- one of fast ways of the decision not solved by rational methods (unsoluble at available level of the information, intelligence and public relations) the problems facing to group of people. Wars divide usually on fair and unfair....Will
- quality of human intelligence on which any freedom already many centuries argue, underlying psychology of inclinations of the person: ability of intelligence to pressure.The woman
- a being, much more pragmatic and purposeful, than the man. Possessing the best memory, the woman less often than the man uses reason as usually in advance knows how it is necessary to operate or what to speak. There is a legend, that women - beings more refined, spiritual, mental, than men - a legend which is not proving to be true with direct supervision. At the same time, being more purposeful, than men, women achieve an object in view is much more often.Now in a society there is some change of mentality. Men in the weight become more womanly in legendary sense, and women more reasonable. But extreme positions while remain for men.
The Bohensky connects two superstitions with women. "First, the woman sometimes consider as the person of the lowest grade, it is frequent even (as in the Koran) a being deprived of soul. Secondly, in the woman wish to see the man and in all assimilate to its last. The first prejudice so contradicts experience, that with it it is not necessary and to argue..... The society forcing the woman to a permanent job (?) out of the house, is doomed to �destruction".
Wished and valid
- the concepts characterising ability of human intelligence �to fool itself�. These concepts are closely connected with "ostrich's effect" when the individual does not wish to see reality (especially if it has come as a result of its own actions or inactivity, but does not exclude as well actions from external forces, especially when it is completely demoralised and has no constructive decisions of a situation), starts to live and operate in the world of words and irrational actions. When people conducted in gas chambers, they convinced themselves and others, that them conduct in a bath as so fascists spoke also.In a similar way public institutes of the present behave. In the conditions of approaching ecological and economic accidents irrational actions are made. The reason starts to be replaced with technology of decision-making.
What for? And why?
- The basic questions of existence of the top floors of biosphere (the person and a society). A question "what for?" Always is the basic question of human relations and a policy. Owing to limitation of resources and specificity of properties of human intelligence this question, finally, leads to idea of existence of the God; a question "why?" Is the basic question of a science.World picture
- there are things and concepts which, in turn, share on primary and secondary. Things is all that exists irrespective of the learning subject: a matter, space, time, the Universe (world), movement. Concepts is a mechanism of knowledge of the world, determined (defined) by properties of the learning subject.The person in knowledge system is concept primary - the subject learning. All world around the person (consciousness of the person?) learns exclusively by means of own feelings and intelligence, such what they it see (deform, allocate colours, etc.), all the rest grows out of processing (streamlining) of these signals in a type of information. Before philosophers always there was a question on a readout index point: that there are in the world such in which occasion we can not to doubt, that it really exists. Descartes has told: " I think - hence, I exist ". It is valid what the person can not doubt. All is necessary for calling the rest in question. The given thesis too call in question, a question only in that: how much it is constructive? We will ponder once again: for consciousness of the learning subject the device of knowledge of the world is he, its sense organs, its intelligence and in system of its knowledge it is primary. Experience of other people and mankind as a whole for it is secondary.
There is no subject of knowledge - there is no also an object of knowledge. It is obvious, and from the point of view of materialism as without the subject there is no also a knowledge. The statement about existence of object irrespective of presence of the subject at consecutive development of thought inevitably leads to a condition at which the knowledge starts to exist without its carrier, that is to idealism (in the accepted terminology). Errors of the materialists attacking idealists, in most cases consisted that them such thing, as knowledge fell, the concept is integral entering originally in pair concepts the subject and object without which dispute simply lost sense as there was any exarticulation by the discussing parties of considered systems. Usual "word-play" takes place. Concepts the subject and object make sense only with reference to a knowledge phenomenon. In other cases we deal with the world phenomena, its properties and its things. In that world already there are either no objects, or subjects.
Things exist irrespective of the learning subject and are self-sufficient, that is they or are or they are not present. Concepts are defined by features of human intelligence and for correct understanding of a picture of the world creation of the categories necessary to intelligence in their hierarchy demand. Thus the person "sees and defines" in the world as those things which really exist, for example, the Universe, a planet, a tree a stone, an animal, and what actually are not present, but they are necessary for it for more convenient orientation in a life: weather, a heap of grain, a grove, wood, the brother or sister, economy, biosphere, etc.
