- fluctuations, system conditions caused by the internal reasons; features of fluctuations in general and self-oscillations in particular is that the system condition can pass a point with zero values or have so big amplitude, that it will lead to destruction of system at the expense of a resonance, say, that the system goes "racing" (such things as "the zero condition" and-or "destruction" for individual biological systems are unacceptable).Self-oscillations arise in rather difficult systems with an internal or external positive feedback (it is possible to speak about last case if it is in advance defined "that there is a system?").Not all processes with a positive feedback are oscillatory, such phenomenon, as explosion very often takes place.Safety of the state
-is defined by its economic, territorial, cultural, ethnic and political stability.As the domestic history shows safety of the state is provided not with presence of special bodies (KGB, People's Commissariat of Internal Affairs, FSB), and presence of real intellectual elite, scientific, industrial, raw potential and the public relations, allowing to be put forward in it to people fair and clever. The education system has important value existing in it (state). At certain stages of development of interstate relations such institutes, as army are necessary also. On others it can be and is not necessary. But in history, as a rule, one periods are replaced by others. In the modern world when, in connection with overpopulation of a planet and exhaustion of natural resources, threat of enslavement and replacement of one people by others not only is not excluded, but there is all more sharply, state security questions, naturally, remain actual.
Struggle for human rights
- the movement which has captured all planet after French and, especially, Great October revolutions. Acceptance of the laws providing observance in this or that country of all declared human rights Is supposed, that, will lead to a situation providing stability and absence of conflict of development of a society. The idea is represented enough disputable as the declared rights generally are incompatible with each other and in this connection can be used basically only for activity imitation. The institute of human rights becomes a self-valuable category that does not allow it to trace change of a situation in the world.Last decades the institute of human rights is used by the international functionaries for the decision of quite clear problems of own political system (employment) and not clear problems objectively destabilising mankind and distracting attention from really serious problems. As a matter of fact it is necessary to solve real problems of change of public relations, instead of the far-fetched, formally put impracticable problems.
- on a matter kind. Set of the discrete formations possessing in weight of rest.The description "kind" - morphological, correct, but it cannot satisfy us, as this purely classification division to which in a reality, as a first approximation, corresponds nothing.
There is a hypothesis, that a matter in "a pure kind" - vacuum (the first object). Then: substance - one of objects (the fifth object) a material world; the matter in the form of a standing wave forms an elementary particle (электрон, a positron, a proton, a neutron etc.) - the fourth object, in the form of a running wave - a photon (the third object), and their set atom - substance. The second object - a field (the pressure of vacuum similar to mechanical pressure of a spring).
Here it is possible to dream up: there is a vacuum (the first object) and still something (zero object), for example, Universal reason, the God, etc., that is that is outside of perception from our World and which interaction with vacuum gives a field and substance, the further development (movement and transformation) which creates all variety of the World including the Life. This imagination contradicts system of sights at the World in which basis there is a concept a matter as the thing, "accessible to our supervision" a little.
Other variant: substance, a field and vacuum - various conditions of a matter (it is similar to how water can stay in various conditions: gas, a liquid, a firm body).
Vacuum - not indignant condition, a field - an intense condition, substance - a fluctuating condition. Developing thought further, we will receive: a motionless matter - vacuum, moving in it a pressure wave - a field, a photon, a moving package of standing waves - substance.
The second alarm system
- speech - ability to "direct transfer" the information which have been saved up by the person in the course of ability to live. Presence of the second alarm system allows to hope for the "reasonable" decision of problems facing to the person while for animals there is only a natural "ecologically caused" way of achievement of conformity of number of populations and natural resources: food, the space, a healthy condition of environment.The state
- the phenomenon existing in centuries, the system, intended to provide stability of development and safety of certain group of people; the state can be called in an any way: kingdom, a kingdom, a princedom, federation, confederation, empire, a colony; it is possible to allocate: a monarchy (at the head of the power there is one person, the power to which gets by right of succession), the national state (the people, meeting, veche corrects), military junta (at the power military men), компрадорское the state (at the power representatives of the people, but focused on interests of other countries), the parliamentary state (the power has few representatives of the people and try to find the general decision arranging all, that the presidential state (the same monarchy, but with the elective monarch entirely depending on an environment is possible only in quiet years), that, however, it was observed and observed frequently and in a usual monarchy). On this theme it is possible to reflect, however, as well as on all others.On the state - the basic tool of the political power in a class society. Has resulted from a public division of labour, occurrence of a private property and formation of antagonistic classes. State signs are:
1) presence of special system of bodies and establishments (the state mechanism), carrying out government function;
2) the right fixing certain system of norms, authorised by the state;
3) certain territory on which jurisdiction of the given state extends.
