The copyright
- the invention of so-called "civilisation". At the heart of the copyright the desire and possibility of one people to forbid to think and operate with another lays, that allows to feel more significant, than is actually, and to profit from this few and obvious, that has had time to think up before others. From the point of view of "civilisation problems" the copyright institute is progressive as development of relations of production and technics a little brakes, that is progress. Existing as the real public institute, the copyright deforms relations between people. It is necessary to distinguish the copyright from authorship.The concept the copyright is closely connected with a private property and possibility of transformation of intellectual values in money. In it feature of the information as object of a special sort and natural human rights is not considered.
In the literature give, for example, such definition: the copyright - system of the norms regulating personal and property relations which arise in connection with creation and use of author's products as individual and unique creative reflexion of the objective validity. It is obvious, that the products (things) getting under this definition out of sphere of arts, practically cannot be, as sooner or later there will be a person who can reflect this most objective validity. And speech can go only about the form of such reflexion. There can be a definition "works" if we deal with self-expression of the person (the subjective validity - literary and art creativity), that is representation of the things not accessible to perception of other people, but also certain coincidence here is possible. Such question is possible: If the thing created by the author can be repeated other person, whether that gets it under protection by this copyright that is how to understand norm of "unique reflexion”.
In the beginning of the activity on a planet the Earth the person studies the world, achievements of other people and aspires to rise to their level. In many cases he aspires, and it is possible to it in some spheres of activity, to rise even above them (the truth a question: "And judges who?" - remains). But someone, not having managed to rise itself, starts to lower others or, at least, not to start up forward - upwards. These moments take place and in a case with the copyright. This right has appeared, it is probable, when the density of author's products became great enough and to think up a thing considerably differing from known, became: first - it is difficult, secondly - end in itself. At the same time it is necessary to notice, that owing to that the person is mainly memory, these authors stand, as a rule, "on shoulders of giants", living to them or living nearby and “неподсуетившихся in time" to protect the authorship.
It is possible to notice also, that copyright institute - the typical compelled pseudo-correct decision caused by technology of decision-making./p>
Congenital ideas
- of concept, position and algorithms of processing of the information which are inherent in the person initially and do not depend on life experience. The dialectic philosophy concerns this concept negatively, that does not do negation of congenital ideas by true and contradicts mankind experience , the practice showing, that the person has resulted from long evolution and is not "the God the created being", and a public animal. Negation of concept of congenital ideas demands a recognition of creation of the person the God that is one of contradictions of dialectic materialism.The citizen
- absolutely not clear, but an expedient category, and though till now the intelligible answer to a question "that such - the citizen?" Is not present (concept many centuries is in a formation stage) the same as there is no also a concept a civil society (generally a word the citizen means - not free: the person which freedom are limited by rules of behaviour of the country which citizen it is). In national consciousness the combination "civil and military" associates as opposition to one another, actually is a question only of a measure of freedom of behaviour. Thus both civil, and the military man both are not free.N.A.Nekrasova has a good poem "the Poet and the citizen" which we studied at school, unfortunately, as it was (?) accepted, at that age when similar problems of people yet do not excite. It is natural, that it can cause, caused, causes and will cause, unfortunately, and subsequently in a great bulk of the population disgust for similar literary works and, further, to a policy. Nevertheless we will notice, that in this poem there are quite good lines:
"Here a word of the truth impartial:
The stirring poet is blissful,
Also the citizen silent is pity! "
- a legal accessory of the person to the given state. Owing to citizenship on the person the state laws, the established civil rights and duties extend...The concept a dual citizenship which is exaggerated in our society, is interesting enough legal monster.
Let's ask: on whose party it is obliged (no more, but also not less) to act the citizen in case of a confrontation between the countries which citizen it has registered?
Also we will see, that: "In this case some, so-called" citizens ", pretend, that in the world all not how is actually".
Yes, wars are immoral, but to give out wished for valid - whether is it norm (?) of the modern (!) right.
