
The power - institute of management (!) of a condition of the allocated category of people: officials, military, serving internal affairs, the people, other person. Possible conditions of the allocated category of people in relation to the power: obedience, revolt, ignoring, indifference, aspiration, apathy, disappointment, etc. the obedience Relation realises power institute.

Speak: the power of the person, the morals power, the culture power, the power of money, the idea power, the state power, the lie power, etc.

The real power which can be both official (formal), and informal (informal), is distributed in a society between a considerable quantity of various forces: the state, parties, church, the informal or criminal groupings, separate people. In this connection it is possible to speak about the power of the state, church (which it is separated from the state), the anarchy and chaos power (lack of talent of management), etc.

Historically the power institute was based, possibly, on force - compulsion (1), and authority of knowledge (2), and then on education-contract (passing in a deceit) between the mighty of this world and "free" people. An elementary cell - a family, a sort: the weak and silly submit stronger and clever (at first strong but as in difficult situations the top takes reason, the turn and clever comes). Something similar is observed and in the states so during stagnant (?) times when all is quiet, the strong and clever state it is not required also, and together with it and the people, start to degrade. The people (but that this such - "people") delegate to rather heavy times in the weight the power to the state, that is become more legislative, are patriotic, initiative and if to it also will carry, remain on a world scene.

Within at least millenia of one of the basic components of institute of the power the right and the contract are.

Force application probably, of course, at various technological movements as from a ruling clique (treachery of interests of the people, acceptance of forcible decisions, etc.), and those or other institutes of a society (nationalities, classes, movements, parties, professional groups, action of special services, etc.). That is, direct force is applied in case of abusing the power and infringement of one of the parties of the obligations taken up, and also as a result of external intervention (puppet governments, colonies, etc.).

There is enough of ways of finding of the power:

- Capture, usurpation - power by, by means of a deceit, swindle, money (state, economic, political, etc.); - investment, delegation - is considered the most legitimate as in this case the people or other structures as though choose representatives to whom trust to carry out administrative functions;

- Appointment, advancement - power finding at the developed public institutes (does not exclude also application of the above described ways);

- Allocation - finding of the power at the expense of outstanding qualities: the authority power, the guru, etc. the informal power.

The power and money - in the nature the second does not exist without the first: the power can exist without money, but money without the power cannot be. The word here should be applied the power as in direct, and portable common senses, but in the direct conceptual: the power is a management of a system condition.

Let's afford the citation from: "That expression designates" And Would have the power over "? It means, first, that influence And on above, than influence on And, secondly, that the behaviour for And is more predicted, than And for B.Kak we will see behaviour more low, imperious relations between And and Would increase their mutual predictability and orderliness of behaviour". To this citation we will add, that in one situations And Would operate behaviour, and in others - business is on the contrary.

The power and the capital : the capital - one of forms of realisation of the power which maintenance are operation and management. The last considerably "legalises" the power, facilitating its realisation. Time having arisen, the capital, being the new operating factor, leads to change of public system, its consciousness and relations of production.

Economic operation (implicit) has come to the place of a straight line (obvious - by force application), that will disorient weights "near people" and replaces reasonable (though also forcible, but reasonable) public relations - негуманоидными (absolutely unreasonable).

Possibility - a non-realised condition of things - freedom degree. It is necessary to distinguish it from not realised condition of things - an interdiction.

Possibility and the validity on a category of the materialistic dialectics, reflecting two basic steps of development of each subject or the phenomenon in the nature, a society and thinking.

Possibility is objectively existing tendency of development of a subject; it arises on the basis of this or that law of development of a subject and expresses this law; the validity is objectively existing unity of law of interrelation of development of a subject and all its displays.

Let's reduce definition: possibility - the tendency of natural development; the validity - unity of law of development and its displays. On [2] validity - the realised possibility. Then possibility - the non-realised validity, that is more correct if to enter one more good concept - a condition. Thus we will receive: possibility - a non-realised condition.

