- on [7] "term" outlook ", from German Weltanschaunung, in itself it is not clear (as well as the majority of German philosophical concepts) and has some values. In one of them, probably the most widespread, the outlook is a set of the positions expressing complete experience of the given person, the experience connected not only with the facts, but also values. The outlook contains also answers to the basic questions which the person can put: questions existential, moral and concerning the world as a whole. In this sense we speak, for example, about outlook Christian, outlook of Aztecs, a Hitlerism etc. Religion as ideology, along with other components also includes also outlook - its communication with the subject, subjectivity. The outlook cannot be proved, it always is the belief certificate.Some errors are connected with outlook. Major of them consists that there is a certain "scientific" outlook, that is the outlook having a scientific substantiation. This prejudice has received a wide circulation in Education and till now dominates in the backward countries and in the countries where the power has communists.
The second error opposite first, consists that all known to the person, ostensibly, has world outlook character, that is, that objectively anything to prove it is impossible. This superstition closely connected with scepticism, is extended now in even big degree, than previous. By the way to tell, it is obliged by the popularity to success of scepticism ".
The observer
- the researcher, a probe, a subject (thing) or the person who is outside of the phenomenon, it is not necessary to confuse to the participant of the phenomenon is already the agent.Oil
- the fossil fuel which is lying down on depths; oil is the basic energy carrier of a modern civilisation. Thanks to it became possible and readily available: the car, a tractor, the plane and the tank. Oil use has sharply raised labour productivity in planetary scale (especially in agriculture and trade). Relative ecological cleanliness of its extraction (has drilled a chink and swing) and transformations in automobile fuel have removed comprehension and understanding of the problems connected with sharp growth of labour productivity.Let's distract a little in lyrics area: in due time oil "poets" as have christened "oil", doing an accent, naturally, on the second word, but time shows, that the genius of an enlightenment consists in the first word.
Yes, "oil" - gold of a devil. The truth and gold has brought to mankind many troubles.
- something on which our attention is directed.Objective
- a thing or the phenomenon which is out of the subject; at "knowledge the subject itself" the subject becomes object. At the same time it is necessary to understand, that the cognizable thing in many cases is not obviously expressed and the subject, assuming, that it learns one, actually learns another, that is the subject turns to the mistaking subject.Object of a special sort
- the information. The information possesses the properties inaccessible for material - material systems and to which it is possible to apply a word a miracle.Objectivity
- independence of existence of a thing of the fact of presence of our consciousness.The opponent
[from an armour. Opponens-objecting] - the opponent in dispute, the person to whom the dissertation or report estimation is charged. As a first approximation definitions quite satisfactory. Nevertheless it is necessary to notice, that the institute of the opponent is the mankind invention since began to speak "in dispute the true" is born. Диалектиками, understanding action of laws of dialectics, for a long time it is noticed, that in knowledge (and not only in it) the quality finished to a limit, turns to the contrast: the rationality in one field of knowledge and a life in nonsense in other areas (see, for example, argument to authority), interest to one areas in indifference to another, love to one people and principles in hatred to another etc. One of mechanisms of an exception of extreme situations is institute of the opponent which already at early stages starts to correct a withdrawal from a reasonable (?) kernel of behaviour (perception).Obvious things
as a rule, are not an art subject, it only craft subjects. Eventually because of degradation of a subject it can pass from the category of the obvious unevident in the category. For example, the candlestick becomes a subject unique, ancient, an art subject. However, nothing prevents to do by its that initially. There would be a talent. home