Civil society
- the sociological category designating set of associations operating irrespective of the state of citizens, public and even the state structures, institutes and outlooks. The basic idea of a civil society - independence of the state. Considering uncertainty of action of all and everything, it is possible to notice, that the civil society is capable to evolve in any direction: to fascism, communism, socialism and in general any public condition. The matter is that "the civil society" is one of негуманоидных mechanisms operating and operating a society (one of imperious mechanisms!) Not less, but also no more. And, as everyone негуманоидный the mechanism or process, in case of its detection, demands steadfast attention to possible consequences of its displays and events accompanying them from the humanity and the state. Publicly and privately it is supposed, that the civil society can provide democratic freedom and stability of a society, as though insuring from a possible error from the state. It is represented, that it at all so. Worse that, it is represented, that as much in sociology, economy and philosophy the category of a civil society is decided.Custom-made article
- article written and published by request of destructive forces (always, even then, when it is written "with good intentions"); one of elements of demagogy of the mighty of this world or methods of work of special services. Feature of custom-made article is the rigid structure of construction, namely, presence of three parts:1) the First part - sacred true (truth), the person reading this part of custom-made article, it is ready to subscribe under each word of the author as it practically corresponds to the validity. At reading of this part the reader should have a sensation of type: "Well, good fellows! Well, give! The Plain truth and cut directly in eyes! In, muzhiks!” Etc. the Purpose of this part - "to gain the confidence". Volume of this part usually 25-60 % from all article.
2) the Part the second - difficultly understood or volume text (cud) creating at the consumer an inferiority complex (tiring it and lulling vigilance). The purpose - to create sensation of type: "Or I the fool also do not understand, about what here there is a speech, or the author is clever so, what even I do not understand". Every possible speculative reasonings on spirituality, an astrology, a prana, mentality, existentialism, mission, and other subjects, which value to badly clearly reader here can be used, but is on hearing. The size of the second part fluctuates from 25 to 75 % of total amount of article.
3) the Part the third - final (key), for the sake of what, actually, article also was written. As a rule, it again rather clear text in which the thought necessary to the author is spent, is said a necessary word (which is required to be started in a turn), etc. the Third part can be in a word or the offer, but can be and "is smeared" under all article.
4) Sometimes there is a fourth part - so-called local surroundings, where the author if it is the director of the Moscow theatre.... Will speak about theatre, something will ask or will offer, if it is the businessman - that will start to speak about own intelligence and modesty, if the fighter for human rights - about totalitarianism in sew to the country. The fourth part very often is under construction on a material having strong emotional colouring or capable to cause corresponding emotions at the reader.
By a principle of custom-made article some films, interview, representations and political broadcasts are under construction.
By the same principle has been de facto constructed the scenario of destruction of economy and the state USSR (is carried out):
- At the first stage the things which validity is not subject to doubt are declared, and the inhabitant (the country population) votes pro reorganisation, reforms, etc.;
- Then unintelligible actions and speeches in which the logic of transformations is lost follow, disorganisation of industrial and public relations is observed; this part is also necessary further for references to "objective difficulties" and does not allow to be guided rationally (reasonably) in events;
- The third part is characterised by actions which are directed on the decision of a custom-made problem and have no relation to the purposes declared earlier; thus direct executors and initiators, as a rule, pretend to be fools who "did not know" something, "did not think".
The capital
- the economic category meaning one of productive resources; includes all those productive resources which are created by people: tools, cars, an infrastructure, and also non-material things, for example computer programs . It is obvious, that at similar definition by the capital is as well qualification of the worker.Some economists (basically bourgeois) divide the capital into "the physical capital" - the material and non-material things existing.
Irrespective of the person, and "the human capital" - a human manpower, including the saved up knowledge, experience, formation, that is qualification.
Under capitalism the capital are also money which generally the capital are not, but in popular speech (national consciousness) are identified with it as is not the capital in a more comprehensive sense this word, but its version "the financial capital".
The error, on visible, is connected with actual domination both in capitalist, and in socialist scientific circles of the representations offered, for example, K.Marks which considered, that
The capital is the cost which is bringing in to its proprietor the income by operation of hired workers,
And cost in ordinary consciousness is connected with a chain: "price-money". We will notice, that the analysis of definition of the capital is interesting enough.
Let's consider it more in detail:
Cost - bringing in the income.
The first word, according to Marxism political economy, cost is the substantiated work of commodity producers, on the one hand, and (or) public relations - with another [20]. Considering practice of the use of the given word, we can notice, that such concepts as value and need as any thing including cost (in popular speech - the price), interests the person only when arises a dilemma - to have or not to have the given thing (to be or not to be) associate with it.