But the given scholastic formulas, despite the correctness, represent purely theoretical interest.

A little bit best are represented to tell so: possibility and the validity - the philosophical categories describing the forms of development of life.

Possibility - the non-realised form of life.

The validity - the realised form of life.

Let's try one more variant: in a spoken language the valid connect not only with possible, but also with the wished. Speak: "it is not necessary to give out wished for valid" - that is valid can be wished and not wished. Wished and possible it is connected by even more drama relations: much from desirable remains for the person impossible. Thus, relations between the valid and possible have not only philosophical, but also human (humanitarian) character, that is are the characteristic not only the nature, but also sensual socially-human relations.

We will consider, that valid is that is actually, and possible are those models of life which exist in the generalised experience of mankind and are only its imaginations.

The pseudo science - the increasing quantity of scientists comes now to opinion, that unequivocal definition and criterion of this concept is not present, as in itself any science contains knowledge authentic (the base knowledge which has been checked up by practice of mankind), errors caused by insufficient knowledge (erroneous theories, hypotheses, results of experiments) and a false information (appeared as a result of intention from unfair scientists).

Special interest is represented by the second category which is on the substance of the basic component of that it is accepted to name "fundamental science" - a science studying the world on border of our knowledge and ignorance.

In A.Kitajgorodskogo's book "–еникса" the criticism of works of 1949 in biology is spent:

"... The facts mentioned in the book induce radically to reconsider traditional scientific representations about autonomy of filtered viruses in the diverse world of microorganisms, about borders of stability, a life and reproduction of microbes, about the nature of vaccines, immune whey, бактерийных allergens, бактериофага and antibiotics, and also about the nature of immunity to infectious diseases.

The laws of transformation of viruses opened by the author in visual бактерийную the form, and also transformation of viruses and bacteria in the crystal form capable at change of conditions to the further vegetation, means original revolution not only in microbiology, but also in many other things areas of a biological science ".

Correctly the director writes. What there revolution! This word is scanty in comparison with G.Boshjana's opening. After all it is a question that the person has learnt to transform live in lifeless and on the contrary - crystals into microbes and microbes in crystals. All natural sciences are crossed out by the unfaltering hand. Here what book represent to attention of the reader ".

Presence of a scientific degree and rank does not insure against intolerance to another's opinion, errors and servility.

The person - the person with the socially caused and individually expressed qualities: intellectual, emotional, strong-willed.

In psychology the person - each separate person with specific features of character inherent in it, intelligence, emotional sphere. A question: why definitions different?

The person of the person is formed under the influence of external and private world in their interaction; the direction of its development in certain degree is business of a case, luck. One of the major qualities of the person is ability to understand (others, difficult things). Language which is stronger than us, gives definitions the integral person, a fragment of the person, the moral ugly creature etc.

Each person bears in itself germs of those pathologies (the hypertrophied qualities of the person) which require medical intervention. Doctors say, that every third person has mental deviations, that is to some extent the schizophrenic, the psychopath, the paranoiac, the moron, it suffers мозаичностью the thinking, the raised or lowered excitability etc. Generally indeed. And each person should live, adapting to those features of the organism with which it was awarded with the nature.

The person of a paranoid warehouse - the person living in a condition of eternal fear, jealousy, suspiciousness and insult on all.

The person of a psychopathological warehouse - having in an arsenal "supervaluable idea", "limited private world", "the raised mobility".

The person of a psychopathic warehouse - the person subject психопатии, "getting" the words, beginning to believe that itself speaks. Usually begins the speech easy, then it is a little raised, passes to search of enemies, threats, active actions, then sharply leaves this condition - calms down.

The person шизофренического a warehouse - at dialogue with such person is felt obviously expressed disintegration of the person. But in our psychiatric literature it something other. He/she is the person with the logic differing from "normal", using in conversation by metaphors, an abundance of the parenthesises, having on all opinion, etc.

