on [16] - the concept of moral consciousness designating such condition of the person which corresponds to the greatest internal satisfaction to conditions of the life, completeness and intelligence of a life, realisation of the human appointment. As well as the dream, happiness is the is sensual-emotional form of an ideal, but unlike it means not aspiration of the person, and execution of these aspirations... Further with reasonings on a theme happiness "the Dictionary on ethics" it is possible to argue. We will notice nevertheless, that "that person is happy only, which itself considers as the happy person, representations of others about its condition is their representations, but not it".The good husband at it or bad, has possibility and the right (?) to know and judge only the wife of this husband. All other people fall outside the limits the list.
- a place where the road paved by good intentions conducts. "The road to the HELL is paved by good intentions" - the popular wisdom based on supervision of that in a real life the person who wished to receive one result, frequently receives another and, moreover, absolutely opposite in relation to the conceived.It is not enough to want, it is necessary to know still that to want.
Household attitude
- sensation of processes in the World, proceeding from the feelings caused by filling of a refrigerator, relations with doctors, the husband, the wife, a bottle... in general typical attitude of the person feeling clever, capable, irresistible. The household attitude remains until while the carrier of all aforesaid will not lose it, considering, that in a policy and world processes others should be engaged, and it should and has the right (!) to eat, drink and have sex only.Hunger
- on a planet exists now two causes of death for hunger (which the greatest quantity of lives carries away): physical and social; the first is defined by absence of a foodstuff in the country or the region, the second - absence of means for food purchase (basically at inhabitants of cities). Nekrasov in a poem "Railway" has told:"In the world there is a tsar, this tsar is ruthless, hunger name it."
Hunger and starvation can be absolute and relative; according to a science, there is a correlation (interrelation) between quality (equation on microcells), caloric content of a food and average life expectancy of the person, a class, the people. For Russia 60-80 years average life expectancy made 68-72 years, now - more low (comes nearer to 42-49 years, official data are represented also doubtful as are statistical and do not consider feature of calculation of represented figures in transition periods), and what its distribution on various classes or population groups should be realised still.
[the biologist.] - a relative constancy of inwardness of an organism (system). The information system is arranged so, that aspires to keep the homeostasis that is carried out as by means of negative feedback (internal and external), and топологически (cannot be, for example, other formula of methane or spirit is there will be any more a methane and not spirit).Generally the homeostasis is fundamental property (the understanding of its essence is necessary for us for understanding of everything, that occurs around) all things and the processes occurring in the Universe, wildlife and a society and characterises the basic property of any thing - ITS PRESENCE (инерционность the World). Despite deep enough working out, this concept does not take a due place in the description of a picture of the world philosophers, writers, poets - it is imperceptible as air which we breathe...
- militant movement in the modern world, trying to give out a deviation norm. In its basis that fact lays, that a source of all sensations and signals from an external world for any live beings is its own body (Ortega-AND-gasset has told approximately so: "the Person lives in a dungeon of own body") - peripheral nervous system and a brain with attitudes inherent in it. This circumstance allows the person to start physiological and psychological reactions of an organism by means of the external influences which have been not provided by natural biological development of a life - the nature that is reached, basically, by application of drugs, alcohol, electrostimulators, and also онанизма, homosexuality. This phenomenon washes away normal human relations, replacing with their physiological reactions and cultivating in a society the pathological intelligence considering with norm of a deviation in behaviour of normal people.Similar metamorphosis/transformation / of normal human relations, their transformation into the pathological allow to reduce distinction between them and to consider a pathology though also strange, but norm.
In a real life of the relation between people the big pressure of the sincere forces, the developed feeling of responsibility and skill to communicate demand enough, that for a part of the people destroyed by alcohol, the drugs, badly brought up, or silly from a birth, is an excessive burden. Because such people becomes more and more, and also because of overpopulation of a planet and understanding of natural senselessness of existence (absence of the God for the sake of which it was necessary "to breed and breed") defined (them will name destructive) forces in every possible way support idea of unisex "love".
- principle of outlook in which basis lay belief in infinity of possibilities of the person and its ability to perfection, the requirement of freedom and protection of advantage of the person, idea about human rights fortunately and that the satisfaction of its requirements and interests should be a society ultimate goal. The principle has developed in Renaissance as a result of struggle of "the third estate" (bourgeoisies, handicraftsmen and peasantry) against domination of feudal aristocracy, clergy, the srednevekovo-religious ideology preaching asceticism. Humanists (F.Petrarka, F.Bekon, Montaigne, Leonardo da Vinci) have proclaimed the person a nature wreath, the universe centre. In the person, from their point of view, should be combined harmoniously the natural and spiritual has begun; it has the right fortunately in a terrestrial life, and it "the natural aspiration to pleasure and happiness should become morals basis".On Bohensky, "humanism, possibly, the most widespread today a prejudice [7]. The opinion that it is possible to be everybody dominates, but it is impossible to be негуманистом. The word"humanism"has some values. According to one of them people essentially differ from other beings, in particular from animals. The person lives among the nature, but it is not its component. It above, it - something sacred. The person is a great being...