The second - bringing, sets thinking, "under what conditions realisation of this requirement is possible - to bring in the income or not to bring in the income?". It is obvious, that that "to bring in the income", certain preconditions (condition) are necessary:
- The public contract - the right, that is the power (certain stability of a condition of a society) which leans usually against force, the consent, nonsense and a deceit;
- Capacity, that is really to be cost, to be exact to be a thing, capable to make other necessary things - the blessings (usually speak the goods);
- Obligatory presence of all components necessary for realisation of work cycles (addition or development of the previous point): the raw materials, functioning means of production and communications in the conditions of stability or society development.
Let's notice, that in the conditions of society destruction many things which were earlier the capital, become dust on dumps, including history dumps.
The third word the income - is represented obvious enough, it that remains at the order or the property of the capitalist (the proprietor of the capital) after distribution of the created blessings (things). But here there is the powerful associative block connected with concept distribution.
Thus, the analysis shows, that listed above a thing can both to be the capital, and not to be it depending on certain conditions, namely the right (social order) and activity (the work fact), that is the concept the capital is secondary and in this connection unstable.
That the social system (system) can legislatively define the given things not the capital obviously enough - experience of socialism, feudalism and т.п. Each capitalist, the businessman and simply thinking person understands, that the same things listed above as the capital will make absolutely different profit depending on that, function or not and how function those manufactures, communications, people and money which usually name the capital (are adjusted), that is they should be added by the requirement to "function".
As it is noted in : "... The capital is not a thing, and economic, relations of production between a class of capitalists and a class of hired workers". The feature of the given definition complicating its understanding, that the capital the things which are relations name is, and such relations between words a thing and the relation are not the standard cogitative forms and are not perceived by the simple person (not being professional in economy or right questions).
Thus: "the Capital are means of production functioning in the environment of certain public relations". It is obvious also, that the capital is also the functioning economy of ALL state and the world as a whole. In this connection it is possible to notice, that since 1985 in the USSR there was a process of destruction of that part of the capital which has been connected with a global national economy: functioning scientific and work collectives, industrial communications, a control system and the control, etc., plunders raw and financial parts and redistribution of the rests of the capital between corrupted or as sometimes speak, mafia clans of officials and party functionaries. Observed successful attempts to keep working capacity of separate branches, the enterprises or institutes carries protective (struggle for existence and a survival of collectives), masking (the distracting people from comprehension of depth of destruction of the general national economy) and компрадорский character.
The capital, unlike various forms of slavery, is one of invented (in last hundreds years) mankind of the implicit, latent forms of operation and compulsion, such, as: the right, religion, trade, swindle, larceny and to that similar implicit mechanisms of redistribution of material benefits, available societies.
It is obvious, that in cases of obvious operation the capital is not required. For maintenance of manufacture of the goods - too (the phenomenon "technology" suffices).
Concept the capital and the capital as that are an intellectual value - the inventions, allowed to change the mechanism of realisation of the power which is the basic component of a phenomenon - the capital.
The power leaning before practically only on force and money (the power of money), is realised now by means of the right (the bourgeois right) and a deceit, and only the possession the power will transform the above-stated things (factories, the finance, etc.) from a category of simple means of production to the capital.
Division of spheres of activity of people into a policy and economy which "de facto" existed long before capitalism, feudalism and previous formations, is a typical method of intellectual swindle or, perhaps, errors.
It is obvious, that a policy - the concentrated expression of economy, to be exact, one of its mechanisms if under economy to understand creation and distribution of the blessings. But distribution of the blessings is a managerial process - imperious process, and creation of the blessings - the technological process which basic components are determined (are defined) not by will of the person, but properties of the nature (speak "nature laws"). In pure model of the commodity manufacture based on a private property, economic and public processes are regulated by the cost law, that is "blind", not giving in public or, it is possible to tell in another way, to the reasonable control to the factor. That is from all points of view the power of the person is replaced with the elements power - негуманоидной systems.
Feature of "economic processes" is that they go against the life living under the laws. That is economic laws are in the big degree illusion by which the people are guided, not reflecting adequately real processes in the World, but creating them. Objectivity of life which keeps system within the limits of rational, corrects and conceals for the time being discrepancy between real processes and their economic interpretation.
Thus: Capitalism - a social system, at which over actions of information systems (people and public institutes) the capital and economy - негуманоидные and unreasonable systems supervise. The reason or nonsense, that is qualities of human intelligence differs from feudalism and previous epoch that on a planet in the increasing degree "the technology of decision-making" starts to define processes, but not. Now it is realised by the increasing quantity of people. As the mankind already passed an epoch of "a developing society" and has entered an epoch of "a postindustrial society", most likely, capitalism will concede or has already given way to voluntarism or, that the same, ноосферизму, to convulsive attempts to rescue a civilisation by acceptance of strong-willed decisions.