Considering, that "мозаичность and figurativeness of thinking" is characteristic property of any intelligence, under the diagnosis "schizophrenia" it is possible to bring practically any in an original way conceiving person.

People - the live beings (animals) possessing in weight morals (morals) and its antipodes.

The people - a part of a society trustful and deceived by various public institutes. On [10] people:

1) all population of any country;

2) the most significant for development of a society a part, mainly workers of weight;

3) various forms of a historical generality of people: a tribe, a nationality, the nation.

In connection with ambiguity of interpretation of the term the people always there are "ticklish" questions at its application in legal documents: constitutions, declarations, etc. As the history similar "negligence" of legislators shows (both public institutes, and concrete politicians), in the long term, sometimes terminate in confrontations. For elimination of unpleasant (?) consequences the term is desirable for defining, for example: the people of Chuvashiya - all population of republic, irrespective of a nationality; the Chuvash people - a part of the population of republic (the people the Chuvash ethnos admits only), Russia (it is considered, that the people are separated and scattered on territory of Russia) or planets (with reference to consideration of global problems of ethnos) Chuvash nationality.

In the majority of the countries of the world (perhaps, only except for America) the concept the people is connected with national consciousness. The American people on the origin "visitor" and at each inhabitant of America are also the "basic" Native land, its ancestors whence have come. In this connection it is possible to believe, that Americans are owners new to the people of a planet of the mentality numbering only 100-200 years, and is possible, and it is less (arisen after some transient).

It is necessary to notice, that concept the people, it is similar to concept "mankind", has, at least, two "measurements": spatial (for example, the country population now) and time (the country population "in time", i.e. in the past, the present and the future). In this connection always there is a question "about responsibility" that part of the people, "which now lives in the given territory" before ancestors which "have no rights" and descendants who also "have no rights".

On [7] people - the part of a society opposite to elite. On J.Bohenskomu Уthere is an error according to which it is considered, that the people are especially wise, virtuous also cultural, and its representatives - people more knowing, than scientists, more noble, than elite, more cultural, than artists and poets.... As a rule all it is far not so: the people contrary to elite are set of people limited, not differing nobleness, ignorantФ.

To agree with Bohensky it is difficult, as in its statements the mechanism of creation is noted by a society (people) of values, and without this mechanism the statement is represented simply mismatching the validity. In a society the elite consisting frequently from people insignificant, creates values for judges (people), being guided on its intellectual, cultural and moral level. Lie, slander, meanness do not recognise, as a rule, simple people (mothers). To create values the talent - the hypertrophied quality helps. This thought is supported also by Bohensky "artist" in oneiromancy, "writer", "intellectual", "guru" - but, whether in force мозаичности thinking ", whether in force" анганжированности works ", does not use it in other decodings of words.

Whether there are all above-stated reasonings according to "philosophy, the theory and practice of the right and technology of work of mass-media" which the dead, not born and not received words in an aether say, what ", no rights are", and also, what "the rights always that" who is right "and that" who has told "not last word, and a word the last"?

Punishment - on [7] "according to a popular belief, punishment is misunderstanding. Criminals should to be punished, and or to neutralise (as mentally sick) or to bring up and re-educate. Because of this prejudice of severe murderers, etc. consider as poor, pursued people. From here aspiration to arrange in the best way prisons to cancel a death penalty, etc.

All is the superstitions following from negation of freedom and advantage, and also fault. There are no crimes, there are only results of bad education, congenital bad bents, etc. It is a prejudice, in appearance humanistic, actually deprives of the person of the most human line, namely freedom. For this purpose, who does not divide this error, punishment is indemnification which the criminal pays to a society for the fault ".

Here J.Bohensky, despite the extremely confused expression of thoughts, is undoubtedly right. The person is really enough free in the actions, so, that in a condition to become the criminal, but thus he should not demand from a society of any specific rules constructed on its conditions in relation to itself. The society also is free enough to solve the problems (for example problems with criminality) the ways.

