Memory kinds
- for the history the mankind has developed answers practically on all questions of human relations and on very many questions concerning directly person. The information (knowledge) is stored in memory of an individual which at different people can stay in four conditions, allowing them to allocate as separate figurative kinds of memory:Live memory of live people - the memory storing that knowledge and finds which the person has got during the life independently and which it actively uses;
Live memory of dead people - the memory storing knowledge and finds of the previous generations or other people which the person actively uses;
Dead memory of dead people - the memory storing knowledge and answers of the previous generations which are in books but which do not use now (because of their uselessness, uncertainty or ignorance of the person);
Dead memory of live people - the memory storing knowledge of live people which those not in a condition adequately to use because of features of intelligence: bad manners, nonsense, illness, etc.
Each kind of memory has, apparently, the algorithm of communication with those components of intelligence which we define as reason and education.
Last formula well describes a method of collective creativity which consists that some person, gathered, in the sum possess the knowledge necessary for the decision of a problem, but everyone separately makes it cannot, memory "does not give out" the information. "Recover" the memory they can, only having united knowledge - so-called "brain storm". One of the interesting moments of a considered situation is that someone can adhere the part of knowledge, and then, having solved a problem "independently" to apply for the rights of the author, that, eventually, and has served as the reason of crash of institute "brain storm".
Live memory of dead people - religion, traditions, experience from books; the experience transferred by the teacher in an active mode, is closer to a situation of live memory of live people; with the same situation the statement is closed - "the thought stated is lie"; in our interpretation: the thought stated is dead - its use to similarly food by boiled plants and animals (though the advantage is, and advantage doubtless).
Reminder: Allocation of intellectual qualities in the form of figurative kinds of memory is purely methodical reception. The reader can practise in use of formulas independently.
The military man
- the professional murderer having the right and obliged (in certain conditions) with impunity, from a society to kill other people. Some other categories of people - policemen, agents of special services, etc. have the similar status also, but in any case it is civil servants. Besides, under the international agreements the military man is not considered the criminal and in the states opponents.Conditions which are named by defined, usually stipulate in the Constitution, laws on military service and others.
Because war is the compelled inevitable historical harm, the society is compelled to consider a trade of the military man legitimate (lawful and admissible).
Swearing on fidelity to the people (society), the military man passes, however as well as in many other things cases, in a category of the people allowing another to dispose by his life. Thus its own life can quite appear a legal payment for death of other person. The society, in turn, incurs a duty to protect the military man, his family and children including from moral responsibility, but and torments of consciousness it bears the cross.
The trade of the military man is compelled and undesirable, but not because you can kill, that is why what to kill it is necessary you. Generally the question on military service is extremely important and is a subject of steadfast attention both constructive, and destructive forces, that we visually see on an example of our modern history.
The question on mercenaries, i.e. the people killing others for money, also deserves judgement. All - the goods.
- special goods which are carrying out a role of a universal equivalent. Function of money: a cost measure, a currency, treasure, an instrument of payment, the world money. Function of a measure of cost money carries out as ideal, счетные money, the price and a standard of price are connected with it. Under capitalism money acts as the monetary capital. At socialism money - the general form of the account of expenses of social activities, planning and the organisation of manufacture and distribution of a cumulative public product according to socialism economic laws (?).Paper money has compulsory or contractual the status, however, as well as any others, depending on an essence of the state board: the national state, dictatorship, democracy, etc.
That is, analyzing the above-stated definitions, we can see, that money it not the goods, and one of ways of realisation of public relations - an information sign (it they and differ from treasures).
Money - the information sign symbolising one of the parties of public relations, the public contract. Money has arisen, possibly, in an extreme antiquity at the beginning in the form of oral reminders, then as them various records (clay tablets, strings with small knots, etc.) could be used and existed in parallel with barter (barter). In process of expansion of a circle of contacts and area of trade as money at certain stages of development of a civilisation tried to use and so-called "the universal goods" - salt, cinnamon, ingots of metals (including noble), etc. but these things have appeared impractical, and some of them and short-lived. Eventually the society has been compelled to return to contractual relations (the state stamping of a coin, bank system - bills, credit cards, check-books, receipts, etc.). In these forms money exists and now.