Other variant - intuitive humanism, belief that the person is something outstanding... Based on "direct penetration" person in own essence. Such penetration is extremely pleasant, the person rises over other nature, and nobody can give up to it in right to consider the humanist. However, this humanism is a little suspicious - too it flatters the subject. If crocodiles were able to philosophise, they for certain would think up крокодилизм: after all so it is pleasant to feel itself as a premium being.
The following variant of humanism which cannot be carried to errors, is a religious humanism, belief that the God has made the elect and the friend the most severe animal - the person. Trusting in it, of course, it is quite possible to name the humanist ".
"The humanistic logic"
- a principle of processing of the information (a thinking method), consisting that "ugly", from the point of view of humanism, possible scenarios of development a priori appear not listened, not subject to consideration, the analysis, to the account, etc. In its basis lays "ostrich's effect", nonsense, meanness, etc. qualities of the person.The humanoid (according to science fiction) - the reasonable being not being the person possessing a constitution, physiology and, that the most important thing, the morals inherent, or, at least, close in essential details, to the person.
Unlike the humanoid негуманоид - the fantastic reasonable being possessing inhuman reason, logic and morals, for example, conceiving spiders eating people, antipodes of albuminous forms of a life, etc. Appears, that in the world surrounding us it is quite possible to allocate негуманоидные things (system) are the systems possessing own Уlogic of existenceФ and the "interests" which are not crossed in the positive relation with interests of the person and mankind. It is necessary to carry to such things: the Universe, the Nature and Biosphere - above the person and defining an order of things in the world. It is necessary to carry to the same things: a society, a civilisation, cultures, art, technologies and many other things from this, that is result of activity of human reason (intelligence) in a huge measure and that usually carry to humanitarian spheres of activity and knowledge.
Last years appears the information more and more, allowing to tell, that негуманоидные tendencies start to prevail in life development on the Earth.
Human life
- an interval between two basic dates - a birth and death. The person does not realise the first date, as does not exist yet as the person. The second - does not realise, as does not exist any more as the person. In an interval the person worries some the main events in the biography, being the marks, allowing to realise the lived years: a marriage, a birth of the child, death of relatives, a trade choice, war, accident, etc. All these events are included into area of human interests.Harm
- value of human life: who does not know, that such harm - that does not know, that such good. The person equal to the God is done by good and harm knowledge.There is such parable: "Eve at a stream Sits and admires florets. The small Lamb approaches to it. Eve with it plays, is interested, than it eats and feeds him after that with a tasty grass. Suddenly the Wolf approaches to a stream and too gets acquainted with Eve. Eve also is interested, than the Wolf eats, and having learnt, that the Wolf eats Lambs, keeps the last for feet while the Wolf gnaws through its young throat".
Such is a life. Concept angrily in human relations inseparably linked with concept conscience: the person who has made harm, conscience starts to torment, it is natural, if it remained with it. Hitler has released in due time the soldiers from "a conscience chimera" purely political methods, it has appeared, that it is very convenient: to be free from its tortures, and its volunteers (voluntary followers in this undertaking) becomes in the world more and more.
As suggestion to the defenceless child of "idea of the God" is a full equivalent of seduction of juvenile (corruption) to release the seducer from a remorse, and the Law on a freedom of worship "which translates its (seducer) in the category of militant apologists has been invented so-called".
"Like good, harm concerns values so, a science it is not allowed to judge that is harm and that harm is not. A maximum, on what we are capable, is to describe harm and to investigate, that is considered harm....
One more prejudice consists that any harm rather: that is harm for one person, for another harm is not, that is there is nothing, that would be harm for all people. This error for the mankind possesses fundamental requirements, and actions which contradict them, an essence angrily absolute, mentioning all people. For example, cruelty in relation to small children - the absolute harm contradicting requirement of preservation of mankind ".
J.Bohenskogo's example is, of course, unsuccessful, but the thought stated by it, is interesting.
[greeke. hieros - sacred + arche - the power] - the sacred power, a consecutive arrangement of office ranks, ranks from the lowest to the higher as their submission. At research of natural and public systems apply concepts "higher" or "lowest" usages which designate not quality, but the interrelation caused by classification, or interaction: "higher" cannot to exist, for example, without "low" (previous). In everyday consciousness very often mix concepts "higher", "the higher step" etc. with "best". Actually the relation not "is better-is worse", and "another", "following" more often takes place.Human rights
- public institute; the rights not can to exist irrespective of duties accompanying them; exist the dialectic contradiction (demanding a continuity, consistency) and the real practice caused мозаичностью of thinking and action; the institute of human rights is formalistic attempt to take a word out of context and to give it own value as there can not be such act as "simply wave" (a wave by a hand with a scarf and a wave a hand with a knife will be characterised absolutely differently) so it can not "be simply right". The rights always are concrete and limited similar or the rights of others.The declaration of the United Nations by a principle "to do a work example just what isn't needed".
Human nature
the person, an animal public movements of mind possessing freedom (nonsense and reason), a free will (the will is free from the carrier and for its bridling it is necessary to possess will power) and a freedom of worship (unscrupulousness). home