(greek. kategoria - the instructions, the certificate) in philosophy - the basic concepts reflecting most the general and essential properties, the parties, relations of the phenomena of the validity and knowledge (?) [2]. The category grows out of generalisation by human reason of the phenomena of the validity and allocation in them concerning the steady parts representing independent cogitative (informative) value. In the elementary case a category is any word. Categories are realised and created in process of knowledge advancement in depth of the phenomena.In modern philosophy of a category are considered as purely subjective (that quite naturally) and the "convenient" form of streamlining of human experience (knowledge).
As the basic categories are considered: a matter, movement, time and space, quality and quantity, the contradiction, causality, necessity and accident, the maintenance and the form, possibility and the validity etc.
Apparently from the list of categories, consider basically the limitor parties of the phenomena, for example: a thing = to result of interaction of the form and the maintenance which, in turn, also are things.
Let's tell so:
Necessity to divide the world on a category is defined by its continuity.
Let's ask a question: "Than the form differs from the maintenance?" Or we will tell more precisely: "That is the form maintenance?" We will answer it: “Anything?" - the form and the maintenance appear as a result of exarticulation of these categories by human intelligence for more convenient orientation in the world. The person practically can always designate "two things", relations between which will correspond to form and maintenance definition, that is "so the person isolates for itself relations between things". It is possible to tell, that any form has the form, any maintenance has, in turn, the maintenance.
- on [7] "the big group of people which is allocated on their participation in public riches and on a way by which this participation is carried out” (Lenin). According to the Marxist doctrine, now there are two basic classes - proletariat and bourgeoisie. Such understanding of a class conducts to occurrence of some errors.... However it is known, that in industrially developed, especially in so-called "socialist", the countries the huge role is played by the big group of people - the officials, receiving the share the same as also workers, that is in the form of the salary. It would Seem, that they should belong besides to a class, as workers, but it, certainly, not so. Besides, modern societies are much more differentiated, than it is represented on "class" superstition. The big role is played, for example, by area of employment and position of the person within the limits of its trade; at desire workers can name even the director of large combine though actually it concerns to perfect to other class.
Error also is the opinion, that people basically if it is not exclusive, are connected with the class... In the XX-th century the accessory to the nation practically everywhere has appeared much more important an accessory to a class - the behaviour of workers testifies to it during wars and such events, as the Hungarian revolution or occurrence of Polish "Solidarity".... "
On [2] "classes are called the big groups of people differing in their place in historically certain system of a social production, under their relation (mostly fixed and issued in laws) to means of production, on their role in work public organisation, and consequently, on ways of reception and the sizes of that share of public riches which they have. Classes are such groups of people from which one can appropriate to herself work another, thanks to distinction of their place in certain way of a public economy" (V.I.Lenin. Т.39. С.15). Occurrence of classes is caused by development of a public division of labour and private property occurrence on means of production.
From the point of view of formal logic, taking into account public processes of the XX-th century, division of a society into classes is represented too simplified, in this J.Bohensky of the rights. As the son of one African leader Oshinubi Bola with whom I had to communicate in student's years has told: "Is not present, my daddy not the capitalist... It is a little factories, it is a little factories, is not present is not the capitalist".
Now, when labour productivity in all spheres has grown and there were new, unprecedented earlier ways of operation, division of people into classes too primitively and, that is more unpleasant, distracts attention to fruitless disputes from other phenomena bearing terrible danger to mankind. It is necessary to speak, probably, about antisocial, antihuman, etc. forces and institutes, and also exploiters and maintained where classes, in difference, for example, from parties, transnational corporations, military blocks, the organised crime, etc., not connected by organizational structure, contracts and real technological bonds, will take the "modest" place more correctly.
- (from Latin collage - fallen), a condition menacing to a life characterised by falling of a blood pressure and deterioration of blood supply of the vital bodies [10].The collectivism
- on [7] "completely subordinates the person to a society and the finished expression finds in totalitarianism. According to a consecutive collectivism, the person is deprived any rights.Theoretical basis of a collectivism is the belief that there is only a generality, and separate people, persons an essence its "moments". But this point of view represents doubtless error. Truly just the opposite; an original reality separate people, instead of a society as a whole possess. If the society and is real, that, certainly, it is real to a lesser degree, than persons making it ".
