans of encyclopaedias� that should lead to high average intellectual level of population. That is �practical knowledge� promote kind strengthening, and �theoretical knowledge� (by natural selection) - are used by an organism, along with the mechanism of "mutations", in evolution of kinds and speciation. In a society volume and complexity of theoretical knowledge essentially above, and all its set is inaccessible to separate intelligence. Overcoming of natural resource restrictions is made by specialisation in intellectual (individual) and cultural (group) plans. There are also mechanisms of sharing of knowledge (cooperation), appear: trades, cultures, the people. The considerable volume of the theoretical knowledge which has been saved up by mankind, leads to a situation in which the subsequent theoretical knowledge works enough not those who it can effectively do, and those who has casually enough appeared during necessary time in the necessary place. The problem is aggravated also with that there is an effect of "decrease in demanded intellectual level of group�. Finally, civilisation development has led to a condition when rather effective systems of creation and an information transfer (the science and vocational training) allow an individual of averages, and at times and low mental abilities to solve difficult enough, mainly typical problems. It is quite admissible, while the demanding permissions of a situation facing to information system, are not basic from the point of view of its survival. Otherwise the system survival is defined not so so much by its possibilities, how many "foresight". And culture, as the essence defined by degree of mastering by the person or a society by own forces, and a civilisation (science) as the essence defined by degree of mastering by the person or a society by forces of the nature, contain both components of knowledge: both practical (biologically significant), and theoretical. Practice of use of theoretical knowledge of the person gives variety of "national cultures�, practice of use of theoretical knowledge of the nature gives �a civilisation gait�. Drawing an analogy with biosphere, it is possible to notice, that: -Biosphere one, but conditions for a life are rather various - from here an abundance of organisms, each of which finds the method of a survival: - The people approximately the same situation - depending on natural and landscape conditions, and also concrete events of history had own methods of the organisation of ability to live (existence). If to look at culture from the point of view of "the variety Theory" it is possible to see, that the variety of cultures allows mankind to be "fully armed" at fast, catastrophic change of a situation on a planet: one are able to survive in poverty, others in a cold, the third in desert, the fourth are fair, etc. �The civilisation gait� conducts to degradation of environment surrounding the person, and the person, dangers of destruction of biosphere. Ability to survive without �the civilisation blessings� is essentially reduced and in case of those or other cataclysms; so-called �the civilised mankind� is more vulnerable, than "not civilised". The Diatropichesky sight at a civilisation shows, that its "techno-kratizm", expressed in bent for to standards and to search of "definitive answers� - trues, essentially reduces quantity of possible answers, that in the conditions of ecological uncertainty is fraught with the most negative consequences. The reasons of this uncertainty, unlike uncertainty of biosphere, are covered in the civilisation and caused both power of productive forces, and intellectual weakness of their carrier - the person, aggravated with public relations. In process of development of a civilisation power of mankind increases, qualities of the average separate person remain approximately at former level: the people who only just have begun something to understand, possess ability to be ill and die. The culture also reproduces uncertainty which is caused by forward development of the public relations supported with power of a civilisation (along with mastering by constructive, consolidating relations in the bowels, more and more perfect methods of operation, conducting wars, etc.), and weakness of human intelligence are invented. A problem of transfer of constructive human qualities - one of the most complicated. Presented two information streams: the culture and a civilisation (science) is only model. Simple enough model which shows, nevertheless, that the variety of problems existing today in the world is caused by accumulation of knowledge and limitation of "human and public resources�.