- a mere verbiage having appearance of the statement, but that not being. Generally, it is a mere verbiage, practically in any way not connected among themselves. To define, the statement is senseless or not, in many cases very difficultly, as results "the person reasonable" in an error condition.Nonsense
- spontaneous movement of mind; intensive intellectual activity (unlike laziness of mind) which result is the product having the remote relation to that information which was processed by the given intelligence."If people think, they do it with risk to appear in a captivity at spontaneous movements of mind, i.e. that is not supervised by consciousness and will of the person... Categories an essence objective cogitative forms. They exist in our (human) thinking, but irrespective of us. That is, if people think precisely in thinking there is something such, that on the person DOES NOT DEPEND.
Nonsense, as is known, remains nonsense without dependence from a class association of its carriers and creators for nonsense is a spontaneous movement of mind "- from which NOBODY is insured (a bus including).
According to the theory of information systems the reason is not smaller spontaneous movement of mind, than nonsense, and, as a first approximation, from it we will not distinguish.
In the people speak: "Nonsense is not absence of mind, it is such mind". The people of the rights.
Question: What is worse than the fool? - The answer: the Fool with the initiative!
- existing in itself; unlike artificial, natural it is self-sufficient - to itself gives the basis - is reproduced.The natural arises irrespective of will and desire of the person. It is all that we cannot make or change that is not subject to us. Creating and assuming to have something artificial, the person finds out suddenly, that there were also others, not planned by it before a thing.
Natural sciences
- sciences studying properties of the nature and natural formations. Application of terms natural, technical, fundamental, etc. to spheres of activity of the person conditionally enough as in each of them there is a fundamental component (studying problems on border of our knowledge and ignorance), an applied component (studying problems of application of the received knowledge in practical activities), natural-science a component (studying the problems arising or existing irrespective of our desire). These terms if it is possible so to be expressed, äèàòðîïè÷íû, i.e. describe only a kernel - the most typical line or a subject component.The natural right
- the right given to the person by the nature, not requiring declarations and legal institutes. There is an international practice to represent, that it not so, being, as a matter of fact, infringement of natural human rights (so-called institute or "the Declaration of human rights"). Except this declaration, the natural rights at the person try to take away and various public institutes under a struggle signboard for human rights. The natural rights cannot be separated from their carrier.It is possible to carry to the natural rights: the right to live on a surface of a planet the Earth to breed, extract food and to participate in any information processes necessary for preservation of own ability to live. The natural rights as a matter of fact are properties of the person.
Natural human rights
-are in interaction with the natural rights of other people, generating institute of the right and public relations.Natural human rights are necessary for distinguishing from the society and state rights (the state institutes), which human communities should limit.
The nationality
on [2] - "one of forms of a generality of people which historically follows a rodo-breeding generality and is formed in the course of merge, consolidation of various tribes in the conditions of primitive-communal system change by private-ownership relations, occurrence and development of classes. For a nationality are characteristic replacement of former is blood-related communications with a territorial generality, breeding languages - uniform language along with existence of some dialects. Each nationality has the collective name, in it there are elements of the general culture ".Definition muffled enough, but in the second part corresponds to that image which allows to reflect on "national themes" a little. Especially - that place which concerns the general culture.
Transformation of a tribe into a nationality, to a nationality in the nation and the people is promoted by accumulation of spiritual, material and public values, and also scale and time factors.
- the requirement of privileges for separate representatives of the separate people depending on colour of eyes, a skin, hair. Usually nationalist ideas are put forward not by the people, and separate figures from the intelligency, wishing to receive these privileges.In many cases the nationalism is inspired obviously or implicitly by special services and mass media: TV, radio, the press.
- a condition at which absence the object in view cannot be reached under no circumstances.Necessary harm
- the compelled action, or institute with which it is necessary to be reconciled as in other ways the problem does not dare. Danger of necessary harm is its erection in a virtue rank. Presence of institutes of compulsion, religion, operation, corrective and punishing systems, traffic in arms - all is examples of the things necessary for mankind which are doubtless harm but at which absence existence and the blessings which become relative is impossible: calmness, well-being, riches.Nonspecific reaction
- mobilisation reaction "just in case", leading system in a condition of satisfactory readiness to the majority of influences expected by it.In medicine - organism reaction for all occasions, caused by the big variety of external influences and small in comparison with them system experience (system resources are limited, the world and variety of its influences it is boundless). Nonspecific reaction allows an organism in uncertain conditions (which it considers as dangerous) to prepare the protective resources for fast work.
Proceeding from the stress theory - nonspecific reaction is the normal mechanism of ability to live of any organism. Practically any reaction of an organism is nonspecific, that causes, most likely, effect of creation and information generalisation. Lifeless systems practically always answer with "specific" reaction to influence - collapse, live sometimes "get out" of a situation.
In the politician - "nonspecific" reaction is rather "specific". It is Enough to look at the every possible official bodies which are carrying out preventive actions, spot-checks, doctrines, etc.
Non-formalizable knowledge
- congenital algorithms of processing of the information, instincts, etc.The non-formalizable information
- the physical signals rendering emotional, world outlook (educational), etc. influence.The noosphere - first
is sphere of existence of the information in the form of wildlife: a life as that; secondly, it is information systems and the processes going to them possessing property of preservation of information systems, their constructive a component.Negation
- logic operation of creation of the statement which is making sense, opposite to data; as negation is called also each of these statements under the relation to each other."In dialectics [2] category negation designates transformation of one subject into another at simultaneous" destruction of "first".
Considering, that the subject (thing) is only a world element as liked to speak a Move, allocated of it for itself our consciousness, it is possible to consider, that dialectic "law" "negation negations" only ascertains presence in the world of space, a matter and movement.
Nature transformation
- usually under it was meant change of the environment named the nature; attempts of change of the nature of the person (?) as in the physical plan (gene engineering, cyborgs), and morally-intellectual (mass-media) are now observed. home