Life aggression
- its integral property and sense, as marked the ancient.Life
- two-unity of the surrounding person of the world and the person in this world [our definition]. For each person there is one life.Life - the philosophical concept designating the objective world existing irrespective of consciousness, a matter... Considering materiality of the world and its life as concepts identical, the dialectic materialism rejects idealistic representation about life as existing to a matter or irrespective of it, and also idealistic attempts to deduce life from the consciousness certificate... Recognizing life primary, and consciousness secondary, the dialectic materialism nevertheless treats consciousness not only as passive reflexion, but also as the active force affecting life.
In reflexions doubtless and instructive interest represents the fact of opposition of consciousness and the life, actually assuming existence of the God. What consciousness is available in view of: the person, mankind, the consciousness existing irrespective of the person, or still something? Whether we can include concept of the God in Matter definition? For example, the matter is the triune God, all World and Consciousness?
- on a planet the form of movement of a matter, the higher in relation to the physical and chemical forms, possessing a number of specific features. F.Engels: Уthe Life is a way of existence of the albuminous bodies which essential moment is the constant metabolism with the external nature surrounding them..."The conclusion, that a life - the form of movement of a matter allows to carry out the analysis. There, where there is a form, there should be and the maintenance, and also the third thing to which they concern. Movement - the maintenance, the form - a life, the third thing which we have because the moving matter has taken the form of a life - the information (?). But by definition all the same philosophy: movement - a way of existence of mother, its integral property, is immanent matters attribute.
We can tell, for example, that a life, in that kind in what we know it, a kind or the form, or a way (that sounds already worse) interactions of material systems in the Universe.
Enough, it is obvious, what in these definitions we deal with the morphological approach, that is the external description, ascertaining of the fact without attempt to understand that, "that this such - a life?" As the term in philosophy is not defined a way, the integral property speaks only about the relation, and the attribute it and is according to philosophy the integral property of a thing. Considering, that property of a thing always is integral and if it can be torn away to (take away) we deal simply with other thing, it is necessary to recognise the above-stated definitions unsatisfactory.
We will define a life as property of certain area of the Universe. In this case Universe areas - planets the Earth.
The matter in the movement accepts all possible conditions. A life (on the Earth) - one of properties of Solar system.
Summarising both thoughts, we will receive: the Life - a matter condition in Solar system.
On the other hand, a life - энергоинформационный or information-power processes of interaction of the difficult definitely organised systems: environment and a live organism, or communities of live organisms. From the third party, the life which has arisen in a macrocosm at molecular level as a result of interaction of such forms (conditions) of a matter as vacuum, the substance and a field also represents the moving form (condition) of a matter (however, those are also all other objects of the Universe).
Thus, it is possible to speak about the basic forms of existence of a matter: vacuum, a field, substance - their interaction and more difficult compound form - lives. Why the form?
Under the formula "the maintenance - the form - the third thing" it is possible to make the life analysis - the elementary live system. First, we have the area of space possessing a quantity of vacuum, substance, fields and a relative constancy of the cyclic phenomena - structural and time.
Secondly, we have physical properties of atoms of substance allowing them to unite in rather steady more difficult formations - molecules.
Thirdly, we have interaction concerning steady difficult formations with the structured macrocosm, i.e. pseudo-information or preinformation processes.
Stability provides memory, a stability relativity - creation and change information (evolution), together with a metabolism as storing is made by replacement of one macroobject by other macroobject differing, for example, under the form, to the chemical formula, a condition.
The maintenance - a matter, the form - a difficult "organic" molecule, their "community", and further a cage in a corresponding frame (in the external cyclically organised environment), the third thing - a life.
Speaking we can beautifully tell, that the life is a form of forms.
The layman
- the person, "calling all in question" - the researcher or scientific, reaching and reached understanding of a true state of affairs is independent, instead of as a result of training.The law
- model, no more. It is necessary to distinguish laws - result of modelling by human intelligence of those or other properties of the world, things or societies from these properties. Considering practice of application of a word "law" basically to public systems, it is necessary to understand, that expression "the nature law", grows out антропоморфного of perception of the nature. Investment with its qualities going from the person to the nature, fauna, rather the reverse.Coincidence of sounding of words (the law accepted to execution in a society, and the natural law) - rather unpleasant thing which is one of driving factors of nonsense, demagogy, God-seeking.
In our understanding the world possesses some properties, instead of operates under the nature law.
