- a thing out of which anything is not present. Infinite it is perfect other quality which is distinct from the final.Mathematicians say about infinitely big (that more than any beforehand set thing) and infinitesimal (that less than any beforehand set thing), that is characterise infinity an indirect method - comparison process, instead of comparison.
Having met concepts infinity and eternity "the person reflecting" long puzzles and becomes the poet or the philosopher, "the person who is not reflecting" - the public figure, and a life places them in the places.
Sometimes infinity do not define, but represent as something not having borders - similarity of a sphere on which surface it is possible to move to any party somehow long, for example, in the Universe, having started to move in any direction, you will get to the same point, only on the other hand. And, considering, that stars and all other in the Universe continuously move, that, having appeared even in the same place of space to learn it it is impossible, as all will be changed: continuing analogy, it is possible to tell, that drawing on a sphere surface continuously changes.
In our understanding the infinity is a property something, for example Spaces.
- action of things against each other in which result "their" properties - internal properties of system are shown. On interaction - the general form of communication of bodies or the phenomena, carried out in their mutual change. Two and more co-operating bodies or the phenomena make system in which process of transformation of movement is made, the reasons in action and back.The reminder - Interaction generates property.
Inclinations of the person
- area of the interests connected with the nature of the person, defining that circle of vital problems which are put before itself by the person. Usually inclinations of the person are under the will and education control - things closely connected with the nature of a society, information system of higher order (the hierarchy see).Internal
- hidden from direct supervision and shown indirectly, through other things accessible to direct supervision.Individual concept
- that exists in one copy in general or in relation to the considered subject (individual). Individual concepts are: the subject, his death and a birth, the Universe (the space containing a matter), time, biosphere, a human society, etc. Individual concepts are independent and, from the point of view of logic, do not require a statement context, in explanatories and specifying terms if them correctly use. Individual concepts do not reflect set (plural concepts see.)Interdiction
- violence over the person, on the one hand (for example, from the theory of "human rights"), the compelled decision - smaller harm - with another (humanistic theories of type of "the theory of universal values", etc.). From the point of view of information systems, logic an interdiction - the problem decision: for system action "is authorised - it is forbidden".Idealism
- the philosophical current according to which it is considered, that in the Universe (in the World) at first has arisen consciousness (spirit), and then a material world: consciousness initially, and the matter is secondary. In knowledge system the real order of things corresponds idealistic, there is no consciousness - there is no also a knowledge, speak "without the subject there is no object". At the heart of idealistic perception of the World that the person learning, at the consecutive fair approach, cannot guarantee World existence as can have lays and deals only with own sensations. Position (thought) was a starting point proving the fact of own existence: " I think, hence, I exist ". For reflecting reason (the doubting subject) existence even own body is already problematic and demands the proof. Existing, the reason is compelled to study the World, and if last exists objectively, not only to study, but also to live in it, is thus quite admissible to make one step aside from the exact proof - to consider to (believe), that the world exists out of us, and our sensations are somehow unequivocally connected with it. And, leaning against this unsteady belief, to the touch to live in this unsteady world for us. To do the second and the subsequent steps are already a sheer madness, therefore the further actions the doubting subject subjects to all-round check: arise practice (for a life in general) and philosophy (the theory - for the person).In idealistichesko-materialistic disputes the question is interesting enough: "that (the truth not clearly: where?) has appeared earlier: a matter (Universe) or consciousness (spirit-god)?" From the point of view of common sense, but not religions, it is not excluded, that they have appeared simultaneously and - one cannot exist without another, or that they existed always and consequently did not appear in general, and are this most initially set life. But also the question is thus possible, of course: "that from them initially, that is is the leader, a dominating element, and what again, that is it is conducted?" - but in this case this is necessary to understand at first, what such a matter, what such consciousness (spirit) and, the most important thing "where?" And "in what?" Initially. And still a question: УThat such consciousness?"
The ideal goods
- the goods which anything, or nearly so anything, is not necessary to the seller in manufacture, do not require warehouse, transport for delivery to the consumer, are compact and have a high sale price.Examples of the negative goods close to the ideal: the religion, drugs, services (especially such as prostitution, implicit advertising, treachery, murder, etc.), the human bodies delivered in the form of live people and children, a cud and cigarettes, alcohol and bright packing, stolen things and knowledge, the last have the characteristic close to the ideal goods if they are received by other or previous generations.