Here it is possible to notice, that J.Bohenskogo's reasonings are not finished. And a phrase, that "is real to a lesser degree", reminds expression "is not absolutely pregnant". From the point of view of the reason phenomenon, interesting there was an occurrence of categories - that is abstraction to which in the real world of the person correspond steady enough and not less real, than a body, a thing of the non-material nature. The person and a society co-exist in unity and to oppose them in the spirit of "consecutive" (read "mad") a collectivism or individualism as speak in the people: "... And it is silly and ridiculous".
At the same time it is necessary to notice, that as the phenomenon the collectivism is inconsistent enough as introduces in public relations powerful негуманоидную a component connected with technology of decision-making, fall of average intellectual level of system, etc.; can be estimated as the "compelled" or "smaller" harm.
Collective (joint) decision-making
- the mechanism of processing of the information in a society, leading in many cases to occurrence негуманоидных the phenomena. For the purpose of economy of time we will consider work of the given mechanism on an example.Conditionally we consider, that the persons making of the decision, and experts are diligent. Therefore cases when the usual lie which has reached cynicism (one of symptoms of trouble of technology of decision-making takes place) or direct intention we will not consider.
Present, that you have difficult enough integral concept of any action consisting of many points which is necessary for accepting by voting. Quality of the concept we will not discuss. And you on a choice are offered by only two alternatives: to vote the list or on points. We will underline, that other alternatives it is not offered. At voting by the list probably two variants: the concept is accepted or the concept is rejected. At acceptance on points the concept is considered accepted if the most part of points is accepted.
The situation in the world (society) after decision-making on the first mechanism or starts to vary in this or that party (the concept is accepted), or remains without changes (the concept is rejected).
At voting by points the quantity of variants becomes appreciable big: except the basic there is a weight of other concepts consisting of accepted parts, defined by casual coincidence of circumstances: someone from voting left, has distracted and has not understood value of point, etc. As the concept was integral and was developed by human reason introduction in it of the "amendments" caused by the mechanism, working at level of playing bones, in case of "adoption of law" with the big degree of probability deduces it in area of irrational action - transforms in негуманоидную system. At such mechanism of decision-making in a society there are concepts which are created not by human reason, and that technology of decision-making. The probability of its transfer in an adequate condition is small even at finishing voting by the concept "as a whole" as time and means for reconsideration of consequences of all происшедших in a random way changes usually are not available.
We observe similar things in our validity everywhere. For correction of consequences of similar decisions there are whole public institutes: a science, right system, army, security services, every possible advisers, parties and social movements, revolutions, etc., getting, in turn, under action of the aforesaid and, we underline, it is far not unique негуманоидного the mechanism.
Such is one of technologies of decision-making.
- economically backward and weak countries which are in full political submission and economic servitude at imperialistic predators... Imperialists together with native princes, landowners and merchants severely maintain, plunder and oppress the working population of colonies [11].Colonialism
- the period of history of mankind when the gain of colonies was the basic aspiration of the leading world states, their sharing and operation. Not so it is a lot of these states: France, England, Italy, Belgium, Holland, Spain, Portugal in Europe, Japan to Asia, the USA in America. To have colonies was considered decently and it is honourable several decades ago.There is a representation, that the USSR also was colonial empire. At the heart of such representation the thinking principle on analogies, love to classification, an order and т.п lays. But here it is necessary to consider, that scientific theories and practical processes not always are in conformity, especially if we deal with concepts individual. In civilisation history Russia is concept individual, its position and a way among the people is independent, original and unique. Though, to tell the truth, and in its history among governors as, for example, now, there were also pity imitators to the West - imitators that caused to the country an irreplaceable damage. To adopt experience and эпигонствовать it it is far not same.
The communism
- concept varies continuously and filled with various senses including steady enough kernel of concept is available the silliest, but at all variants:- Absence of operation of the person the person;
- Submission of personal needs to interests of a society.
It is obvious, that simultaneous performance of both conditions probably only at the high enough high and co-ordinated levels of development of public relations, cultures (in a broad sense this word) and persons.
Exception of operation of the person the person perfectly connect with private property eradication on means of production that is a condition necessary, but not sufficient.
