Riches and poverty
the-relative concepts closely connected with public relations. The riches have border from above, defined by cumulative "riches" of mankind, but are not defined qualitatively: what is the riches? Poverty is defined from below by the physiological norms demanded for a physical survival an individual. The top border of poverty, as well as the bottom border of riches, is concerning uncertain and changes from an epoch by an epoch.In public consciousness there are approximate representations about poverty and the riches, based on household attitude - "the kitchen logic".
The rich and poor can be only in a society organised unfairly (?). Now in the world the concept that there can not be fairly organised society again starts to triumph. At the same time ideologists of "new thinking" underestimate that fact, that in connection with exclusive the high efficiency of work reached by mankind, injustice of a social system can "leave sideways" (and leaves in practice) rich which practically are not protected in any way from terrorism, revolutions, etc. excesses. The situation can be aggravated considerably in process of increase of ecological and other antagonistic (unsoluble) contradictions.
Reliability of the information
- base concept of the theory of the information systems, characterised by relations of the truth, lie and uncertainty.Research
- an element of natural activity of the person on a planet the Earth. This element the person begins the life. There are the various public institutes operating this kind of activity of the person, directing its activity in the channel necessary to them.Relative
- a philosophical category which characterises the phenomenon in its relations and communications with other phenomena depending on them. Is one of fundamental categories in the theory of systems and knowledge. Practically the basic question of philosophy is attempt of one philosophical schools to prove existence of absolute values, knowledge, etc. and negation of others of that absolute values and knowledge exist. At the similar approach there is a paradoxical situation when it appears, that the so-called materialists asserting that there is an absolute true independent of the subject, "de facto" stand on idealistic positions. And the idealists asserting, that the absolute true cannot exist without the subject, "de facto" are materialists. As the concept true by the nature is a subject of process of knowledge of the world the subject it is obvious, that it and it do not exist without the subject (person).The philosophy of the relative consists that the person and other information systems in the activity are guided by enough of the information and sufficient approach to the true which is a thing, necessary only to human reason, and not existing actually that causes finally existence of institute of values, religion, cultures.
The relation
on [1] - one of the basic logiko-philosophical categories, reflecting a way (sort) of life (and knowledge).Sounds unintelligibly enough. We read further:
The concept about the relation arises as result of comparison of any two subjects (named subjects or members of the relation) on chosen (or set) to the basis of comparison (sign).
It is already better. For example, comparison on size generates concept about dimensional relations, on occurrence and disappearance time - about time relations, on participation in manufacture and distribution - about economic, etc.
The basic philosophical problem of the relation is the question on the ontologic status of the relation which is formulated approximately as follows: if there are subjects And and, being among themselves concerning R, whether that exists itself R and in what sense it is possible to say, what R exists?
For us the question on that is interesting also: "that this such - exists?" Having answered this question, it will be possible to ask: whether "exists?"
In allocation (abstraction) of relations one of the basic informative processes - generalisation process consists, in essence: all is learnt in comparison.
Within the limits of a subject of "a civilisation Problem" concept the relation is represented to one of the cores: the truth and lie relation.
Our definition:
The relation - the characteristic of interaction of components of system.
This definition is closer to that is widely applied in use. As examples enough simple descriptions of relations we will result that speak about people: "they treat kindly to each other" - the symmetric relation of interaction; "she does not love it" - the asymmetrical relation of interaction; "they never met" - the symmetric relation of indifferent existence. Similarly about things: "I love ice-cream", "the tree is easier some water", "the table costs on a floor", "the string raises fluctuation", "the membrane perceives fluctuations", etc.
Very difficult relations are verbally described in "nature and society laws", moral rules, novels, etc. Practically us the developed characteristic will interest as relations, but to learn it to allow (to see and understand) - the big art.
For relation occurrence it is necessary and enough presence of two co-operating things: cargo and a support, object and the subject, etc.
As a result of presence of the relation of two things ALWAYS there is a third thing - the system possessing internal properties (properties always are internal relations of the things making system, the system has only one property - self-preservation; if this property is not present, there is no also a system). For this reason many researchers speak about triads, triune monads, the God, the son and the Holy Spirit, etc.
And always there is opened a question: �That for system we have?�
Rate loss
- very interesting situation arising sometimes at game in draughts when the player taking odd quantity of draughts of the opponent, loses rate and loses game as it is compelled after that to give a draught behind a draught. In a real life "rate loss" occurs, for example, in need of "introduction" of workings out by developers in manufacture as necessary problems for which decision the system is not prepared by the previous activity qualitatively vary. The similar situation has resulted from so-called "reorganisation" - reforms. To create something essentially new, using old mechanisms, it is impossible, and creation new - rate loss. In the modern world, however, as it was always, rate loss can lead to state utter annihilation. Examples of "economic miracle" of Japan, Germany, South Korea, Taiwan - are not introduction of new things in the old world - there a system did not change.The rights
- freedom degrees (the person or public institute); existNatural and public human rights; very often natural and public human rights contradict. It is considered, that the rights
Are provided with right institute, but the right always contradicts
With possibility it to realise.