At the heart of all these conversations on humanism the phenomena connected lay: first, with miscarriages of justice and costs, secondly, with the double standard.

The first position is obvious enough.

The second - "the double standard" - consists that the criminal and its defender, for the unknown reason consider that they deserve the best fate, than a victim. Here it already absolutely is not clear.

Complexity of a situation consists that the criminal eventually leaves on freedom and a society aspires to secure itself against it, "having cajoled" soft punishment, and also not having given it in prison to "fly into a rage" even more (it is known, that prison and a zone - the underworld university, and application of this measure of punishment in mass scales conducts to the general criminalisation of a society).

Disputes going in a society specify only in discrepancy of criminal codes to the relations which have developed in a society (practice of their application and criminalisation degree) and a scale of values.

Probably, it would be absolutely fair, if defenders of cancellation of punishment for criminals appeared victims of those within the next days after the public statements. Here then it would be possible, after repeated hearings to talk about some objectivity and sincerity of similar statements, and also capacity of apologists.

The population of a planet (Earth) - planets simultaneously living on a surface representatives of a kind "homo sapiens"..

The population of the Earth varied in centuries with the general steady tendency to increase which practically did not change despite wars and epidemic (time of restoration of a population was measured by several decades)..

There is an opinion, that mankind growth went on exponen. to the law. There is an opinion, that the law was other. At close examination it is possible to see, that exponent. the law if took place on very small time intervals..

In our opinion, is better the dependences reflecting growth of a population of Globe, to represent kusochno-linear approximation..

Let's consider some questions of dynamics of growth of the population:.

- To give birth to the person, for the woman it is necessary on the average one-one and a half year;.

- Average life expectancy of the person of 30-60-75 years;.

- Natural time of trebling of a population under optimum conditions of 15-20 years (optimum conditions - the women, capable to give birth, give birth without interruption - annually);.

- Natural time of reduction of the population three times under extreme conditions of 40-80 years (extreme conditions - absence of birth rate);.

- The same at the minimum reproduction (one child on a family) 150-200 years..

The cores are first two positions, the others are "useful examples".

Public institute [from Latin institutum - an establishment, establishment] - set of the public structures connected with certain circle of public relations, and practice of their application by image accessible to a society.

Public consciousness - set of operating factors and the processes defining outlook of the basic (big) part of the population of a planet (concrete carriers of reason), the countries, cities, collective: information, situational, religious, natural. In a sense it is possible to say, that the public consciousness is a product of this or that culture. The term is an example антропоморфизма in a sight at a society. If to approach to a society as to information system the public consciousness = is set of the most typical answers and reactions of the allocated groups of people. Socially economic formation on [10] - a society which is at a certain step of historical development. Usually allocated primitive-communal, slaveholding, feudal, capitalist and communistic formations. Though separate elements and examples of the industrial (public) relations inherent in this or that formation, possibly, it is possible to find during any historical time.

From the point of view диатропического the approach to knowledge process формационное the society description is represented quite admissible. An another matter, that, possibly, it is possible to allocate and some intermediate or other forms, for example: socialism, ancient bureaucratic formations of China (east type), nomadic, etc.

And after all it is quite possible to allocate a step of development of the person and a society when a basis of getting of material resources is the robbery of other people and the people.

Public relations - relations between the people, the living big enough groups, societies developing in development. Various stages of development of a society the leading part is played by those or other public relations: religious, exclusive, industrial, information, etc

Paranoia (insanity) - the mental disease characterised by proof systematised delirium (prosecutions, jealousy, invention, etc.) [10].

The paranoid person - the person who is in "norm limits", but is closer to a condition, for example, than a paranoia, than a morbid depression.

Parliamentarism - concept in which the idea of balance is put in pawn, instead of true search (though last action and is not excluded, and it is simply essentially complicated).