Here it is possible to disagree with classics of Marxism quite. The state is necessary not only to classes, but also the people, ethnoses (the national state) in their struggle for territory and means of subsistence and in its (states) to a basis the public contract initially laid. There was it, possibly, a little bit earlier (in the primitive form), than classes (at first officials are there were trades); and then professional managers and soldiers, merchants and ideologists of all colours (party and the Messiah), having entered arrangement (agreement) among themselves (not the people), have fixed the status quo and in the form of the state (the trade became a caste).
The state and the person. What between them can and there should be relations:
1. The state is created by people for the decision of certain problems on protection against external and internal danger (army, police, special services), adverse conditions of existence (agriculture, medicine, wildlife management), cultural, economic and ethnographic expansion, loss of historical prospect. To protection - in centuries.
2. The person is object of influence of the state institutes and other people.
3. The person possesses feature - the rights and a debt, the state possesses duties and the rights.
4. The person possesses the natural rights (its caused properties as an organism), has the right to be guided in the world surrounding it on the basis of data, results of processing of the information and algorithms which it has got as a result of own ability to live, theoretically the state the natural rights does not possess and operates only with those methods which to it were given by the person (legislator). In their relations the person - the mechanism of realisation of variability of a society, the state - the mechanism of maintenance of stability.
At the same time, being not гуманоидной and information system, the state possesses property to create the natural rights for itself, the rights which are not dependent on desire of people, which action realise then those or other functions of the state: the technology of decision-making works.
In reorganisation or as speak, reforms speeches were distributed, that people have supposedly got used to that for all of them solves the state, have grown lazy, steels "scoops". "Was thus forgot", for what the state in general is required. Most likely not to provide with the salary of officials. And if the state for the people does not carry out for the sake of what it and created it will be necessary to ask a question, and what for then to people (people) the state, and on what basis it collects taxes? Also what there stir on the TV of a policy? And here suddenly it will appear, that in the world and at us Lenin definition of the state as operation device, but not protection of the people against the external and internal enemy which always is in any information system (including a society) dominates: an adverse environment, errors, nonsense, malicious intention etc.
The sufficient basis
- the general logic principle according to which position is considered true only in the event that it is proved by practical consideration or deduced from other true positions.Slow and superslow processes
- avalanche processes at an initial stage of the development are exclusively slow and hardly noticeable for the observer. Examples of similar processes is "the effect of a growing pond", "effect of a sinking boat", growth of the population of a planet, degradation something. For the subsystems, existing (living) much smaller time, than the systems formed by them, the most part of processes beginning at them it is imperceptible. In a society slow processes occur throughout an active life of several generations. People, as a rule, have time to adapt to them and almost do not notice. The society can and not adapt. Slow processes become visible at a sight back, that we and are given by a science history. But also here there is a mechanism deforming an observable picture - a various sort of interpretation and, in many cases, misunderstanding of what facts and processes are important what are not present. In this plan indicative are Marxism and мальтузианство. The first has seen and has generalised the public and technological phenomena, making the big impact on superslow processes: change of formations. The second observed origin of process of an overpopulation of a planet.Spontaneity
- simplicity, absence of intermediate steps of transformation of the information or a signal.Society
- now last step of development of information systems. The society differs from экосферы that is capable to move natural geological and ecological processes in an opposite direction: extraction of minerals, (land improvement, creation of deserts (agriculture), simplification of a genetic code (selection), destruction of the biosphere (nuclear winter). The basic operating element of a society is the person connecting it with biosphere. This communication causes presence of the internal contradiction which allows to hope, that the biosphere will escape, as it is necessary for the person for a physical survival. Last circumstance is the encouraging moment allowing to a certain extent to count, the truth at very many reservations, that reason will triumph.On [1] society - a special, higher step of development of live systems which is shown in functioning and development of the social organisations, institutes, groups, movements, classes, together with social contradictions.
