The youth
- rather specific category of the population of a planet which knows thanks to a perfect education system (school, library, mass media much enough), but is not able yet, probably, that has not learnt, to think and does not possess mature, that is deeply thought over, moral principles.The youth usually does not possess as well life experience as itself still anything creative in a life (owing to a youth) has not made, and observed of actions of other people from the party and saw in their actions mainly misses (that is normal as in a new sphere of activity the person makes all possible mistakes - see, for example, Laws Паркинсона). Owing to it the youth possesses huge destructive potential, that many millenia were stabilised by a society not giving it to develop.
Last centuries the youth actively participates in manufacture system that was, on visible, one of the reasons of scientific and technical revolution, and in a political life of a society, that at exclusive high efficiency of work including in the field of destruction similar, becomes dangerous to mankind as a whole.
Usually young people are considered till 33-35 years (age of the Christ). As people of such age do not possess, as a rule adequate thinking and outlook constitutions of some the countries, proceeding from bitter experience, do not allow them to hold the higher state posts, and in the suffrage limit till 20-22 years, etc.
Characteristic indirect sign confirming correctness of the stated position (immaturity of youth till 35 years) are a cultural revolution in China (when the rate has been made on young), and reorganisation in the USSR (when for work in "new" including criminal structures "have set" young men - not possessing, naturally, due moral principles, feeling of patriotism, wisdom).
On [7]. "In the middle of XIX century there was a popular belief, that young men, even teenagers, are in every respect better, wiser etc. than adult people.
And still opinion on the absolute superiority of youth - on what not based error. Each age has merits and demerits. Young men, for example, are more dynamical, than adults, but are less skilled, concede to adults in force of character. The best age of the person not a youth and not an old age, and a maturity, and only at this age people should hold supervising posts. From this, naturally, does not follow, that they should not listen to councils young and especially old men ".
Youth and students - the society part, differing that: - Is engaged in development of own intelligence;
- Prepares for the future activity in a society;
- Tests in separate kinds of activity;
- Knows more few, but already badly owns the device "reason";
- Changes own quality, passing from a mode "world studying" in a mode "world transformations".