an adherence to principles version, for example: party adherence to principles (principles of the person change according to a general line of party), etc. Nonsense is not absence of mind is such mind.Use of manpower resources
- can be target and aimless. Target, that is pragmatical use of manpower resources, is connected with obvious violence over the person and operation received before knowledge: management, education, training, manufacture. Aimless, natural and casual - serves acquisition of new knowledge of the world and the person and can be realised only at relative redundancy of system.Considering redundancy of individual systems (people, communities), it is possible to speak about functional directions of development: the same person is engaged both manufacture, and a science and art.
Speaking about use of manpower resources, we can tell - are used worthlessly: sounds cynically and severely.
- in consciousness and mankind history exists a considerable quantity of concepts which are unattainable: equality, happiness, a brotherhood, freedom... The unattainability Phenomenon is defined as uncertainty of the concepts accepted for the purposes of development, and their basic unattainability. At the same time unattainable concepts have the big sense in all interpretation as set a development direction (serve as a banner). There is also a practice of their application which destroys and brings to nothing directing action of these concepts. home