Examples of the antiideal goods: space researches, the high technologies, again received knowledge (a fundamental part of a science). High technologies, despite its triumphal procession on a planet, have got to the category of the antiideal goods not casually. In a normal condition of a society their development is practically doomed to failure as they demand enormous investments with enough small probability of return of means. But in race modes, not very well what: races of arms, a competition, a survival - the purpose justifies any expenses and costs, that we and observe last centuries. Huge human and intellectual resources have been thrown by strong-willed image on creation of ecological, political and economic crises, which have comprehended a planet (biosphere and a society) today.
It is possible to result examples and the positive ideal goods, for example: (verses, songs, concerts), positive services, but it is cultural intellectual values all takes place only in certain positive conditions.
[an armour. illusio - a deceit, error] - the deformed perception of the validity. In the literature (science) distinguish two types of illusions. One are caused by unusual external conditions, thus the organism perceiving illusions, functions normally. Others are caused by pathological (painful) deviations in organism functioning illusio the subject. From illusions suggest to distinguish hallucinations which, contrary to illusions, arise in the absence of external objects (the truth, that this such "absence of external objects", probably, will be at a loss to tell and authors of definition).Imitating thinking
- processes in the central nervous system (a brain of the person), reminding reasonable thinking, but those inherently not being: the person thinks, that he thinks, and actually it takes to itself(himself) for a ride. Thinking imitation is characteristic for the person at a lack of the information necessary for high-grade cogitative activity, low culture of thinking and pathological changes of the person as a result of illness, abusing alcohol, tobacco, drugs and to that similar things.The indulgence
- the papal reading and writing giving remission as made, and that is exclusively important, yet committed sins. The indulgence releases the sinner from a remorse and is a basis of institute of a freedom of worship.Inertia
- in the mechanic property of bodies at mutual indemnification of external influences to keep a condition of rest or uniform rectilinear movement. In a broad sense inertia consider as property of all material objects to keep movement inherent in them and to change this movement in a final time interval [1]. Still in a more comprehensive sense this word inertia is ability (property) of a thing in the absence of other operating factors to remain in time. If in the first cases we deal with inertia of a body, moving in space, in the second - with inertia of a thing, moving in time. Besides, it is not excluded, that in the latter case we deal also with change of a thing under the influence of time.Institute
- obvious or implicit structure of a society or the public relations, carrying out the allocated problem (a number of problems) or function necessary for a society; public institutes are: a family, church, school, army, party, a mafia, the power, sphere of arts, a science, mass media etc.In the field of public relations: morals, patriotism, altruism.
Institute of the opponent
- the culture and civilisation achievement, allowing to keep dynamic balance in a society; it is known, that the system deprived of force of counteraction, support reaction, starts to move under the influence of any other forces....At the heart of institute of the opponent the dialectic way of knowledge of the world lays, demanding to check and recheck, that is to call in question any obvious and the more so unevident position.
- one of qualities of the person, to the greatest degree reflecting ability to be guided in the World surrounding it. As a first approximation the intelligence can be defined as "unity" of reason, memory and education. An intelligence integral part is stored in memory (mainly got), architecture, structure and brain "chemistry" (hereditary and brought up) the information which, actually, and provides this unity: set of powers of thinking of the person defined by a heredity, education, reason, memory etc.Life experience (self-education). The intelligence, along with consciousness, feelings, emotions and the constitution, is the basic making person of the person.
The intelligence - as in the philosophical dictionary of definition is not present (?!), on [12] - mind, mind, reason; powers of thinking of the person.
Intelligence: it or is, or it is not present.
The intellectual
- "the person which (1) has got the education academic or similar to its, (2) is not connected in any way with an economic life and first of all is not the worker, (3) acts publicly and aspires to become authority on questions of morals, a policy, philosophy and outlook. Both the worker, and the professor is co-opted (takes root) into Wednesday of intellectuals when he starts to express on the problems listed above. Intellectuals are more often journalists, writers and artists, and also professors of universities from those who signs collective manifestos of the sociopolitical and moral maintenance.The superstition connected with intellectuals, consists that the intellectual as that ostensibly possesses authority in the field of ethics, politicians and outlooks. Because of prevalence of this error intellectuals played and continue to play a main role in a public life. In particular, they supervised over many revolutions which - contrary to dominating opinion - almost always were business of intellectuals, instead of broad masses... ".
Supplementing J.Bohenskogo, it is possible to tell, that among intellectuals is both experts in the areas listed above, and nonspecialists, acknowledgement to that is, for example, work .
