- on [12: 1]) the definition repeating in other form earlier told; 2) in the logician - a logic error in definition of the concepts, consisting that definition is substituted for change of the verbal form of defined concept - the predicate only in other words repeats that is told in a subject.The situation of occurrence of a tautology serves as a signal of misunderstanding of the phenomenon, approach to a limit of knowledge, insufficiency of an intellectual condition of the subject of action.
- the part of a material world having rather independent existence. One thing differs from another the qualitative definiteness. Thanks to properties inherent in it, the thing co-operates with other things.We will mainly use definition:
Thing - the object (part) of the world having value for the person. Things can be both material, and non-material, for example: a subject, the phenomenon, the information, property, feeling, thought, an image, etc. - all that, on what the attention of the person is directed. It is necessary to understand a word meaning value.
At the similar approach it becomes clear, that many things in the nature are not present, they exist only "for the person" as are necessary only for it and that it is correct (enough for decision-making or action fulfilment) to be guided in space and time. "Presence" of these things is caused by features of its physiology and psychology. The most known examples of things which are not present: seven colours of a rainbow (feature of the visual analyzer), sound scale (feature of an acoustic analyzer), idea of the God (feature of psychology of processing and information preservation), castes (feature of public relations) etc., etc. (the Thing for us "see").
"Transcendental object" - the philosophical term meaning things such, what they exist in itself. In the nature, perhaps, except the Universe no thing in itself (we will notice, that "in itself" is not "transcendental object") exists: all things exist only in interaction with each other.
Unique property of a transcendental object - self-preservation (self-sufficiency) - инерционность (?).
"A thing for us" - the philosophical term meaning volume of our representations about a thing in the course of knowledge (usually add "and practical activities of the person", that generally same).
The second party of concept "a thing for us" consists that much from this, that in our opinion, exists in the nature and a society, actually is only the mental phenomenon allowing a human body (reason) to be guided in space and time, for example: colours of a rainbow, a transparency and opacity of bodies, are defined by features of the visual analyzer and if we could see in ultra-violet or infra-red light...
The time factor of a civilisation
- characteristic time of occurrence and the decision of problems, for example:- Time of a birth of the person - less than one year (9 months);
- His life time - 50-70 years;
- Time, released to mankind on the decision of a problem of an overpopulation, 40-60 years;
- Time for which it are going to solve, is not known, but judging by rates of changes - 200 years and more;
- Time of existence of a modern civilisation of 10-60 thousand years (it is possible, that much more), time which has been released on the further development.??...;
- Time of existence of the modern person of hundred thousand and even is quite possible millions years; etc.,
Time - one of forms of existence of the Universe which is its property, but can be, for example, and the factor actuating a matter. Unequivocal definition of time by a science for the present it is not given. For the person and other objects of the Universe time existence is shown available events, that is those or other changes in some area of space. It is possible to designate some uniform функционал "space-time-movement-matter" from which it is impossible to allocate to (isolate) any part as existing irrespective of others.
Time and space - the basic forms of existence of a matter.
In all definitions strange the word the form as it does not associate with all other experience of mankind of application of concept the form seems.
- correct reflexion of the validity by cumulative intelligence of the person in the course of knowledge. The validity characteristic concerns knowledge, instead of to things. The true is not designed at will and desire of people, and defined by the maintenance (essence) of cognizable object.Thought
- result and the thinking tool. Exists only in a head of the thinking person and has a large quantity of associative communications with other thoughts, substantiations, branchings (updatings) that the Thought stated allows to tell "it is dead". More precisely, the stated thought starts to live already other, absolutely independent life and is a phrase, that is the phrase - a product (corpse) of thought, the truth, in many cases edible enough.Thinking
- process in in a special way organised system to a brain, connected with reflexion of the objective world in actions, concepts, judgements, theories and etc. The Thinking arises in the course of practical activities and provides the mediated reflexion of the validity, disclosing of its properties and communications (the modified definition [2]).Our definition: the Thinking is an ability (property) to be guided in the World surrounding us on the basis of arriving from the outside of physical signals and the information blocks stored in memory. Ability to be guided is already a hint on process.