The paranoid person - a science about pathogenic processes, changes and organism conditions; a science about abnormalities.

Pathological intelligence - intelligence of mentally sick person; the similar intelligence can be generated at absolutely healthy person at information and education distortion; causes the big disappointment a sight at the adult man of the end of 20th beginning of 21st century seriously believing in an astrology, chiromancy, the God and that it will get to Paradise.

Pacifism Pacifism on [7]: (it is told in 1987) - "belief that the world is the blessing and it is necessary to aspire to it. Pacifism is usually shown in the form of two prejudices. 1) According to the first to reach the world it is possible, having disarmed the peaceful people. 2) According to the second, war should be condemned from the moral point of view. Unfortunately, as experience testifies, disarmament of the peaceful people leads to that they are enthralled by other, militant people which, in turn, start to be at war with similar predators.

At the heart of pacifism the sentimental starry-eyed idealism lays: as it would be wonderful, if it was possible to avoid war, after all war - a thing ugly and terrible. At such approach the aesthetic estimation substitutes an estimation moral, thus forget, that quite often ugly things serve the kind purpose. Pacifism can be quite carried to the category of prejudices though to its some supporters you will not give up in nobleness; however, among pacifists it is a little noble people, pacifism is very often used by aggressors for the purpose of moral disarmament of the future victims ".

Continuing thought Bohensky, we will notice, that in the modern world when on a planet the considerable quantity of the most various forces operates and when "power of the human genius" allows to yield to the savages possessing cave mentality, the advanced weapon and means of mass destruction, there are no simple decisions of challenges.

The pacifist - the person achieving that Уfor its pleasant existence in our world other peopleФ have given the life.

Payment -which it is necessary to give a property part to keep its rest. For example, a payment for an enlightenment.

Pluralism - on the one hand, tolerance to opinions and acts of other people who are not coinciding with own, and another - plurality of opinions on the same question.

The pluralism in a society is the phenomenon natural, or, at least, wished. Plurality of opinions concerning the same phenomenon or the relation from an individual can turn back its unscrupulousness and to that similar things.

The policy a field of activity connected with relations between classes, the nations and other social groups, which kernel is a problem of a gain, deduction and government uses; participation in state affairs, definition of forms, problems, maintenances of its activity. Any problem gets political character if its decision is connected with class interests, a power problem. The political superstructure (political ideology, the state, parties) arises with.

Division of a society into classes on the basis of economic basis of a society. The policy "is the most concentrated expression of economy" (V.I.Lenin). At the same time the policy possesses the big degree of independence and strong impact on economy and other spheres of a society makes...

If to agree with that a policy - "the concentrated expression of economy", there is enough obvious an inadmissibility of promotion of economic requirements on the various not planned actions (demonstrations, pickets, conferences, etc.) without political as it do, for example, trade unions or miners. Promotion of economic requirements without political is or full misunderstanding of interrelation of the phenomena, or conscious misinformation of the people and an action bright example "just what isn't needed". The result and in that and other case will be about same though prospects and forecasts of succession of events are looked through the various: if we deal with fools their errors, possibly, still it is possible to correct if with rascals ways of achievement of the purpose will be absolutely others as it not errors.

It is obvious, that at market and to it to similar economy of the requirement from the people to the government can be only political as in questions of well-being of the people the market - the people should be engaged. The state has thus the right to interfere with economy, only by order of the people, that is after political pressure and so its main objective - to supervise observance by members of a society and officials of the laws established in a given society. Now, if to paraphrase classics, both a policy and economy become the concentrated expression of ecology. Though politicians for the present consider, that the ecology is one of tools of achievement of political ends, and, strangely enough, it carries out this function.