Following step on a way to operation liquidation is perfection of industrial and public relations that excludes, for example, a government one-party system, a clannishness, violence over the person operating in interests of a society, etc. of a thing.
Submission of personal needs by the public demands voluntariness of such submission, that is enough high level of consciousness and self-restriction, that also it is represented in immediate prospects utopian.
Nevertheless, it is necessary to notice, that people of communistic mentality in our society were available and available also them became more and more, as well as the communistic morals all in the big degree won the world. Now there is no enough of the facts, allowing to consider events in the USSR in 1970-2000 as "civilisation achievement". Most likely, we deal with the next error caused by nonsense and a pettiness of supervising elite of mankind which it is a lot of about itself think.
[compilare - to plunder] - the dependent work based on use of another's products or on loan of all data from another's researches. Here the greatest interest represents a word data.Data - the data necessary for any conclusion, the decision. A strange word compilation - after all K.Marksa, V.I.Lenina's works and many other things theorists completely fall under this definition (compilation is a usual engineering work). In social studies many compilers suffer "game in words". Being incapable to make the independent contribution to a science and not understanding a word meaning, and also to the logician of the independent (not engaged) scientist, conduct thoughtful disputes not about concepts, and about words.
Generally compilation is a generalisation of the data received other, not managed independently to generalise that by them is received. In the modern world such work is made usually by doctors or academicians.
It is now fashionable"to criticise Marx, Lenin, but business not only in a fashion: works of these authors deserve steadfast attention and studying, but studying critical. Such approach can be classified as consecutive Marxism (though the phrase has been told many years prior to Marx, but was its favourite motto):" call all in question ". It is main principle of culture of thinking.
Constructive approach
- the relation of the person to object of action at which the subject tries to understand an object essence: to transform "transcendental object" in "a thing for us". The Constructive approach should be distinguished from not a constructive approach, differing to that the subject at work with object tries to express own relation or own aprioristic representations about the phenomenon and is not interested in its essence.The culture
- the pledged word is rather seldom applied in serious conversations independently, usually speak: a culture of behaviour, culture of thinking, culture of land tenure, physical training, national culture, world culture etc.If to look narrowly attentively it is possible to find out, that in all cases it is a question of following to any rules, norms, traditions (that in general same), i.e. about use found before "answers" for the decision of typical problems. It is said that the concept "culture" characterises degree (?) of mastering by the Person both the own nature and "forces", and features of a society. Such understanding of a word "culture" is represented comprehensible enough.
Drawing an analogy with an organism, it is possible to consider, that culture... Is nonspecific reaction (reaction "just in case") the person or a society on external or internal influence from the party... That?
If to take a detached view of a culture phenomenon it is possible to see, that at the heart of culture certain primitive things (words, phrases, actions) lay, with which person (philosophers speak - the subject) aspires to express itself. The more primitive things the person or the people has saved up, the it is more at it than chances to realise the гуманоидные quality.
Culture - on [4]. "... People first of all needed to organise the life practically. And they have organised it so, that there was a distinction between the person and the nature.
But time having arisen, it (distinction) does not exist in itself. It cannot be compared with objective structure of the world simply. In it the person himself gives itself the bases which need to be reproduced, transferred, kept etc. In this reproduction and there is that is called as culture, with its norms, samples and ideals.
In each person there is that he does not choose. Nobody chooses the natural data, in the same way, as well as that is already chosen by culture...... The Culture allows the person to be the person irrespective of its personal efforts; we can think by tradition, live according to norms, that is to be cultural. To be the person, already (!!) it is possible to live the forms of subjects inherited from culture, thoughts, feelings and communications ".
The culture of thinking
- ability to use own "the god data" intelligence ("brains") in the purposes necessary for the person, and also correctly to put and define the last.The culture of thinking is closely connected with the person and character of the person. As in any other case to move it is necessary small steps, studying a word meaning. But in the beginning it is necessary to ask itself a question: whether the culture of thinking and if it is necessary what is necessary to you?
For example an interesting phrase: "you Know, I do not wish to be engaged in karate as if you will be able to fight it is necessary to stand up for somebody. And so I stand to myself aside and I know, that I can make nothing". Not badly? And?
Culture and thinking. What is the culture, whether there are analogies between cultures and cultures of thinking? Similar, that is. Each person should develop the culture of thinking, for own using. But own culture needs to be built, proceeding from any base (fundamental) parcels. In the beginning it is necessary to make the project, then it to embody, considering, that the reality all the same will introduce the corrective amendments. Besides, it is necessary to remember, that the person develops and exists in interaction with other people and is not free to choose that becomes its part: in it "paradox of a free will" which is really free from that individual to whom it belongs.
