The female
- if is made, should know, that at it is (were) posterity (children).The female logic
- a method of processing of the information, based that correct it is considered the decision conducting to the desirable purpose, irrespective of its ethical maintenance, a rationality, necessity. The logic peculiar, naturally, and to men, especially, if they are brought up by mothers without fathers.Final
-a thing which is in other thing. Or, in other words, something round which another is located something.Final analysis
- result of completely passed chain of reasonings both to sources, and by the phenomenon end.The fashion
- a bright example of pseudo-activity of the person, connected many one resources, for example time, food, material, etc., and a lack of others, for example a situational variety, self-criticism, reason, etc. the Fashion results from action of factors of redundancy and self-sufficiency, is a phenomenon of culture and a religion substitute. At the heart of a fashion phenomenon gregarious instincts of the person lay.Feedback
- influence of operated process on operating body. The term "feedback" was applied basically in the theory of automatic control (cybernetics); distinguish following types of a feedback: continuous and discrete which, in turn, divide on positive and negative, and all these kinds can be both internal, and external.The feedback essence consists that at influence on difficult enough system any external in relation to it of the factor last develops "signal" (something. Having the character similar to character of the operating factor), growing out of its functioning under the influence of the specified factor, and this "signal" renders, in turn, joint action with the external factor on system, changing its condition.
The positive feedback strengthens action of the external factor.
Negative - weakens. The continuous feedback operates always while the system functions, discrete "is connected" periodically as required (in artificial systems) or owing to the casual reasons.
The external feedback is carried out special concerning the independent system named in the theory of automatic control and cybernetics by a chain of a feedback.
The internal feedback is defined by properties of the system (all system) and to allocate the object "isolated" from it who are carrying out function of a feedback, frequently it is impossible: it can be simple any changing parametre. For example, in scales of type "steelyard" the internal feedback balancing system (a negative feedback), is realised thanks to properties of the lever at the expense of change of shoulders, in spring scales - thanks to elastic properties of a material of a spring.
The forecast
- always happens either real, or unreal; each of which, in turn, can be optimistic and pessimistic; the real forecast is always probable. For live (information) systems a survival key rule is protection against events of the pessimistic forecast.Freedom
- is not independent concept (concerns features of language), unlike concepts individual (it is similar to a sound in a word) has no independent sense in the offer and can be understood in a context only with a corresponding frame in the form of idiomatic expressions: the freedom of speech, a freedom of worship, freedom from oppression (this expression understand as a word freedom more often) - the person cannot be simply free, but can be free from something. The word "freedom" is connected with powerful internal requirements of the person that is quite natural as "meaning of the life in general" is the increase in own freedom of action, bears in itself a strong emotional charge, therefore is used usually in the demagogical purposes.The free will
- will is quality of the person, as a first approximation from it not dependent, capable to operate independently, freely from its carrier, defining other qualities of the last. At the same time, when speak about the person and its strong will mean what exactly the person is capable, using will to supervise over the inclinations, on the other hand, force of these inclinations and defines a free will, that is leaves to it freedom or not.Freedom of press
- public institute which in the west and at us usually understand as full irresponsibility of journalists and writers for the acts and words; the phenomenon of freedom of press is closely connected with technology of decision-making in public негуманоидных systems which, for example, in legislative activity, transforms things initially reasonable in crazy, but obligatory for execution.Freedom of worship
- a vivid example of the demagogy based on wrong (false) application of words, for example: communistic adherence to principles, the central intelligence service, division of the authorities,etc.Suggestion to the defenceless child not capable independently to understand an essence of a public phenomenon, idea of the God is direct infringement of the natural rights of the person and full analogue of seduction juvenile. To some extent to it is still admissible to speak: there are supposedly the people considering, that the God is; these people do that and that. But it is impossible to say, that the God is, as it is not proved yet and while all is based on Belief.
Even if the God also is, the religion, in that kind in what it exists, being one of institutes of human practice, by the nature is false, from here and abuse between its representatives.
In general the freedom of worship is really "speaking" word-combination. If the person possesses conscience (that is it is fair) he will not assure another and the more so the child of what does not know itself. Trusts, but does not know. In understanding of the simple people the person unscrupulous and disgraceful - concepts identical. Concepts of the truth and lie Here take place. The declaration on a freedom of worship - not that other, as the right declared at the international level to the irresponsible lie, deducing last from under jurisdiction of the law on swindle (all institute of belief, possibly, that also is).
From what conscience in this word-combination - clearly from what - from self-tortures is free. The law on a freedom of worship releases the believer from its self-tortures (notorious absolution), but about it in a "civilised" society to speak indecently. Moreover, words about any spirituality which de facto is its antipode continuously sound. The law on a freedom of worship releases seducers of souls from a remorse, translates them in the category (condition) of the militant debauchees assured of the correctness and forbidding to another to interfere with this dirty business. It is no casual any religion it is exclusively false and aggressive.
At the same time it releases and seduced from all remorse, doing their life concerning serene. That to oppose, revolt, struggle for natural human rights, after all on all the will Divine. In it its appeal.
Force of language
is defined by properties of information systems, for example: at the interested person something to tell there was a thought, speaking it was transformed to a stream of the words which value itself does not understand, and has transferred this physical signal in space; the signal has reached ears or eyes listening which has created at itself in consciousness the information block (condition) based on words containing in its memory which value he also does not understand (i.e. understands in own way) after that the information block passes processing in subconsciousness and serves frequently as a signal to action. In other case, can be at night, like a giraffe from a known joke, the listener will be dawned suddenly also by it will understand, that the speaking has told; but can quite be, as will not dawn.It is necessary to try to state any thought as at once you are convinced, that listeners form, the original information blocks, from here and expression "the person hears that is capable to understand" and another "my language - my enemy!". Though in the latter case it is reflected as well a character trait - garrulity.
There is Third law Cheesholm which says: "people understand Any offers differently, than the one who brings them".
The law has consequences:
Consequence 1. Even if your explanation is so clear, that excludes any false interpretation, all the same there will be a person who will misunderstand you.
Consequence 2. If you are assured, that your act will meet general approval, it necessarily is not pleasant to someone.
According to [2] language - the sign system of any nature which are carrying out informative and communicative (dialogue) of function in the course of human activity... Language is means of preservation of the saved up knowledge and their transfers.
NEVERTHELESS: "For performance of concrete work of a word it is necessary to to define".