[an armour. voluntas - will] on 1) the philosophy recognising with a basis all real and motive power of any development blind, unreasonable (from our point of view - a bus) in the beginning - will; denies objective law in the nature and a society; it is used by bourgeois ideologists for a substantiation of military adventures and neo-fascism; 2) in psychology - the theory giving to strong-willed processes major importance in mental human life and belittling a role of reason.In our understanding voluntarism - a social system based on strong-willed decisions - commands, unlike objectively developing systems - feudalism, capitalism, socialism; the systems which are objectively being alien person - not гуманоидных systems. At the given approach the voluntarism orientation can be various: socialist, capitalist and...
The validity
- that exists really and irrespective of desire of the subject philosophising, mistaking and operating (nevertheless).The validity differs not only from all seeming, invented, fantastic and even logic, as though all it was perfectly, but also and from all possible, probable, but for the present not existing (the future reality?), as though it was not wrong and is unnecessary, i.e. the validity comes irrespective of desire of the philosophising subject.
Generally valid is that concerns the world of things, and possible - that concerns the world of ideas. In the subject world there is only valid, in consciousness of the person everything, that does not concern the process of thinking (physiology), exists only as possible.
Possible never becomes valid. Nevertheless, valid can resemble very much, in representation of the person, on possible, that, possibly, and has formed the basis for definition by some philosophers valid as carried out possible.
The validity - is real, the reality - is void.
The vital subjects
- for the man, for the woman, for all: medicine, cookery, a survival science, forecasting; proceeding from human nature: health, longevity, love, pleasure of a life; proceeding from social function: work, a recognition, the person among people, the person and a society, the person and the state.Interesting things: tourism, swimming, track and field athletics, psychological preparation.
Secondary things: the power, money. Reasonings can be continued, but the severe validity says that these vital subjects are important not for all and not simultaneously. Besides, for many some things secondary, being in a feedback chain, become things of the first necessity.
The vital scenario
- representations of the person how there will be his life that he will achieve. It is not necessary to confuse the vital scenario to dreams which also are sometimes realised. Generally the person can write the vital scenario absolutely meaningly and to realise it in practice: the so-called pragmatical approach.The voter
- naive enough member of a society, the interested a policy and believing that those people for whom it will vote:- Him will not deceive;
- More cleverly it in those or other questions;
- Will care of the blessing of all society;
- Are capable to resist concerning to негуманоидным to systems of technology of decision-making.
Despite some naivety, the voter is reputable as the person aspiring though something in this life to change peace by.