Intellectual unconscientiousness (LIE)
- the concept getting in connection with achievement by mankind of exclusively high efficiency of work in sphere of production of goods, more and more great value from the point of view of survival of mankind. Incorrect conclusions and recommendations to action of institutes of processing of the information create threat of safety to all biosphere, let alone smaller биоценозах and public structures (states).Bright examples: Chernobyl, reorganisation, .
It is not necessary to confuse LIE to errors, an information lack.
- concept from area of natural human rights.Intimate things are such things which it is unpleasant to the person, or it would not be desirable to show or discuss with others on its personal basis.
Judging by films, a printed matter, advertising, etc. in the modern Western world of the right to an intimate life the Person actually has no.
The information
- a sign (key) for the information system, resulting last in a certain condition or causing certain action from its party.Concepts the information and information system are steam rooms and exist only in unity with each other, physically they also cannot exist the friend without the friend as at the heart of their relations COINCIDENCE of PROPERTIES takes place that allows to define the information as the relation:
The information - the relation between the physical signal resulting given information system in a certain condition (changing or keeping it), or causing unequivocally certain action from system under condition of preservation of integrity (?) of the system under the influence of this signal (but not reactions to it), and conditions of the system.
The information for us - what fills memory of the person and mankind. Somewhat this concept is in a direct parity with education.
Education - quality of the information (?). The information is a subject of a special sort and, moreover, rather special. In this connection we will consider some examples.
Example the first. There are expressions: "has given a life", "took his life". Yes, it is demotic expressions. Nevertheless they exist and reflect outlook. At close examination becomes clear, that terms "has given" and "took" mean transition something from one subject of action to another. In the given context as other subject the being divine, but it already object not public relations (right), and fairy tales that demands other approach to formation of receptions and cultures of the thinking which is distinct from ours can act only.
In general, a life it is possible:
To lose, stop, destroy, prolong, etc. where there is no its transition from one being to another. But expressions exist, exist as not realised dream.
Example of the second. It is known, that in one book any quantity of the information contains. On a question: "What quantity of the information contains in two same books?" - the answer follows usually with essential hitch. The great bulk of people never reflected that in two identical books contains as much information, as well as in one. Other party of this phenomenon consists that it is impossible to give the information. To give it is possible only material carrier on which the signs are fixed, capable to create in corresponding information system information blocks (that we, actually, and we we name the information): the book, the manuscript, a diskette, a picture. But the information it is possible: to lose, destroy, create, somewhat to transfer or copy, in other information system.
At an attentive sight at mankind it becomes clear, that the phenomenon of the information and a phenomenon mankind are processes, instead of the fixed conditions, and one in other.
The information in memory of the person is a process of his life. Nevertheless, despite so "deep" reasonings concerning the information, we will consider, using a principle of economy of thinking, that on alarm material (speak material) carriers the information (while there is a subject perceiving it) contains.
Example the third. During wars, revolutions and other scale actions widely apply such actions, as: informing, misinformation and information concealment. By the way, in this connection claims of mass media for "the right of unbiased interpretation of events" when people perish, demand also execution of responsibility by them for the actions bringing a damage of a life of other people, responsibility, possibly, under wartime laws - we name it so. The truth with it anybody also does not argue, but in the literature there is a question on the right of reception objective, truthful and to that the similar information from a society and the person. Thus for some reason does not make a reservation, that this such the objective, truthful information. After all it in the nature does not exist - any information is subjective and deformed, and information processes are so difficult, that are outside of human reason and do not give in to legislative regulation. Generally attempts to regulate information processes in a society by means of laws were observed and observed, but they are caused, more likely, naivety and incompetence of legislators and are a legal incident, and also activity imitation.
Information revolution
- as well as any revolution is accident (a studying subject of "the theory of accidents"), that demands the attentive and guarded relation to it. As a first approximation the essence of information revolution is reduced to that quantity of the information circulating in a society, speed of its processing (considering), technology of decision-making, the nature of human intelligence and the person and others to volume similar things come to the unsoluble contradiction with each other. Thus in a society speed of course негуманоидных processes raises.The information system
the system, capable to create, store and deform the information under the influence of external factors and also to use it for management of own behaviour.In our understanding information systems are only what are connected with a life - live systems and a society. All systems of a technical origin represent practically models of real information systems and to name more correct their "pseudo-information", or "information-like".
Information systems solve inherent in them and actual for them a circle of problems, but in the course of their ability to live as a result of interaction of information systems with each other there are new problems (systems are for each other "environment") which becomes more and more. On reaching certain "weight" level (quantitative and qualitative) arises the following step of information system, for which problem of subordinate system become insignificant. As the higher system generalises problems of a considerable quantity subordinate their value for subordinate systems becomes relative. We face this phenomenon at organism level in which the considerable quantity of cages daily perishes, but here level of bodies already for an organism is rather more considerable. The person represents big enough value for the nearest environment (family), a work collective (if it the irreplaceable expert), but it is already ready smaller for the state and still smaller for mankind.