- high-speed system of integral processing of the information a brain, that is without delivery of intermediate results of "reflexion" which sends result directly in memory, passing consciousness. At work of subconsciousness the person about what not thinking, waits for result and receives it after a while.Subject
- that the monkey took in hands to become the person. The truth by scientists it is shown, that many animals use subjects as work tools, but people do not become. According to [1] subject is the same, as the thing - a separate part, unit existing - all that can be in the relation or possesses any property. Considering that in [2] concept a subject is not defined, and in [1] relations between a subject and object do not seem proved, it is represented expedient, considering диатропический the approach to consider words object, a subject and a thing - synonyms, and relations between them if there will be a necessity, to stipulate separately.Subject of a special sort
- a self-sufficient thing. Information systems and the information circulating in them which are "that Life" concern subjects of a special sort and, finally, the Person and the Mankind which subject of activity, in turn, is the practice of mankind including all set of human activity - its lives the Universe which does not require the God and the person.But the core is nevertheless that a subject of a special sort - the self-sufficient thing and does not require the bases at the step of life.
Work subject - that on what activity of the subject is directed, it is necessary to distinguish it from means of labour.
Simple things
differ from very simple things that they are easy for understanding. Very simple things are difficult for understanding as have no other more simple linked concepts defining very simple things, and the thinking at operating by very simple things starts to "slip", or as speak in the people to "slip".Very simple things are useful to creation of cogitative forms, training and the intelligence organisation.
1) occurrence naturally and possibility of the further existence without influence from the outside; 2) property stable and long (on historically significant interval of time) or astable and short-term existence of active system at an invariable condition of external space or other, for example, in human consciousness, environments.Self-sufficiency without redundancy is possible or impossible?
- an order caused by a systematic, correct arrangement of parts in certain communication [12]. As follows from the definition, to necessary components of system presence of parts and that the general is, that connects them in a uniform complex - system. This general name the sistemo-forming factor, purpose function. To isolate system - to define an order.The self-sufficient system
- the system capable, under invariable conditions of environment both to remain, and to collapse under the influence of the internal reasons.Self-sufficiency of system arises and is accompanied by redundancy (safety factor and functionality) her and the predecessor (that system from which it has arisen): the big redundancy of the predecessor provides some safety factor of self-sufficient system.
Self-trained system
- the information system changing algorithms of processing of signals (influences), arriving from external in relation to it over systems under the influence of these signals.Self-coming true prophecies
(self-carried out prophecies) - predictions or the separate statements possessing property to start public mechanisms, leading to those consequences which are a prophecy essence. As a rule, self-coming true prophecies are every possible doctrines. Having appeared in minds of separate people or casually (!) and being published, they find both adherents, and opponents, and then as a result of purposeful action and interaction defined, appeared in a society, forces are carried out in the severe validity: civil wars, revolutions, degradation of public consciousness, morals, etc. thus can begin.With reference to the public phenomena similar "prophecies" are some kind of the propagation, the latent appeal (similarly embedded advertising) to fulfilment of this or that public certificate.
With reference to the separate person self-coming true prophecies.
Are linguistic programming (suggestion). At the primitive people, etc. Presently the astrologist on TV speaks this sorcery, a malefice, for example, that "next week at..... (This or that sign on the zodiac) there will be problems with heart, a stomach, a liver or something another and medicines will not help (!)". As a result impressionable or inspired people seriously fall ill and-or even die.
Self-value - quality of the system
, consisting that its criterion function is directed on system. For example, a main objective live beings is the survival him - system self-valuable. Self-value - the quality inherent practically by all stably (long enough) existing systems.Sex
- an element of intimate human life and sexual love; in the pure state sex - the antagonist and a love substitute. Is an element of human dialogue and a link in a chain of physiological functioning of an organism. Recently sex is advertised as love replacement. Sex essentially simplifies relations between floors and the person who in society and mankind development goes from a condition of animal reactions (sex) to some other condition that has been noticed still ancient (Platon, for example).By the nature sex is aggressive. The basic quality of the person underlying sexual behaviour, the fact noticed, for example in [8] is, that the person lives in "a dungeon of own body", and in general as idealists marked, the perception of an external world occurs in a brain, instead of in space surrounding us. Also erotic memoirs, imaginations Here sit.
Rather interesting and forcing to reflect on essence of human mentality that fact is, that in languages of some, so-called "civilised", the people concept sex and love are designated in a word, that is insufficient sincere development - infantility (children's perception of the world) takes place.
In other variant is a psychotherapy, auto-suggestion, statement of vital problems and definition of the purposes of the life.