In the field of the right the law is rules and the action rights given to the officials, accepted by a society for this or that historical period and for those or other vital scenarios. Unlike morals, the law, inherently, is obligatory for performance by government officials, and only them though practice shows, that in a society treat the law as rules for the population that is generally absolutely incorrect.....
The law - the statutory act accepted by the supreme body of the government in an order established by the constitution. Possesses the higher validity in relation to other statutory acts (to decrees, decisions, etc.). The basic source of the right in a modern society.
Force of laws consists in their relative firmness. If laws start to change any way they lose the force for some reasons:
- Frequent change of laws calls into question their quality, that considerably weakens the mechanism of conscious submission to the law - people start to submit not to the law, and force;
- For studying of laws as citizens, and officials, acquisition of skills of using conditions and time, and considerable are required; at its simple person, as a rule, is not present is for the official paid work, for the others a burden, the truth if not to reckon with realities and not to think of the people, it not so;
- In a society there are the forces aspiring and capable to use legal vacuum and confusion in own mercenary purposes...
- There is a question, that for forces are in power, what their purposes, whether and so it is necessary for these forces and laws accepted by them to submit, i.e. it is a question any more of quality of laws, and on honesty of the legislator - the legislator loses a presumption of innocence and is obliged to prove, that it expresses opinion of the people, instead of the third forces; as like to speak now, charisma of the power (all branches) collapses.
In economy the law is the accepted society a rule allowing with the minimum costs to reach an object in view (usually this reception of profit), no more.
It is represented, that the basic feature of the law consists that it we will execute and should be executed. The ancient spoke: Уthe Law is severe, but it is the lawФ - but they did not speak: Уthe Law - is silly, but it is the lawФ.
- on [13] science about laws and operations of correct thinking. According to main principle of logic, correctness of a reasoning is defined only by its logic form or structure and does not depend on the concrete maintenance of statements entering into it.Distinctive feature of a correct reasoning is that at the validity of parcels the logic thinking conducts to the true conclusion (to the answer to a question). The wrong reasoning can to conduct from true and not true parcels as to true, and to not true conclusions (the validity of the conclusion is case business).
In such a manner that such logic clearly are rules of application of those or other cogitative receptions at information processing. There is a formal logic, the humanistic logic, the female logic, the children's logic, шизофреническа¤ logic, the dialectic logic, the philosophical logic etc.
But except logic exists also thinking which can submit to its laws (correct thinking) and not to submit (wrong, illogical thinking).
From our point of view, the logician - section of the theory of the knowledge, studying the relation and existence of things in full sense of last word.
Logic dialectic
on "to the Short dictionary logically" [13] - the doctrine about formation and development of knowledge, of their application in the practice, leaning against the general and specific laws, and also principles of materialistic dialectics.Apparently from definition, the dialectic logic not a science. Under the philosophical dictionary of [2] dialectic logicians - a science about laws and reflexion forms in thinking of development and change of the objective world, about laws of knowledge of true.
The second definition though gets under concept of the logician, but is faster section of the theory of the knowledge which other sections are usual and other kinds the logician and actions. Practice shows, that in thinking "development and change of the objective world" can be reflected as adequately (under laws of usual logic), and is inadequate, therefore the theory of knowledge demands also skilled check of "cogitative forms".
Now in the philosophical literature attacks to the dialectic logic are observed, trying to prove, that it as logic does not exist.
The logic female - "if is impossible, but very much it would be desirable, it is possible". The logic mathematical - investigates a subject of formal logic a method of construction of the special formalized languages, or calculations. They allow to avoid an ambiguous and logic ambiguity of a natural language which used at the description of correct thinking the traditional logic.
Logic formal - a science studying cogitative certificates - concepts, judgements, conclusions, proofs - from their logic structure or the form in derivation from the maintenance. The primary goal of formal logic - to formulate laws and the principles which observance is a necessary condition of achievement of true results in the course of knowledge reception.
Logic thinking - the way of thinking corresponding to this or that logic model.