The truth and lie relation
- the truth and lie are the major factors defining existence of information systems, that is lives as that, the person and a society. Information signals "truth" and "lie" are the basis for acceptance by information system of the decision in a point бифуркации its developments. All variety of relations between people, the states and the person and the nature is constructed on these relations. It is obvious, that acceptance of the wrong decision during the vital moment for system conducts that to disappearance. At the same time in real, difficult information systems, such as the society, always is enough imperious fools, as conducts the countries, the people, and already and all mankind to accident.Threshold processes
- are observed in the nature and a society, a necessary component of dialectics of thinking: to make the decision, some minimum quantity of intelligence, the information, freedom degree, etc. is necessary.That the quantity has passed in new quality, some threshold quantity also is necessary.
- value of human relations; the concept existing at all people, during a pre-capitalistic epoch was punished by a death penalty. Now usually penal. Because this value is a basis of market relations, the bourgeois morals to aspire to deduce this concept of sphere of usual civil relations (symbolical dualism of the term civil, after all on war treachery on the former is punished). In the absence of a deceit, treachery, swindle and violence fast redistribution of riches in a society would be impossible, and without them market relations - a bluff. Fast redistribution of riches is a basis of the market and so-called American dream on which appeal of the market is based. "You will not deceive - you will not sell" - popular wisdom.Generally, the concept treachery concerns the category of natural human rights, that is to concern the person as to the traitor or to welcome its actions is a question of a freedom of worship of everyone, but not the states. The state (in his face) can punish the people only for a damage put to it by the traitor.
In the mid-eighties our people have been betrayed by its ruling and intellectual elite, including Communist party of Soviet Union to which certain functions have been entrusted.
Phrases by which pages of the press of those years are filled, that supposedly the Soviet person ("scoop") "has not got used" to struggle ITSELF for the rights, a life, well-being, etc. - all it of nothing meaning demagogy as in all countries between the state and the people there is a division of duties and people (inhabitants of this or that country) "have not got used" to be engaged in those things which enter into a state duty, yes anybody it and will not allow them: "Lynch's court", for example, it is considered a crime in any civilised country, a bank robbery - also.
Treachery consisted during this period that people to whom the people have entrusted destiny of the country, its power, preservation reached on a world scene, used the position to suit the own ends in force whether nonsenses, whether meanness. Finally now it any more so is important, but it is necessary to correct developed situation reading these lines.
Not less dramatic situation develops now on a planet as a whole. It is known, that the planet is overpopulated, resources on all do not suffice and will not suffice: about what warned Мальтус still 200 years ago. Nations of the world for the present trust the elite and the governments and hope, that those will find a way out of developing position. But heads of the World, hiding the truth from weights, search only for ways even more to "grow rich", to "be attached" even better and, in the long term, to remain: on islands, abroad, in bunkers or the isolated regions. At the same time during "the Ecological epoch" on a planet there can be new "ecological ethics" which will not allow them to make it, for example, ethics of punishment.
Thought freedom
- concept relative presence of thoughts demanding for the realisation, absence of information pressure (system "washing of brains"), dialogue freedom. For independently conceiving people realisation of freedom of thought of a special problem does not represent, other its integral component "freedom of expression of thought" can be inaccessible.The theory knowledge
(gnoseology) - a science how it is necessary and as it is necessary to operate and think, learning the world. Other definitions can be looked in the philosophical dictionary, but advantage of it will be a little. The theory and knowledge practice it is necessary, naturally to be engaged all life. The organic law of the theory of knowledge - any quantity of the facts in favour of this or that theory cannot prove it, but only one fact contradicting the given theory, completely denies it.The term
- (terminology) a word or a mere verbiage, forming concept. Unlike usual words the term is deprived the emotional maintenance, colouring. The term can be ugly, but it is obliged to be unequivocal and correct, that is to reflect a thing essence, to it described, and not to be a word on a theme... If we name the person the genius, it not the term, and exaggeration, if the fool it is not excluded that is the term.The large quantity of people uses words, not representing, that the last mean actually. Thus there is a situation when it seems to the person, that he has told one, and actually he has told absolutely another. And it happens not only when the term is not defined.