Sense - value
; the term "sense" serves in some theories for a designation of that mental maintenance, that information which contacts the given language expression... [1]. In our understanding: the sense is "that probably (in detail)" - unlike nonsense which is pointless.In more general understanding of a word the term sense usually carry to problems of the life, speak: "in what meaning of the life, the Universe, a matter?" Here it is necessary to notice, that the concept sense concerns to enough high degree of development of a life, a society and culture. Sense search (an essence of things) is property of already information systems (but not matters or substances), continuously expanding area of the interaction with other elements of the World, that is concept "sense" again. By the way, type expressions.
"A matter which learns itself" are senseless, as the knowledge is a destiny not matters, and functional systems.
"A falling and breaking glass - a matter which destroys itself" - nonsense and only.
- imposing to the person fraudulently false and frequently values unacceptable for it, seduction is one of forms of violence over the person.Structure
- a structure and the form of the organisation of the thing (system), caused by step-type behaviour of its internal filling.Shame
- the concept very seldom applied in the modern validity designating feeling, caused by sensation of own inferiority.On [13], "shame - one of displays of moral consciousness of the person; moral feeling in which the person expresses condemnation of the actions, motives and moral qualities. The person or it is independent in the emotional form realises their immorality, or confesses it to itself under the influence of condemnation from associates. According to K.Marksa," the shame is some kind of the anger only turned inside ". Contrast to shame is pride - the positive relation to. Unlike conscience the shame has more external character: the person estimates here the acts from the point of view as them concern or associates" could concern.
- [greek. scholasticos - school, "the school philosophy"] can be considered as a technique of development of separate intellectual qualities by the decision of educational logic problems (including senseless).Sublimation
on [12] direct transition at heating of firm substance (body) in gaseous passing a liquid stage. Sublimation. In psychology, social science and a fantasy - replacement of one requirements - others, as a rule, sexual - work.The scientist
is not the one who has studied the intellectual values created by other people, and the one who has tried to understand in something fairly and independently.Sensuality
- the modern name of a pornography. The sensuality concerns real values with which cultures of the people preferred to co-operate very cautiously. Theoretically at the person as beings biological are not present any bases to hesitate open erotic way of life - look, for example, at dogs. Nevertheless for any reasons it has appeared, that practically all people which developing naturally and have reached of certain heights of development, have cleaned erotic behaviour in section of the intimate. Now establishment or "introduction" process (not by the people, but concrete people) "new" moral standards which the mankind in the course of the development has refused is observed. Imposing of these norms is made by militant representatives of a sort homo sapiens, possessing, possibly, powerful complexes of sexual inferiority. At the heart of the phenomenon the camp effect lays, most likely, consisting what very often person, not capable to rise itself, for own self-affirmation starts to "lower" others (here there is also a drunkenness institute - well-known "You respect me?", and institute "corruption juvenile", including religious corruption, and also a phenomenon and homosexuality propagation, etc.).In a society always there are people normal and people with deviations. And deviations can be as aside, raising qualities of the person, and aside, reducing its qualities (trivial true), besides, there are still pathological deviations (individuals incompatible with normal ability to live or societies): for example the sadist-murderer. Cases, disputable from the point of view of morals (for example, the masochist - the person, taking pleasure that torment him are observed; or the fan to bare the genitals in public, the homosexual). Feature of a modern situation is that these people start to prove that they and are norm that they supposedly the same normal people as well as all, etc. Is represented, that it not so. That they people, generally it is possible not to doubt, and here that they normal - a question. And for some reason туберкулезник does not call, to cultivate the deviations among other part of mankind, humpbacked also do not apply on physical нормальность. There are things which define stability of development of a society, there are the things causing its instability. It is necessary to reflect, with what we deal in this case. It is not excluded, what sources tolerant and even the incentive relation to a situation (overpopulation) and corresponding encouragement with the mighty of this world (and whom else consist a demographic situation on a planet?) the behaviour which is not promoting, in their opinion, population growth. Unfortunately, the similar relation bears in itself the dangers connected with distortions of real positive values as thus try to give out a pathology for norm. At least two effects Here take place: substitution of concepts, indirect regulation.
Let's notice, that at all people and in all cultures the serious crimes connected with a sexual instinct take place. It allows to believe, that the area of erotic relations is delicate enough and knowingly, in process of mankind development, leaves in a shade - an intim, but not defect. The same as also murder similar which, possibly, was norm on childhood of the world, gradually passes in the category of defects.