- a basic category of philosophy, ethics, a policy, economy and other spheres of activity of human life and mankind life. Because it is basic, in a society prefer to pretend, that it does not exist. In an antiquity spoke: "do not mention a name of the God in vain!" Precisely same position develops and with lie institute - this word is not present in the dictionary of the editor "LEXICON" on which the variant of the text of the present interpreter (at least is typed, it does not decline it), it is avoided by politicians, thinking out equivalents "slyness", "intellectual unconscientiousness", etc. That is people subconsciously and meaningly understand, that, going on lie road, they will inevitably reach and will finish others to a precipice. Understand and nevertheless do, as the lie allows, as it seems lying, in many cases to achieve the object with the minimum time, moral and power costs. At the same time the history shows, that the ethical equations operate and finally the truth, or punishment triumph. An another matter what the question "for what is often asked?" This punishment has come.Love
- the feeling based on comprehension of weight of life and sensation of a non-existence, death rate of all live, causing desire to reduce this weight of a life to that being whom you love. It is necessary to distinguish love from feelings similar to it, but nevertheless love substitutes: a sexual inclination, sex, desire - having independent value, but love not being. The understanding (deep understanding) to caducity of existence promotes occurrence of love at those who is capable of it.On [16] love - the feeling corresponding to relations of a generality and affinity between people, based on their mutual interest and propensity.
On [7] "distinguish (since ancient стоиков) four types or love sorts: parental love (storge), friendship (filia), erotic love (eros) and spiritual love (agape). Proceeding from it, in the person it is possible to allocate, at least, three levels: vegetative, animal and spiritual; the love can be shown on each of them. The perfect love covers at once all levels.
The first error connected with love, concerns its subject. According to altruism, there is a love to the abstract and anonymous person, and there is it only if it is really another's person.
Other error, unfortunately, very extended, consists that reduce love to one of its displays, more often - to its one level. Some people believe, that the love exists only at vegetative, sexual level; for example, in French to "make love" means the same what to copulate. Others - and this error meets more often - reduce love to feeling. Love, undoubtedly, as well feeling, but not one only feeling. Completeness of love assumes also desire to serve the favourite person and to be good to it ".
In general to understand J.Bohenskogo it is difficult, but it is possible.
Limitation of resources of the person
- each person has at the order certain quantity physical, intellectual, public and сценарных the resources defining finally its possibilities. Proceeding from available resources, the person builds own vital scenario (them can be the set), being entered in the scenario of other people and a society.Physical resources define its health, longevity, physical strength and other possibilities of direct stay among people.
Intellectual resources - provide also adequate perception of the world and are necessary for orientation in it: a choice of a trade, a way of life, construction of the most vital scenario, ability of to realise.
Limitation of intellectual resources of the person (person) is not its big lack, limitation of intellectual resources of a society is much more unpleasant. Now the situation on a planet develops dramatically for the person and mankind, but there is a tradition - to do a good mine at bad game.
It is not excluded, that limitation of intellectual resources is a necessary part of the mechanism of "generalisation" of the information.
Public resources are given to the person by a civilisation and culture. The person is not capable to exist and create in loneliness, not communicating with people (it only memory) - in a society it is trained, in it it and creates.
—ценарные resources - concrete possibilities of realisation the existence caused by an epoch, history, the birthplace etc. During war is one, during the Middle Ages - absolutely another.
Limitation of resources of a planet
- our planet as it is strange, possesses some limited resources, for example:- A surface, arable lands, the shelf seas, a water table, fresh water stocks, organic and inorganic minerals, quantity of oxygen in atmosphere, a constancy of structure of biosphere, etc.;
- Existence time, a temperature range, a landscape variety etc.
The lawful state
- a consecutive embodiment of dream of Bolsheviks about creation of such society in which operate the state can any cook. In truly lawful state the cook, and a paper - the so-called law operates at all. The similar chimera is possible only in once and for all set order of housekeeping, that is in absolutely fallen asleep society when all is provided by the law. It is natural, that such cannot be, in this connection the idea of a lawful state is only the declaration reminding idea of communism, and serves basically for the decision of private political problems.It is obvious, that any state legal. A question in other: what the rights in it, what right and whether are observed these things? The lawful state, and the legislative government is necessary for us not, and the mechanism of creation of the laws directed on interests of the people and the state (in sense - the countries) is necessary. Thus it is necessary to notice at once, that creation of qualitative laws is the challenge demanding presence of scientifically proved sistemo-forming factors. In our state.
Development went evolutionary by under a Marxism-Leninism banner. Because such development always slowly to speak about an unsuccessful variant of construction of socialism it is possible, only proceeding from any political ends, but not the scientific analysis.