At movement from below upwards takes place about the same parity - interests (information problems) higher systems are not clear and uninteresting"the subordinate. Are so uninteresting, that become inaccessible and huge pressure of intellectual forces of the separate person is required to understand, that occurs in a society and on a planet.
Information civilisation - the structure of a society caused by high efficiency of work developing now on a planet, and in the spheres which have been not connected with processing of the information, an overpopulation of a planet and limitation of vital scenarios (trades and requirements for them). The possible technological systems of a society connected with processing and an information transfer, creation of corresponding technics and its consumption, are exclusively difficult systems, capable to absorb huge human and intellectual resources, creating imitation (rather qualitative) need and utility. The people sitting and working behind computers, will feel, that they live knowingly.
In modern interpretation management and the organisation understand as an information civilisation a society condition in which a predominating place occupy the information. But in practice it is reduced to such representations, as, for example, universal introduction of computers, microprocessors and other means of transfer, storage and processing of signals bearing the information, and also technology of their use in economy. Thus forget, that except economy there are culture, a policy, human relations and other things for which the computerisation can appear completely not good.
- 1) a case, the separate fact; 2) in jurisprudence casual action, unlike deliberate or careless action; the action having external signs of offence, a crime, but deprived of a fault element, that is such in which that who has made it has not shown neither intention, nor imprudence and, hence, should not bear responsibility.Imaginary
- not existing actually. Imaginary is the maintenance of that information by which memory of information systems is filled, thus the information exists in two forms: obvious (memory of an animal and the person, a genetic code, some other physiological processes) and implicit (writing, a cinema, a sound recording and other things where the information is hidden in physical signals and demands decoding by means of information system, for example reason).The relation imaginary and valid is visually shown in the mathematician as complex number (imaginary and valid parts of number). Application of complex numbers in the description of physical processes allows to consider in the uniform equation both the latent components of the investigated phenomena, and the interconnected processes having various in our representation the physical nature.
Intense systems
- the difficult formations possessing concerning the big internal energy. It is possible to allocate intense systems: natural and artificial, natural and public, situational and positions. Depending on concrete historical conditions the intense system can have the raised or lowered ability to preservation of the condition.From the point of view of civilisation problems, it is possible to notice, that in process of growth of the population of a planet the mankind becomes more and more intense system, for example:
- In case of any space, planetary or anthropogenous cataclysms, capable to lead to deterioration of a climate or decrease in fertility of soils and the seas, will solve a problem of redistribution of resources extremely difficultly (as there is no space for maneuver, for example, to move or protect 20-200 million persons and 1-5 billion persons - it is far not same);
- The large quantity of the resources keeping a civilisation in a condition of balance is practically not renewed and spent (energy carriers, mineral fertilizers, гумус soils, etc.);
- In the world there are many different forces both "positive" (constructive), and "negative" (destructive) sense - which results of action are difficult for predicting and which even at "relative" decrease in the presence at a society are capable to type "absolute weight", similar "critical" in atomic engineering (capacity of separate people and the organisations becomes commensurable with capacity of all mankind), i.e. notorious transition "quantities in quality" is possible.
The quantity really passes in quality, but we would not like to think of it.
a synonym of a word freedom, the is absolute-relative concept representing quite certain value for the person, the people. At the same time, getting under influence of culture, a civilisation, the state, mass-media, advertising, etc., the person completely loses the independence.... The Payment for calmness - independence loss - a step to totalitarianism, but is a vector of movement of mankind.... In respect of uncertain concepts, such as freedom, advantage, etc., is of interest for the theory and management practice in the big weights of people. The idea of independence allows under the pretext of struggle for freedom and independence completely to deprive of its people.To keep independently - to show own nonsense and still, at least, bad manners.
Independence Itself
- a stage of formation of the human person; in the course of the ability to live the person is periodically compelled to overcome it.The inhabitancy
- for the person is a planet the Earth with its specific features, it does not live in other places any more, and only can be. The inhabitancy gives to the person ALL necessary for its existence as kind: abilities to live of the separate individual and possibility to breed. In a more comprehensive sense it is necessary to carry words to an inhabitancy and a society. Social a component defines quality of intellectual properties of an individual and is one of the major factors influencing its ability to remain live and to breed. home