Conversations on that money are the universal goods, very much remind the answer to a question: "Why at men a fastener in one party, and at women in another?" The answer says, that putting on (!?) the woman holds on hands of the child (a question what for? And how it is frequent?), and the man the weapon, etc.
Though more simple and natural answer (the truth, whether true it or not - all the same remains a question) lays on a surface: "That it was possible to unbutton with the maximum convenience clothes each other, using natural (habitual) coordination of movement of fingers of hands (for the man right)".
The mistaking subject
- the person believing, that it knows and at least understands about what speaks and that does. The concept closely connected with such known phenomena, as intelligence and reliability of the information: the truth and lie. It is obvious, that if the subject considers as the truth lie, it, at least, - the mistaking subject.Ortega-AND-gasset has told:
"As if we at least for a minute that it is better to understand each other, will agree with a traditional sight at thinking as on characteristic property of the person - recollect the person, a reasonable animal, - and, hence, the person will appear - as that was believed by the ingenious father of philosophy Descartes - a conceiving thing the person will be found out, that, being once and is for ever allocated by thinking gift, owning it as something unconditional and inaliennable, will be always confident, that he is a person the same as fish, actually, does not doubt, that it - fish. Here here also the greatest is covered, a fatal flaw. The person is never assured, that can take advantage of power of thinking, means - to take advantage of it adequately; after all the thought is thought, only as it is adequate. Or, in more rough form: the person is never assured, that the rights, that it"has hit the nail". The conclusion from this is really terrible, namely: From all beings in the Universe the person - unique who can be never really assured, that he is a person as the tiger is assured that it - a tiger, and fish - that it fish. The thinking has not been given at all to the person initially, and an essence of the matter - an essence which I now can declare only, instead of prove, - that it had to develop, form little by little it, thinking, in itself to cultivate and cultivate, working throughout millenia, and even now this work far is not ended. The thinking not only has not condescended on the person by itself, but, even, having overcome a considerable historical way, it could only in insignificant degree and in very imperfect form to develop in itself that we in usual sense of a word understand as thinking. But even reached, owing to its got nature, we always risk to lose and often already lost - and time and again - in the past and are again ready to lose today ".
Mental potential
(the person, a society) - set of intellectual qualities (intellectual resources) which can be used system for the decision of problems facing it on self-preservation and development.Materialism
- a philosophical current asserting, that the matter is primary, and consciousness again. The consciousness is considered property of a matter [1], or its product [2]. From the point of view of information systems consciousness as however and the life, is the process caused by properties of difficult material systems, but not property of a matter.Matter
something filling space (Universe). The matter possesses properties allowing things consisting of it to move, be compressed and be stretched, is not excluded, that it occurs and under the influence of time (the truth is the assumption absolutely fantastically and does not clear up the mechanism of such action, but suddenly...). Matter movement, unlike movement of bodies, occurs without диссипации energy (disappearances) (the Associative block see). Properties of a matter are a subject of studying both natural, and the humanities.There is a hypothesis on which the matter is a vacuum, its indignations (standing waves) is a substance, pressure and vacuum curvatures - fields.
If to address to the definition of a matter standard in the Soviet philosophy (is also such) it is possible to read:
"The matter (лат.materia) - a philosophical category for a designation of an objective reality which exists irrespective of consciousness and is reflected in it (Lenin V. I. Т.18. С.131). A matter - infinite set of all existing phenomena, objects and systems, a substratum of all diverse properties, relations, interactions and movement forms. The matter does not exist differently as soon as in uncountable set of concrete forms of the structural organisation, each of which possesses variety of properties and interactions, a difficult structure and is an element of some, more the general system".
Apparently from the above-stated text, a category the matter according to the dictionary is not in any relations with other categories - it is amorphous. It is a substratum, but for definition of the term a substratum in the philosophical encyclopaedia [1] do not search, it there is not present: sublimation - is, the substance - is, the subject - is, and here the substratum - is not present.