But in any case we can form reasonable, unreasonable or mosaic thinking. Owing to a principle all variants have the right of "human qualities" to a life and represent certain value. For different trades are necessary, possibly, various cultures of thinking. It is unique, that it is necessary to remember, it that there are no pure types: pure types - a pathology.
Criterion of true
- practice.The concept
-is one of forms of abstract thinking in which essential signs of a single-element class or a class of homogeneous subjects are reflected. Concepts should be defined. Application of uncertain concepts is one of demagogy receptions. Language forms of expression of concepts are words or word-combinations (group of words). There are words-homonyms - equally sounding, but expressing various concepts (for example, a plait, the world, the earth), and the words-synonyms having identical value, that is expressing the same concept, but variously sounding (the earth - soil - гумус, the world - the earth - biosphere, the world - the Universe - space, etc.).Classical example of a homonym is the word a plait which designates a thing formed by crossing of two forming. For the people living in the world of words: a river or sea plait, a female plait, and a plait for скашивания-thing grasses different. In the world of concepts a word the plait is not predetermined and demands the second word or a context which allows to define about what particularly there is a speech. At the same time exists, obviously, concept косости which antagonist is the "straightness" which applying to various things can be expressed a word with a root of plaits: to cut, a hay crop, inert, slanting.
Other classical example of uncertain concept is the word freedom which forms concept only in word-combinations as is concept relative.
The basic logic receptions of formation of concepts are the analysis and synthesis which, in turn, can be broken into components: comparison, abstraction, generalisation, etc.
And last three are a basis of first two that does illogical their association in one list as it sometimes becomes in the literature logically.
The concept absolute
- usually designates a subject, or the general category: the Earth, the Sun, Space, Time, the Universe, the Matter, etc., that is application of concept does not demand specification of boundary conditions or presence in the offer to defining words.In philosophy the concept relative is considered together with concept absolute with reference to true.
The concept primary - concept which cannot be defined through others - such is not present. But a vicious circle of the primary concepts, defined the friend through the friend to allocate, possibly, it is possible. At the heart of primary concepts any is minimum necessary block of sensations lays, most likely.
The consequence
-that bad, that follows the unreasonable reason of action of things: the nature, the person, a society.Crime
- action of the person, not resolved to it a society (other people).Contrast
-on the [2] category expressing one of the parties of the contradiction. The unity of contrasts forms the contradiction which is motive force, a source of development of things.To agree with this statement it is difficult. The contradiction and presence of contrasts are a condition necessary, but insufficient for development. They create only conditions for development, but hardly are motive power.
The unity of contrasts forms something whole - the third thing. The contradiction - (in the formal logic) occurrence during a reasoning (the proof, a conclusion) as logically following from the parcels of pair opposite judgements accepted in it, that is judgements from which one is negation of another. The contradiction law says, that two denying.
Each other offers cannot be simultaneously true.
The contradiction (in dialectics) - the category of dialectics expressing an internal source of any movement, a vitality root, a development principle. "... The dialectics is contradiction studying in the essence of subjects... (V.I.Lenin. Т.29. С.227). What is the vitality root - not clearly.
It will be better to tell, that the contradiction is not a source, and one of movement conditions.
Contradictions in a society share on antagonistic (irreconcilable) and nonantagonistic (?).
Antagonistic contradictions - relations of classes, groups, social classes in which basis irreconcilable interests lay. Characteristic line of antagonistic contradictions is that in the course of the development they become aggravated.
Nonantagonistic contradictions express the interests allowing in development to establish some balance.
- on [2] allocation by the person of from the objective world, comprehension of the relation to the world, identification of as persons, the acts, actions, thoughts of feelings, desires and interests.We will speak consciousness - ability of the person to concentrate attention to ourselves, that is to transform the internal subjective world in objective and to understand, that in it occurs.
The consciousness, unlike consciousness, is to more difficult and partially inaccessible separate people mental activity, for example, the person in a condition of strong alcoholic intoxication, illness, weariness or stress can be in consciousness, but itself not to realise: to lose an instinct of self-preservation, sensations of the validity, conscience, shame, etc.