The natural rights - properties of the person, that is the rights (property) given to it by nature.
The basic natural human rights: the right to have normal physiology (to be healthy) and psychology to (think), the right to struggle for existence and to die natural death, the right to breed and have a family. The society, and all wildlife, in every possible way limit (obvious and implicit ways) these and other natural human rights, and the society is done by it, having created institute of the public rights.
The institute of the public rights regulates relations between the person and other people. In the closed system what our planet is, presence of relations creates a situation at which realisation of all rights by one person leads to restriction corresponding, or accompanying rights of other people.
Feature of institute of public human rights is that in it concept is right senselessly without concept of a duty; most likely, senselessness of their consideration out of interrelation also has laid down in an idea basis of "the General declaration of human rights", the accepted United Nations in 1948 on December, 10th where in article of 29th it is told:
"1. Each person has duties before a society, in which only both probably free and full development of its person.
2. At realisation of the rights and freedom each person should be exposed only to such restrictions what are established by the law exclusively for the purpose of maintenance of a due recognition and respect of the rights and freedom of others and satisfaction of fair requirements of morals, a public order and the general well-being in a democratic society.
3. Realisation of these rights and freedom should not contradict the purposes at all and to United Nations Organization principles ".
What is the fair requirements - remains not clear. Presence of the rights and duties of the person provides property of the given Declaration to remain to (be) the declaration.
The rule
- depending on an accent a word has slightly differing sense - reception (not to confuse to action), a subject. With reference to a society the rule "works if wish to take away something - tell, what exactly it you and give". At the heart of possibility of similar action limitation of human abilities lays.The right
on [10] - "set of obligatory rules of the behaviour (norms) established or authorised by the state. The right has always class character: by means of the right the ruling class fixes the order of relations corresponding to its interests. In this sense the right - the will of a ruling class erected in the law. Prominent feature of the right - observance of its norms is provided with compulsory force of the state. Main principles of the socialist right - liquidation of operation of the person by the person, equality of all citizens, warranting of the proclaimed democratic rights and freedom, humanity and justice".It is better to tell more shortly:
The right is the arch practice their applications accepted by human communities in the image accessible to them, being civilisation achievement corrected behaviour of the person or public institute in relation to other subjects, regulating resolved and forbidden it an action society, and.
It is not necessary to confuse the right and the rights. Because the right is no more than civilisation achievement its value is enough relative, and as philosophers correctly mark, cannot be a subject of studying of a science is always a policy and belief.
The right and language
- because rules of law are expressed in the language form owing to ambiguity of words and imperfection of technology of decision-making the real, published laws practically always require interpretation that withdraws institute of the right to unsteady soil of strong-willed decisions. One of mechanisms of acceptance of the strong-willed decisions camouflaged under objective (legal), are courts, in this connection all over the world the problem (similar unsoluble) creations legal (more precisely fair) the states is still actual.The right and morals
- rules of law limit the bottom level permitted to the person or public institute after which overcoming action becomes already a crime, moral restrictions are a transitive zone and give the chance to the person and surrounding to understand, that its falling in area of the unlawful has already begun.Moral standards usually much above the legal. Attempt to enter institute of the so-called right state where everything is authorised "that is not forbidden by the law", is directed on decrease moral and ethical standards in a society to level legal when "morally everything, that is not a penal crime" and, at its successful realisation, can lead to that all human society will live under zone laws (the truth, it and now not so is far from taking place to be).
The right to thought
(means own thought) - one of natural human rights as information system; the right to thought in full sense of this word is not realised in one civilised country of the world as the primary goal of institute of a civilisation consists in redistribution of the riches created one, in favour of others for which realisation powerful public systems are created and invented: special services, mass media, advertising institute, underworld and so forth which action is directed on deprivation of the person of this right. Especially there is nothing to protest here: the society it too information system which lives under the laws and solves the problems; the person - only a cage in an organism, and cages in an organism perish in millions, being its building material.The right strong
(that is the right) - the one who is stronger, that and the rights; that of the rights at whom it is more right; strong the rights always; dead no rights have, etc.The right of the nations to self-determination
- one of drama examples of action of uncertain concepts; in the given phrase concepts are not defined: the right, the nation and self-determination. But any phrase from area of the rights sounds beautifully, as well as practically, but is not right (where language is clumsy enough).Right freedom
- the person from a birth is free in the natural right to die.Relations
of production in aggregate with productive resources define socially economic formation.Risk degree
a likelihood estimation; the probability in shares of percent for the person is very much a high probability if it is a question of loss of a life by it, and not big, - if about an admissibility in approaching individual event - his death. home