Application of uncertain concepts for definition through them of basic concepts is the normal phenomenon of a science of philosophy.
- the philosophical category expressing organic unity of quality and quantity of any subject or the phenomenon. Certain quantitative characteristics are inherent in each qualitatively original object. These characteristics vary and are mobile. However their variability it is necessary it is limited by some limits behind which borders quantitative changes lead to changes qualitative (the law of transition of quantitative changes in qualitative). These borders also are a measure. In turn, changes of quality of the given object conduct to change of its quantitative characteristics and measures. Neither quality, nor quantity are not the fallen asleep and motionless categories. Quality passes through the different moments, yet will not settle itself, giving way to a new category to-quantity... If to consider object development points of transition from one qualitatively excellent step of this process to another act as central points of change of a measure. About system of such knots it is accepted to speak as about a central line of measures. Протагор said, that a measure for true (all things) is the person [1-2] (the norm see).Method
[greeke.methodos - research] - a way of research of the phenomena, the realised systematic way of knowledge and creation of information blocks; in general - reception, a way or an image of action. As examples, it is possible to result: dialectic methods, a method of regular researches, a method of "casual search", a trial and error method, a heuristic method, a method of research of operations, etc.Methods of washing of brains
- the invention of the civilisation requiring in ways of management by considerable quantities of people. Except typical, so-called arguments (arguments of the second sort), receptions of conducting dispute, other achievements of psychology are applied also: suggestion, intimidation, a deceit (demagogy), substitution of true values of life false, awakening of animal instincts ,etc.Method of expert estimations
- the way of check of correctness of the decision, right answer search, etc., based on experimentally found out fact, that small, but necessary quantity of casually picked up experts (an order of 5-20 persons) are capable to state an investigated phenomenon an estimation which is much more close to true, than each of them separately. This method is widely used at refereeing, for example, in figure skating, doctors (consultation) and in other vital scenarios.Owing to that the person is mainly memory, and its reason is weak enough and demands powerful motivation to start to operate actively, the decisions found reason should be repeated and rechecked repeatedly while they do not become "safe" from its point of view. As experts casual persons in this case serve. The mankind all time makes expert actions and looks, that from this it will turn out, and the survived experts get experience - all known "trial and error method".
- space volume in which entropy processes practically are not observed, there there were information systems (the life has arisen).Myth
- on [7] "a narration about which it is known, that it is false, but to which we trust, as though it was true. Myths happen two sorts. First, there are symbolical myths, false at their literal understanding, but true if to interpret them as symbols... Myths of the second sort have no symbolical value; taken it is literally, they carry out appeal function to action... Rosenberg, the theorist of a Hitlerism, has created the" a twentieth century myth ", that is a racist myth about a role of the German people etc., with that end in view".In a society continuously there is the self-origin of myths connected as with human qualities: ability to trust, limitation of mental faculties, an outlook, and features of transformation of the information a society. It is possible to carry belief in communism, capitalism, the market, economy to similar myths, etc. the speculative forms allowing "reason" to be guided in astable enough world.
