- a habit to use those or other algorithms of processing of the information (including behaviour). The basic methods of education are external influence (training, violence, a way of life) and self-education.Education is one of the components of human intelligence defining adequacy of thinking in difficult situations, caused by deficiency of the information, its poor quality, insufficiency of time for processing of the information and relative weakness of algorithms of processing of the information - reason.
Drawing an analogy with artificial information systems, it is possible to tell, that education is a library most the general algorithms of the decision of difficult typical problems. And if the reason combines as an equipment room rigidly connected with physiological qualities of an individual a part (mobility, stability of process of thinking, volume of simultaneously processed information, etc.), and algorithmic, quickly enough varying in the course of ability to live, a part (algorithms of the decision of concrete standard situations, checks and rechecks, creations of new algorithms, etc.) education is based mainly on badly formalizable algorithms leaving in area of instincts and connecting intellectual qualities of the person others (?).
Education is necessary for understanding widely: education as that, that is that strongly depends on the person and as culture of the person living in a society - that is that does not depend on it.
In our practical activities education in many cases defines an emotional condition of cogitative activity and the relation of the subject to object.
The enclosed systems
- difficult systems in many cases consist of subsystems - enclosed and crossed, containing the general elements concerning several subsystems at once which carry out the functions providing realisation of criterion function of all subsystems and system as a whole in subsystems. For the enclosed systems there is a relation of coverage and concepts of a subsystem and over system are applicable.The enclosed systems as well as crossed systems, cannot be divided so that integrity at least was not broken by one of them.
- accessible to supervision from other thing which is not coinciding and not crossed, spatially or conceptually with observed. The made definition is faster figurative, as than concept: accessible, supervision, other thing already mean the relation "external - internal"."External - internal"
- the pair concepts which are in the relation of coverage, so, for individual system: external completely covers internal, that is has the boundary points adjoining to all boundary points internal, and internal has no the boundary points which are not adjoining to the external. In system from three and more prophetic there is a category the intermediate: the concept which is in position external for internal and in position internal - in relation to external.External display
- result of action of an investigated thing (object) on the subject investigating it. If there is no subject there is no also an external display, thus a thing exist, as a transcendental object.Envy
- one of human qualities, feeling who is considered unworthy (generally that it and is) the person and available which people try to admit to nobody (even themselves). Envy is usually peculiar to the people overestimating and the place in the world, and is not property of any person, but only some. Because this quality is internal quality of the person, to prove, what exactly you it do not test, it is practically impossible in this connection to accuse the person available the given quality - safely...At the same time introspection shows, that the feeling of envy is fleeting, taking place basically in youth (at all in the childhood) and quickly passes with the years. Appreciable influence on long-term behaviour and the more so vital positions and the relation to other people it is not noticed, as there is a rich spectrum of other factors, allowing to be guided among people and their acts: morals, fastidiousness (cleanliness), reason (a sober estimation of events), love and hatred.
The quality inherent most likely in people, insufficiently developed.
The Earth
- a planet on which there is a mankind, his environment of dwelling; the Earth - concept individual (it is possible to write from the big letter). The Earth as an inhabitancy the goods is not. Earth Purchase and sale is an example of how to gain money, selling that does not belong to you. In due time the institute of sale of the earth has appeared as one of elements of bourgeois morals (has appeared in bowels of feudalism and even earlier), a typical example of the right strong. The price of the earth from the philosophical point of view - concept more drama, than currency. The price of the earth - blood.The electoral system
- the public institute, allowing to realise the public contract between the people and correcting (would be more correct to tell - the managing director) a superstructure of a society (country) on division of duties.Actually is some "expert system", anyhow estimating qualities of the applicant for management of the people (in the name of the state or smaller public or industrial division) which "averages opinions". The average opinion is obviously wrong, as it authentically contains except true also the erroneous, tactical, purposefully deformed and other similar positions. Nevertheless "the average opinion" somewhat is protected and from extremely false estimations, that, apparently, causes preservation of this system in areas of a life of secondary importance, or being a screen for carrying out of a certain policy by those or other forces.
In the vital cases, for example, in army (in military and, perhaps, the peace time) to imagine selectivity of commanders is problematic.
Owing to that election of the representative of ruling elite practically always occurs a considerable quantity of people, even at the most diligent functioning of an electoral system there are big possibilities of a manipulation results of elections: public opinion processing (influencing inspired people), decrease in age of voters (involving in a policy it is intellectual also an unripe layer of the population), change of borders of election districts, derivation of attention of the voter from problems essential pseudo-problems, etc.