- the ethical category expressing ability of the person to carry out moral self-checking to define the relation to and another's acts from a position of good and harm. Conscience takes out the estimations as though irrespective of practical interests, however in various displays conscience of the person reflects influence on it of concrete social and historical conditions of a life and education. Conscience does not generate, and only fixes and reproduces those values and estimations which are developed in public practice. Unlike motive (call of duty) conscience includes also a self-estimation of already perfect actions on the basis of understanding the person of the responsibility before other people and a society [11,14].Conscience - one of qualities of the human person (properties of human intelligence), providing preservation of a homeostasis (a condition of environment and the position in it) and caused by ability of intelligence to model the future condition and behaviour of other people in relation to conscience "carrier". Conscience is one of education products.
On [16] conscience - the category of ethics characterising ability of the person to carry out moral self-checking, independently to formulate for itself moral duties, to demand from itself their performance and to make a self-estimation of made acts; one of expressions of moral consciousness of the person (in many European languages the word "conscience" etymologically means "joint knowledge"; in Russian it occurs from a word to "know" - "nobility").
Because conscience - property of the person it "filling and quality" essentially depend on that culture which the person (both ethnic possesses, and individual).
The consciousness of the person is an ability to concentrate attention as on the signals arriving in the central nervous system from an external world, and on arising in her, as a result of subconsciousness work, to represent them in the form of words or images, to remember and use in the further cogitative activity.
According to [1] consciousness - one of the basic concepts of philosophy, sociology and the psychology, designating ability of ideal reproduction of the validity, and also specific mechanisms and forms of such reproduction at its different levels. The consciousness acts in two forms: individual (personal) and public.
Consciousness definition proceeds on several pages, but it cannot satisfy us, as still it is possible to speak about consciousness of an individual, but the public consciousness that is not, it only - analogy.
Definition in [2] is better: consciousness - the higher form of reflexion of the objective validity peculiar only to the person.
The consciousness represents set of the mental processes actively participating in judgement by the person of the objective world and own life. It arises in the course of labour, socially-industrial activity of people and inseparably linked with language which has arisen together with consciousness But also here raises the doubts the statement, that the consciousness is peculiar only to the person.
- 1) concept which is not present in [1], [2], [10]; a system condition - an existing state of affairs and relations between them; the concept interesting enough as it is close to primary, that is is difficult to express it through other more simple concepts; in the theory of knowledge as models impossible conditions of things (systems) that is its method are considered both possible, and; in a reality there are only realised conditions, that is those conditions which already exist;2) property, including bringing in the income, i.e. the capital.
Condition - on the [2] philosophical category expressing the relation of a subject to the phenomena surrounding it without which it cannot exist. It is possible to tell and so: necessary for existence of a thing or the phenomenon set of relations, conditions and other things. One of condition examples is the reason.
-is connected with temperament and education which in turn is an intelligence part.Cost
- according to political economy of Marxism cost - the substantiated work of commodity producers, on the one hand, and (or) public relations - with another [20]. Words the substantiated work are represented strange enough as there are terms "consumer cost" - utility of a thing, its ability to satisfy requirement of people and the "cost" which material the carrier "consumer cost" is. And in these relations cost of the vital resources: waters, air, environment and calmness and t.p. - are doubtless, but the share of "the substantiated work” with reference to them can be defined with very big stretch. And here cost definition through public relations is represented more interesting, as in this case thing cost will be that quantity of work, which the person will agree to spend for socially necessary activity to have or keep this thing (public relations work).In this case it is valid as a cost measure the concept work it is not so obligatory to them to be substantiated as he on itself(himself) is a thing can be applied.
Cost (consumer cost) not renewed resources under certain conditions can appear exclusively big: air on a spaceship, water in desert, an ecological condition of a planet, the world in the state and the World, etc.
Force of the slogan "to the World - the world, war - war!" Still it is necessary to realise.
The most unpleasant consists that people practically always confuse concepts cost and the price, and also the price and cost.
- is treated now as "the process of human activity creating new material and cultural wealth". Grows out of redundancy of intellectual qualities of the person, in relation to what are necessary for it in a daily life. Similar redundancy has resulted from that a part of functions on maintenance of ability to live (survival) of the person has incurred a society. In an antiquity, most likely, all actions of the person directed on its survival were continuous creativity. Now there was a division into routine, not creative activity and creative.In it, of course, something is, but considering that values happen both positive and negative, it is necessary to ask nevertheless: "And judges who?"