Generally for practical activities rigidity of categories not only is not required, but even is harmful, as holds down thinking and slows down movement of the learning subject to true (that there is it?). From the point of view of sciences (philosophy, etc.) and education systems in particular, at certain stages of their functioning, rigidity of categories is necessary, as provides more less adequate transfer of knowledge (experience).
In our representation the world picture is that: there is a space and time filled with a matter (the vacuum possessing certain properties which are necessary for studying and studying still), under action (influence) of time (or something other) in a matter arise or pressure disappear, waves (including standing) - appear weeding and substance, (simple systems) possessing certain properties. Substance and fields accept all possible conditions and create a considerable quantity of the difficult systems possessing still a considerable quantity of properties (and conditions). One of these properties is influence of a previous condition of area of space on its future condition (relationship of cause and effect) that is a basis of all information processes - a memory prototype. As substance and fields accept all possible conditions in the Universe there are areas where communications between previous and subsequent conditions on micro-and macrolevels are steady enough - "advancing reflexion of the validity" in the steady structured world, area where there are information systems takes place. The further change of structure of the world in these areas (in our case on a planet the Earth) occurs already under the influence of these information systems, begins their joint evolution (space and information systems) - there is a life.
Way of life
- rigid enough sequence of actions in behaviour of the person, defined by its social standing.Washing of brains
- the term of times of "cold war" (the period of development of a civilisation since 1945 on 1985) By which action of the western mass propagation on the average western inhabitant was designated. The analysis of events in our country after 1985 and especially shows 1991, that communistic propagation, in comparison with techniques of washing of the brains, developed and widely used in so-called "civilised countries", "the third world" and strenuously applied then in our territory including to readers of the present text, is primitive and "poor". At the heart of a technique of washing of brains the clear understanding of lays that the usual person can be carried to beings reasonable with very big stretch as, most likely, is the being possessing very good memory. Therefore "pawn to it in memory that is necessary for you, and try to do it in the form which is not subject to logic or reasonable check", use peculiar to human intelligence laziness and ����������� thinking, lie as much as possible that the person has got tired of lie, struggle against it and has reconciled. According to the concept of washing of brains on screens of TVs, pages of newspapers, counters of shops are thrown out the diversified strong files of the information on: to the neolearnt flying objects, an astrology, religion, sex, a policy, detectives, thrillers, etc. which create in a head of the person variety of information self-sufficient areas of processing information (mosaic), each of which is the "Universe" allowing thought not to be beyond of the outlined circle. It is possible to name conditionally such things "a theme for conversation" or "a theme for thinking". Creation is enough considerable quantity of similar things: Multiseries television films, agiotage transfers, sex-and the pornoindustry distract an active part of the population (youth and people of middle age) from reflexions on valid vital topics, create the world of illusions, help to "kill" time and is serene (an interesting word serenely which has a synonym: resignedly) to reach from the moment of a birth a grave. In general realise well-known still ancient a principle "bread and shows" which was then it is replaced by religious humility and a deceit.In most this idea can be and there would be nothing bad if it did not conduct mankind to accident as means, that somewhere there, "above", there are people (gods) which all know, all understand also all will provide (so-called professionals and politicians).
The similar position as likes to speak J.Bohensky [7], is superstition, moreover, harmful superstition.
Will power
- moral quality closely connected with the education, allowing the person to bridle a free will which goes usually on an occasion at inclinations and desires of the person.Word
- a sign; for us the word is the password (key) allowing from area of consciousness to enter into area of subconsciousness (subroutine), connected with some volume of concept. The word is also a command starting this or that program of action of the person. Generally the concept a word allows to consider the person in the form of the biological robot.Bible phrase "in the beginning there was a word" is interesting, as under the theory of information systems in the beginning lives there was an information, and the word as a sign with which help information systems operate against each other, is an element which is close-standing to concept the information.
Because the word enters intelligence and attention into area of the concepts, one of the most urgent problems of modern mass media is the distortion of a meaning and an exception of words of use.
Natural problem of an education system is returning of sense of words, i.e. the education system problem to resist to mass-media.
Generally, any word - a category.
- necessary and sufficient for existence of a thing set of events and properties of the world.Our definition: the Way - set of conditions of existence of a thing. For the engineer the way is a sequence of actions and conditions. Further goes: a way of manufacturing..., a way of preservation..., a way of increase..., a way of decrease... Something.
Associative chain: a question - "as?", "in what way?", the answer - "only so!".