- the concrete widely known case of this or that phenomenon resulted by way of illustration of thought. Attempts to use examples as the proof of the thesis (argument) are sometimes observed. On [9]: "if it is dangerous to take in hands the weapon, not being able to own it it is not less dangerous to resort to examples, not being able them to apply. In such cases examples prove opposite to volume that you wish to prove" more often.Existence
- (something) the concept defining the relation of a thing to the world, - a thing exists, if it shows herself. If it is a question of thing existence vital issues are "that?", "where?", "when?", and also, how humorists, "to whom add?" And "how much?". BUT, the thing of shows and can show only in relation to something, in the knowledge theory it is the learning subject. And very many things exist in the world only for us (learning subjects) or are created only in our imagination, and actually do not exist in general. The Most simple examples: cinema (where the person sees the moving image while change discrete takes place), colours (if to spread out a this world through a prism to components we can.To see about seven colours, the good artist will see much more, but the bee sees even an ultraviolet). Thus speech does not go that in this phenomenon is not present, for example, as it is accepted to speak (to name), physical process, it is a question that we feelings or reason from the physical WORLD isolate for ourselves that in a condition to apprehend and use for orientation in an environment and we name it a thing. This thing starts to exist for us as something independent and serves as a reference point, helping to be guided in the world though in the nature which is not containing the person, it is not present (the truth, such nature is not present, as the person already is). At the same time it is obvious enough (!) What is the subjects (separate bodies), elements (atoms) exist in the World irrespective of, there is a subject or not the subject, for example: a stone, hydrogen, water, steam (things, properties or which degrees of freedom change jump). An example of transition of several grains known for all in a heap - a question: "Where the heap of grain begins?", transformation of a stream into small river, clouds in a cloud, etc. illustrate a relativity of existence of the things, connected with features of human intelligence - the subject and object of process of knowledge.
-on [2] sense of the given thing, that it is in itself, unlike all other things and unlike changeable conditions of a thing under the influence of those or other circumstances. Having changed, the thing turns to other thing possessing other essence, other set of properties. The essence goes together with concept the phenomenon which essence realisation in concrete conditions is. If the thing leaves for area of the definition given by us it turns in any another (the new turns in old, whole in beaten etc.).Ecology
-biology of transitive modes in biosphere; the basic components: the entry conditions, operating factors and change laws, a final condition. As the science studying transitive and frontier regimes of existence of biosphere is called.Now the ecology problem is considered basically from the point of view of degradation of the environment (biosphere) surrounding the person, but in the world goes also process of degradation of the person, as kind. This process is connected: with the low children's death rate complicating natural selection, the information and political "noise" propagandising behavioural deviations of a human population - such, as homosexuality, a narcotism, prostitution, demographic processes - the overpopulation accompanying it by unemployment, loss of the vital purposes and reference points, and also with accumulation in a society and on a planet, eventually, other every possible destructive beginnings.
Extending ecological processes on a society, by analogy already it is quite possible to start to speak about ecological degradation of a civilisation and culture.
- involuntary display or expression of inwardness of the person (individual), having individual character. In some cultures and cases sometimes it is considered accepted emotions to suppress, in others to show. Physiologically and psychologically emotions are the information stream helping or stirring to an individual to be guided in the world surrounding it and anyhow to systematise "life experience".Ethics
- the philosophical science studying morals. Sometimes the word ethics is a synonym of concepts morals and morals. In an antiquity ethics understood as "practical philosophy". Ethical standards, as a rule, underlie legal and define behaviour of the big weights of people - the people.Ethics of punishment
- norm of human and interstate relations which it is possible to see throughout all history of mankind. In a nuclear century ethics of punishment underlay the doctrine "Asymmetrical answer" when the government of Soviet Union has declared, that in case of application against us ecologically pure types of weapon: a neutron bomb, space kinds of the program "Star wars" (SOYA) and similar we will use "usual" nuclear, not paying attention to "ecological" consequences. Later these ethics have been strengthened by threat of "nuclear winter" that has forced to intensify new ways of conducting war: economic, ideological, etc.Conversations had now on a general world brotherhood and mutual aid are no more, than a bluff directed most likely against our people for the purpose of derivation of attention for that period while there is a plunder of national riches. At the same time supervision show, that in broad masses the understanding of that occurs in the world and in the former USSR ripens, and this understanding can lead to change of ethical standards not in favour of ruling circles (about classes while to speak still early).
The ethical equationst
- in a society there is a strange feature of the life, consisting that the ethical equations are very often carried out, that is the normal person who has made an unethical (immoral) act, is punished by the life: the system which has left balance, comes back to an initial condition... At the same time the people making continuously unethical acts, often are not punished by a life, as it is their normal way of life... And the system of life at all of them time is in balance. It is not excluded, that the life punishes them for casually made good acts. home