Legal ethics
- appear, that it is quite possible to speak and about such things. We will remind, that "Ethics - a culture part". We will allocate following elementary moral political (ethical) norms which also concern and to right area but which are everywhere broken also which it would be desirable to have:1. Results of elections, referenda are not subject to interpretation, and are the fact. Attempts separate (both is wide-conceiving are observed, and narrow-minded) politicians to argue on some legitimacy of not clearly that or its absence, scrupulously to count up, what quantity of voices has been submitted for one what for another, etc. Such actions are a bright example of the double standard and are possible only for that simple reason, that the mode existing in the country will not allow opponents to answer these interpretation by equivalent image.
Opposition, usually, do not suppose to mass media and other kinds of polemic. But, using their logic, it will be necessary to recognise, that for the considerable part of the population (majority) which were not voting pro, these figures and authorities represented by them anybody and are nothing - so the private persons occupying those or other official posts, -
No more. That, in general, also it is observed. These persons are compelled to lean against bayonets, a deceit or nonsense of weights (in the last, during our educated time, it is trusted hardly in spite of the fact that is the fact).
Each person voting on elections or a referendum for or against, was guided by the opinion and had the reasons to vote anyhow. And, frequently the opposite reasons can yield the same result. But because voting is secret, it is unethical to break this secret and it is, especially, unethical to substitute the opinion of the voter hidden by secret of voting, the poor interpretation, knowing, that to the voter to state the true reasons of the choice will not give.
It is necessary to understand, that results of voting are accepted or are not accepted by a society according to the law - the right. And, how there it is stipulated (even if the people will deceive). Laws are not perfection top, they not the arrangement is available the God data, but in a society, that they are necessary for executing for the time being - differently there will be an anarchy. After this time the people solve a problem other methods, легитимизиру¤ in their image accessible to it.
2. The body or the person invested by the power, has no moral (it is not excluded, that it would be useful (?) To include and in the organic law) the rights to pass laws "under ourselves", for example, an order of elections of this or that authority, its power, etc. Acceptance of laws under ourselves - power usurpation, that, by the way, we regularly and observed in the newest history and that was one of the reasons of the political crash which has comprehended our state. It is possible to understand the deputy case which wishes to raise powers of parliament, but to bring respective alterations both towards reduction and towards expansion of the rights, it is ethic only in relation to parliament or other authority following for operating, that is for the successor, and the people, knowing "that their elects" should do, will vote, already being guided by other promptings. Thus, having brought respective alterations, the government or parliament for ethical or other reasons should send in the resignation.
Pirates had a simple way of fair division of extraction on two parts: one divides, another chooses.
3. Moral standards in a normal society usually stand above, than legal, and are connected also with such concept, as honour.
4. Inclusion in referenda and laws of ambiguous and multiple-valued formulations should be forbidden by the law and to be classified as swindle. As it was one of mechanisms of destruction of the USSR.
Life expectancy
- can be regulated by natural and technological ways...Labour productivity
- the relation of quantity of a product of work to work expenses. In process of development of a civilisation labour productivity in separate spheres of activity both the separate person, and a society as a whole accrues. Labour productivity growth is accompanied by a number of consequences:- (The relative quantity of people decreases for one thousand person), those for performance those or other public functions necessary for performance;
- The quantity of functions which the person who is engaged any can carry out extends it come from activity;
- The scale of influence of the separate person increases by public, ecological and technological systems;
- Time which has been released on correction of admitted errors which consequences become more and more dramatic decreases;
- Dynamism of public and technological systems that conducts to deterioration of their stability raises;
- The considerable quantity of people for which there are no workplaces, vital scenarios (the list of the trades necessary for a society) is liberated;
- Because of high perfection of an education system such intellectual qualities of the average person as reason (it is superseded by memory and skills), ability critically to concern the validity, own acts and actions of other people degrade, to find the adequate socially-necessary and proved decisions, there is a phenomenon of "mass consciousness".
The lie structure
- lie can have various filling, but its structure is always monotonous: the truth + a lie = lie, complexity of exarticulation of structure of lie is its objectivity connected with features of process of an information transfer and the basic property of information systems.With reference to practical ability to live lie structure the following: big правда+маленька¤ lie = the big lie; there can not be a full lie, it will be any more lie, and nonsense - the lie "is always plausible" ; (tragically amusing) attempts of some people are rather amusing, having allocated the truth from told by the liar to assert, that "as not all told by it is lie" as a whole "this person can be trustedФ; the people have told: Once lain who to you will believe? - Is not present. Trust. And still as!