Postindustrial society - a society which can come in the stead of the industrial; such society will be, most likely, extremely krimino-gene for some reasons:

* first, sharp disappearance of mobile energy carriers can lead to labour productivity falling in agriculture and in distribution areas to "vital energy" and, accordingly, to change of forms of the last; forecasts for occurrence of "alternative" energy sources while are unfavourable;

* secondly, the human society consists of people of various abilities, intellectual and moral qualities; owing to it as a whole a society more silly also we will tell so worse"its separate representatives (nevertheless each people have representatives of whom he can be proud, but not everyone them sees);

* thirdly, "wisdom" of crowd at slow succession of events allows it to remain, putting forward the most suitable to requirements of the moment of people in elite; at fast succession of events the crowd also remains, but because of deficiency of time (time trouble) at other moral level, thus

The reason, and instincts works not - speak "crowd flies into a rage". We will notice also, that the crowd remains, and here remained live individuals in that and other case can be absolutely different in quality.

On literary data [10], a postindustrial society - a designation in modern bourgeois sociology and the futurology of a new stage of social development ostensibly following an industrial society... This such society in which the leading part is played by sphere of services, science and education, corporations give way the main thing to universities, and businessmen - to scientific and professional experts; the social inequality, alienation of the person, division into ruling texnocratic elite and operated weights, a private property and social conflicts remain. A postindustrial society in essence - a variant of state-monopoly capitalism.

Apparently from data [10] variant is close to that represents socialism.

Postulate - the precondition, an assumption, the statement accepted without proofs, as initial parcels for further logically strict reasonings.

The basic philosophical (world outlook) postulates:

* the Universe exists, is uniform and indivisible;

* the Universe possesses the sizes and movement (it is subject to time action);

* the Universe possesses inertia (ability to remain in time);

* the God and miracles exist (then.....);

* miracles and the God does not exist (thus.....);

* all events in the Universe are causally caused (likelihood events exists only in the subject-objective to system);

* relationships of cause and effect in the nature are not obligatory;

* the Person-animal the public;

Practice - generally practice is life without any withdrawals, sometimes as practice understand one of the life parties, connected with purposeful activity of the person. In Marxist philosophy practice consider "not as sensual subjective experience of the person and not as action made only on subjective motives", and as "the activity of people providing existence and development of a society, and first of all the objective process of production of goods representing a basis of a life of people, and also in a revolutionary way-reformative activity of classes with all other forms of practical activities, leaders to world change".

In all cases of an expert is a subject of a special sort, that is a self-sufficient thing.

Presumption of innocence -position of the theory of the right according to which the person is considered innocent until its fault is not proved in a judicial order. Before it is only suspected. The position protecting the person from an arbitrariness of the authorities and the power (from the official).

It is represented, that the power to possess an innocence presumption should not, for in this case the institute of a presumption of innocence becomes a nonsense, turning in "bad infinity".

Primitive thing - a simple element of the world around, which action it is clear to the basic quantity of people and remains long enough, at least, in the course of problem discussion (it if it is a question of conversation). In world around it is simple things - details. Interaction of several primitive things any more so is obvious. We will consider some simple primitive things:

1. From the music world: notes (the cores seven, auxiliary six), octaves, chords. Rather the small amount of primitive things gives all variety of the world of music of all countries and the people.

2. From the world of words: letters (sounds), words, thoughts.

3. From the world physicists (mechanics): the lever, a wheel, an inclined plane, the block, a pendulum, a spring.

4. In a society: a family, the state, church, party.

Primitiveness -simplification of serious and dramatic concepts.

Principle of economy of thinking on [2] - position on which the criterion of true of any knowledge consists in achievement of a maximum of knowledge by means of a minimum of informative means; it is entered by the Move ("the Principle of preservation of work", 1982) and јвенариусом ("Philosophy as thinking about the world in compliance with a principle of the least expenditure of forces", 1986).

Example of realisation of the given principle is so-called "Razor Okkama" which says: "Essence should not be multiplied over necessity", or "is useless to do by means of much that can be made by means of smaller"/Okkam to Beehives - the medieval English theologian and the philosopher, the teacher of the Oxford and Parisian universities.