is yet everything, but there is quite enough for the decision of this or that problem or question statement, that is it already essentially significant quantity which cannot be neglected. The category is a lot of from the practical point of view the uncertain measure closely connected with concept is enough. In ordinary language and thinking a word much often causes sensation all"or" almost all "though the situation" far not all "takes place. In practice of 1-2 % and even is can already be very much and much less.Model
- a speculative either material thing reflecting or showing those or other properties (set of properties) investigated object.The movement moment
- the physical size (category) connecting together space, time and a matter. At studying of physics both at school, and in high school concept the movement moment usually remains on consciousness boondocks. Though from the philosophical point of view it represents fundamental and not smaller interest, than concept of a matter.The morals
- set borders of behaviour of the person in its relations with other people. Norms of morals are norms of higher class, than norm of the right: the right supervises the bottom border of human relations below which there comes a civil responsibility. In this connection that fact is represented interesting enough, that in the USSR the behaviour of the communist was considered moral if it only did not get under norms of criminal law, that perfectly (naturally) averted from party of fair and normal people and has served one of the numerous reasons of disintegration of the USSR.Morphological
- concerning appearance and a structure; the morphological approach - the description of external display of a thing without attempt of penetration into its essence.The man
- (it is not necessary to confuse to concept the male and with concept the real man) it is standard, that the man is the person, capable to be responsible for the acts, capable at first to think, and then to do; the man is a person who understands interrelation of the phenomena, does not smoke, does not drink (but, WHAT IS IT?); someone has told, that the man makes in the life only two choice - chooses a trade and the wife - the Native land does not choose (man's mentality). The one who does not meet the listed requirements is more often the male or, in understanding of some ladies, the real man.The real man - in the taken roots and spread opinion is the human male considering with that. Actually the real man is the person of a male possessing feeling of responsibility (before the people, a family, children), the developed intelligence (that allows it to think at first and then to do, understand interrelation of the phenomena and processes) and honesty first of all before by itself.
The remark for the student (for "the young man considering life"). Practice shows, that the real man, as a rule, does not drink and does not smoke, if it not so get accustomed to it more attentively and you are convinced, that it, generally, is not the real man. The truth not to drink and not to smoke far it is not enough to be the real man.
On the other hand, the word-combination the real man senselessly enough and to us is represented what enough to be simple the man, that is to possess the same qualities which are listed above and to aspire to possess them.
Main objective for information systems
- self-preservation in a broad sense this word (plus reproduction).Memory (person)
- is an ability to store and reproduce the information. Ideal memory stores the received information and does not deform it in the course of storage and delivery. Real memory of the real person does not possess similar qualities also its qualities, such as forgetfulness and a reproduction inaccuracy, also define I.Q. of the person. And usually it is considered, that is not important, why the person is not so clever (whether but so it).It is obvious enough, that, not possessing memory, it is impossible to think. For us this statement will be a primitive thing.
Rather essential moment of a situation is that process of the reference to internal memory is rather fast and gives out the ready decision, passed natural selection. However, in all cases of use of the ready decision there is a risk, that the found answer concerns other problem very similar, but another.
This feature of human thinking has been noticed for a long time and the mankind all time tries to create an education system which would give not only the sum of knowledge, but also learnt to think.
Because process of reasonable thinking is slowed extremely down (in hundreds and thousand times more slowly memoirs process) and is unproductive (the majority of the received answers usually incorrectly), development of a society and technologies goes all the same, is good itself the recommended trial and error method. Generally it is possible to consider system "mankind" unreasonable.
- inorganic and organic; last buried products of previous activity the biospheres which have saved up in a solar energy for all previous history of the Earth: are used as organic fertilizers and energy carriers. Minerals in civilisation scales are not filled resources.Manufacture for the sake of manufacture
- imitation of activity or tireless activity on manufacture of the goods (services) which are absolutely not necessary to the consumer but which are necessary for the manufacturer as allows, for example:- To launder illegally received money;
- To lower the social intensity caused by unemployment;
- To pay "wages" to ostensibly working people (if, for example, is simple so to pay in it money in the form of the grant immorally).
It is not necessary to confuse a phenomenon of manufacture for the sake of manufacture to technologically necessary reservation of system made for the purpose of increase of its reliability, that partially takes place and in some from noted above cases.
If attentively to look narrowly at a society the phenomenon of manufacture for the sake of manufacture is looked through much: sportsmen, lawyers (lawyers), various funds, show business, economic structures...
In the conditions of sharp reduction of resources it will be probable to occur nevertheless revaluation of values in respect of allocation of subjects of "the first necessity", their manufacture and distribution.
The male
- in a society and fauna a being, capable to have posterity and not to know it. The male - concept biological, primary. In a society the analysis of the qualities inherent in males, has allowed to allocate from them a category of men. In a human society any man - the male, but not any male the man. home