- the terrible thing demanding from the person the maximum pressure of its intellectual (intellectual) abilities; feature of technology is that for its realisation is necessary to understand really in effect things that is not characteristic for many areas of human activity, for example where there are humanitarian relations.Technology - set of actions on object in view achievement; with reference to various areas of human activity it is possible to allocate:
- The "know-how" of material assets (means of production, industrial and agricultural products of consumption); it is possible to tell "the"know-how"of the goods";
- The "know-how" of services (the help favourable, mutually advantageous, imposed, etc.);
- Technology of achievement of the power (political, economic, conceptual);
- Technology of conducting war etc.
Now say about high technologies, thin technologies, high technologies, highly effective technologies, etc., that became possible as a result of science penetration practically in all spheres of human activity. From area of manufacture of material production (including, the goods) it is known, that technology infringement usually conducts to appreciable decrease in its quality (to marriage), similar, but much less appreciable, the phenomena are observed and in other, "non-material" areas of human activity: legal proceedings, government, wars, etc.
On [10], the term occurs from Greek techne - art, skill, ability and..etc. - the science also defines set of methods of processing, manufacturing, change of a condition, properties, forms of raw materials, a material or a half-finished product, carried out in the course of production.
Technology of decision-making
- the public institute providing objective, not dependent on desire of the Person character of development of processes, proceeding in a society. Existence of technology of decision-making does a society by system, practically uncontrollable human reason, and moreover alien to the person - негуманоидной, that is unevident enough.From ancient times the basic mechanism of decision-making was following:
- There were professionals on decision-making (tsars, ministers, dignitaries and other "mighty of this world") which could possess an extensive knowledge, high intellectual and human qualities, but could and not possess them;
- For decision-making the inquiry of opinion of "professionals" (experts) in the given question which in turn also could possess or not possess the above-stated qualities was organised;
- After acquaintance with opinion of experts the definitive decision, proceeding from own supervising representations was made;
- In that case if the problem appeared too difficult it segmented thus that each of parts was accessible both to experts, and the persons, making the decision that reduced it to the above described mechanism.
In this or that kind this system has remained till now. However the changed World with its demographic, situational, information, technological, political and ecological problems has shown inadequacy of this technology of decision-making to interests of mankind, has transformed it in негуманоидную: the technology of decision-making turns to the essential factor menacing to the existence of mankind. It has occurred and occurs because of a complex of the reasons.
First, a saturation of a life events and their complexity have essentially increased, and time of realisation of projects was considerably reduced, that, considerably having reduced time released for decision-making, has sharply raised requirements to capacity of intellectual qualities of the person, making the decision, having finished them to level inaccessible to the normal person.
Secondly, the concept is developed, as a rule, by the highly skilled experts having 20-30-летний the experience of work - experts, and is accepted by experts in decision-making in all areas - versatile persons.
At last, though to experts for concept working out it is released much more time, than to experts-versatile persons on judgement of all possible variants of succession of events and their consequences which have been not considered by "experts", nevertheless, as shows experience, this time usually does not suffice for working out of high-grade concepts.
As working out of the high-grade concept cannot be made in time smaller necessary requirements from experts in decision-making fast and high-quality as it is accepted to speak "at modern level", workings out even more often become similar to miracle requirements.
Unfortunately practically always there are the experts assuring, that they are capable to make this miracle.
And at all stages of working out of the concept and decision-making in many cases we already deal with "collective creativity", necessity in which arises because of excess of requirements to intellectual resources of the separate person, defined by complexity of the problem, accessible to this person, that is the decision-making work cycle gets "under action of", that strengthens in this case phenomenon negative sides.
At all stages of decision-making concrete mechanisms operate. It is possible to allocate, for example, such scenarios:
- Acceptance a priori (in advance, without a substantiation) the stipulated in obvious or implicit kind of conditions - game rules;
- A method of collective decision-making;
- Regulations observance;
- A lawful state;
- Institute of division of the authorities on legislative, executive and judicial; ... In a society there are adaptable (adaptive) mechanisms: religion, wars, ГУЛАГи, reorganisations - solving a problem irrational methods, but, at the same time, creating illusion of reasonable action. These mechanisms do not allow mankind to run into a prostration condition, having realised, for example, hopelessness developed as a result of unreasonable actions from the institutes, making the decision, situations.
The technology of decision-making - a phenomenon of public consciousness or the thinking, consisting that substitutes for itself reason and initiates in a society негуманоидные processes. All a known example - in some cases the person makes the important decision (to speak or not in love, for example), refusing from thought process and being satisfied, coin throwing.