Problem on [13], it is concise: a barrier, difficulty, a problem; a question or the complete complex of the questions which have arisen during knowledge and practice.

Sometimes the problem is formulated simultaneously with its decision, happens even, that it is realised only after a while after its decision. Frequently search and a substantiation of necessity of search of a problem grow in special almost unsoluble problem.

Generally the problem situation is any situation, theoretical or practical in which there is no decision corresponding to circumstances and which forces to stop and reflect.

It is accepted to distinguish pseudo-problems from problems - the questions which are possessing only seeming importance and not supposing some the proved answer. Between problems and pseudo-problems there is no accurate border. There are also far-fetched problems, insignificant minor problems and not realised problems are very unpleasant and dangerous.

Separately it is necessary to mention unsoluble problems.

Practice problems essentially are more dramatic than problems of knowledge and logic. Civilisation problems represent for us special interest.

Main principle of the theory of practical knowledge: "There is no person - there are no problems!"

Progress literally "advance" (that is correct, unlike recourse - Movements back), transition to more good condition (that would be good, but "judges who?"). Feature of the term is that, Уnot all that occurs in the world, is progress, during our difficult time the slogan" back in caves ", maybe, is more progressive, than, for example," forward in space "У.

On a planet and in a society at the general unidirectional current of time forward simultaneously there are processes which can be characterised both progressive, and regressive.

There are development deadlocks, the whole directions, the people, religions disappear.

Productive resource - concept uniting work, the capital, natural resources which, in turn, are called as factors of manufacture [15].

To productive resources carry means of production - means of labour (by means of what production is made: raw materials, cars, tools, the earth and knowledge) and work subjects (that, on what activity of the person (raw materials, cars is directed, the earth and knowledge). That is the same things can, depending on taken by them in a place work cycle, to act both as means of labour, and as work subjects. Productive resources concerns as well a labour (set physical and mental faculties of the person into which enter both natural, and the got qualities and skills), but it is a resource of a special sort.

Process [-1) consecutive change of conditions, a close connection of stages of the development representing continuous uniform movement naturally following one after another...

- 2) action of proceeding; a procedure of activity of investigatory, public prosecutor's and judicial bodies [12].

The professional - the person who is engaged in any activity as an earning of means of subsistence, that is is the person working in any department, structure, etc.

Usually professionals acquire special knowledge and skills in educational institutions. Professionals possess all "human qualities": nonsense, bribability, laziness, falsity, unscrupulousness, insidiousness, hatred to people and so forth in this connection it is not necessary to be under a delusion concerning type phrases: "This (its) my professional opinion", or "It the professional" the professional, the fool and the rascal do not exclude/concept the friend to the friend/. The professionalism phenomenon consists in limitation of vital scenarios and capacity of a modern education system that allows the professional to be guided adequately in standard situations, characteristic for its trade. At the same time in non-standard situations and change of conditions the professional can appear in the worst position, than the layman who does not know much, of all "is afraid" and, thanks to it, perceives transients more adequately and finds decisions there where for their professional is not present.

Those people who name itself immodestly "professionals", of course, something know and are able, but whether it is enough of it that long enough and adequately to be guided in space and time - a question from questions.

The ordinary stereotypic argument that "the present professional is not mistaken and if he has made a mistake it is simple not the professional", is one of utopian errors. Thinking so, the subject tries to build the behaviour, proceeding from the analysis of impossible situations, that is situations which actually does not happen.

A priori it is considered the professional and makes of the decision independently.

From that, it is reasonable or not, owing to the official position: the president, the prime minister, the commander-in-chief, the chief (the nomenclature it also is the nomenclature).

The pseudo-information phenomena - the phenomena which underlie functioning of the information systems allowing them to create the information that is to be guided in space and time. Various steady conditions concern such phenomena (cyclic or slowly varying), element structure (oxygen, hydrogen, nitrogen and other necessary elements-substances) and periodicity of structure (characteristic for micro-and a heterogeneity macrocosm: field, topological, chemical), that is the phenomena defining a constancy of environment - a homeostasis. The power phenomena (potential holes) cause, on the one hand, presence of memory and possibility of maintenance of stability of a condition (existence) pseudo-information, however, as well as information systems, and on the other hand, transition from one condition in another, that is variability and evolution.

TThe pseudo-correct decision - the decision rather similar on correct, but that not being. With reference to public problems possibility of occurrence, existence and acceptance of pseudo-correct decisions is caused by such human qualities, as nonsense, limitation of resources (for example, time or the finance for the all-round analysis of the offered or found decision, when a problem really difficult), vigilance loss (connected, at some change of conditions of a problem, with application of stereotypic answers), self-interest, treachery of national or other group interests.

Now the problem of pseudo-correct decisions becomes universal. In the international relations it is not accepted to speak and do much openly - there was a decision-making mechanism defined by technology (technology of decision-making), but not reason. The mankind starts to depart from a rationality condition, and, being негуманоидной system, it can appear involved in ecological accident.

In a science pseudo-correct decisions, along with various falsifications and insignificant "opening" make an appreciable part of information noise which it is necessary to understand to colleagues of the scientist.

Property - external display of internal essence of a thing (display is and is external, the essence is and is internal, that is almost a tautology); term definition figurative enough also allows to use it in practical reflexions, despite certain ambiguity of terms external and internal.

External display arises only at interaction at least two things and at sensation them each other. Properties cannot be shown without interaction. And display is carried out by these things for each other. But here in what a question: what with what co-operates, when this or that property is shown? Also what such a thing in each such concrete case (a co-operating thing)? Increasing quantity of various external researches (other things), we will realise the increasing quantity of properties, but not (not only) an investigated thing, but also, as a matter of fact, things. Means, that in the course of interaction both a thing, and systems of things continuously change, that does not allow to speak in general in many cases about the allocated concept "thing", but only - "system": so-called "the subject-objective of the relation". The thing exists only in system. That is, investigating "properties of a thing", we investigate actually relations in system "a thing-other a thing" (investigating influence).

The thing, taken in itself, possesses only one property - self-preservation. If with it other thing co-operates, that is between them there are active relations in this system of two things each of them has the properties caused by "character" of these relations. For example: "the fluctuating tuning fork" raises in air "sound waves" (both a tuning fork, and in itself already very difficult systems, but analogy it is possible to continue waves in a microcosm, at the beginning to level of elementary particles).

If the glass falls on a floor at sufficient to height of falling and hardness of a floor at it property is shown to be scattered on smaller parts (we speak to break).

The concept allows to say property, that in the nature there are no laws, and there are only properties of things.

Other approach allows to say, that in the nature there are no properties, and there are only events: that is property of a thing is a projection "along" a timebase, in the future, sequences very similar (identical?) events.

Let's quote boring enough book for reading with the good name - the OWNER of the THING or онтологи¤ subjectivity (a theoretical and historical sketch) - Ioshkar Ola: "ј‘»“" - Vladik, 1993.:

"The valid nature of the practical subject is concluded in its possession of a thing, and it and is activity of the person in full sense of this word".

Preservation - the HOMEOSTASIS - the FIRST And BASIC PROPERTY of ANY THING. Socialism (from the point of view of economy) - manufacture with a view of consumption, unlike capitalism - manufactures for the sake of profit [6]. It is not necessary to confuse socialism to an one-party system.

The system, aspiring to exclude "operation of the person by the person", having replaced it on "operation of the person by a society" that is fair (the person - an animal public).

The phenomenon - on [2] this or that detection of a thing - its empirically ascertained, outwardly fixed forms of realisation of essence, i.e. - essence detection through properties and relations.

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